LWTG (Novel) Chapter 553

Side Story 29

"The 25th-floor Administrator raised his shield.

It was to protect his own body from the flying Ru Yi Bang.



Due to the long battle, he had also realized.

"… Ruyi."

That he couldn't block Son OhGong's Ru Yi Bang with his own shield.



The Administrator flew along with the shield.

His horse was already a corpse, buried somewhere beneath the piles of rocks beneath him.


He flew backward with the extended shield.

The Ru Yi Bang seemed to be chasing the Administrator to the end of the world.


Brute force applied to the Ru Yi Bang with a roar.

Flying towards Son OhGong, whose eyes were squinted, the Administrator showed a look of confusion from his partially destroyed helmet.


A body finally hit by the Ru Yi Bang and stuck to the ground.

The impact on his back was extraordinary.

The armor deformed, and the impact transmitted directly to his torso.

He could feel his body crunching a bit.

The impact received from the Ru Yi Bang was gradually accumulating, and at some point, he was finding it difficult to control his body.

'He is strong.'

That was the impression he had of the battle with Son OhGong.

There was nothing more to say.

Son OhGong was strong.

Much stronger than expected.

'His strength exceeds our expectations.'

Jeok, jeok-.

He felt Son OhGong's presence approaching.

'That's also much more than I feared.'


The Administrator slowly stood up, pushing aside the rocks and debris covering him with his hands.

A collapsed roof.

The house where the Administrator fell was so destroyed that it was unrecognizable.

The cloudy sky could be seen through the hole in the roof.

Somewhere in the sky.

Son OhGong, who had chased the Administrator to the village, asked with the Ru Yi Bang hanging from his shoulder.

"Why make such a fuss about imitating Odin? You surprised me."

The spear thrown by the Administrator.

It clearly resembled the Gungnir Odin threw.

Of course, even with the same item, its power varied greatly depending on the user.

The Administrator's spear was an example.

It was an imitation weapon of Gungnir, but its power was inferior to the Gungnir Son OhGong knew.

Of course.

"No, to be precise, Gungnir was created from your spear."

It is not always true that the strongest is the original.

Odin's Gungnir became the most powerful spear not only because of the item's power but mainly because the one wielding it was Odin.

Administrators existed from the time when Players, long before Odin, were active.

So, naturally, it was very likely that the spear used by the Administrator had a longer history than Gungnir.

"You're quite clever in this regard."

"In this regard? I'm just..."


The sound reached Son OhGong's ears, who was about to swing the Ru Yi Bang again.

The Administrator and Son OhGong's eyes turned at the same time to the source of the sound.


A small child who looked about 7 years old.

Son OhGong hesitated for a moment as he looked at the crying child under the collapsed house.

And in that brief moment...

"It's unexpected."


The Administrator's spear pierced Son OhGong's shoulder.

"The Great Sage, Heaven's Equal doubts in a place like this..."

He had gained a small advantage.

That's what the Administrator thought, but soon he realized he was wrong.


Son OhGong's hands grabbed the spear that had pierced him.

Moreover, the spear that was supposed to have pierced his shoulder had not managed to go through completely.

It didn't pierce.

In that fleeting moment...

Son OhGong, who had been watching the child, caught the approaching Administrator's spear with a quick movement.

A truly amazing reflex.

Even with the help of Golden Cinder Eyes, it was something worthy of admiration.

In this situation, he needed to create distance again.

The Administrator immediately exerted force to retrieve the spear.


"...It hurts."

Son OhGong's hands holding the spear began to bleed.

Son OhGong bared his teeth at the blood flowing from his shoulder.

A fierce aura began to emanate from him.

It seemed like at any moment he would start tearing with his claws and wield the Ru Yi Bang mercilessly.

However, his gaze still turned towards the crying child.

"Hey, kid."

"Sob, uh..."

"Stop crying and tell me, where are your mom and dad?"


Son OhGong's eyes scanned the remains of the collapsed building.

"It seems they're not here..."

"Mom... Dad..."

"Yeah, yeah. Where did mom and dad go? You can talk, right?"

"Mom... outside... dad is dead..."

"Mom went out, and dad was never here?"

Son OhGong sighed as he watched the child nod.

"It seems I've also caught the Hercules bastard's habit. Everything catches my attention."


The spear that had stuck in Son OhGong's shoulder came off.

Reluctantly wiping away the blood, Son OhGong approached the crying child on the ground.

Annoyance blossomed on his face, which seemed happy since he was in the middle of a fight.

"Do you think you can fight while protecting that meatball?"

I acknowledge that Son OhGong is strong.

But he was an Administrator.


But he was an Administrator.

Protecting someone while fighting, and moreover, such a fragile child who seemed like he would disappear with a single blow, was madness.

"Hey, that's what I'm going to do."

OhGong lifted the child lying on the ground and placed him on his shoulder.

In the face of that absurd reaction, the Administrator aimed his spear at Son OhGong again.

"It seems you've become arrogant after winning a few battles."

"Ah... really?"

Son OhGong turned around and looked at the Administrator.

"That guy said it. That Administrators are weaker the lower they are."

The pupils of the Administrator, visible through the helmet's slits, stirred at those words.

Administrators on lower floors are weaker.

That was something not even the Envoys knew.

However, the fact that The Great Sage, Heaven's Equal knew it was bewildering.


The Administrator stopped mid-sentence. Continuing to speak would only mean admitting that Son OhGong's words were true.

"You're only from the 25th floor, right? That's why..."

A mocking smile appeared on Son OhGong's face.

And at the same time...

Bang, boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless clones of Son OhGong appeared, filling the sky and the earth.

"Do you expect me to suddenly have difficulties fighting you just to protect this brat?"

The eyes of the main body of Son OhGong, controlling the clones, now shone with Yokai Energy.

"Even the wanderers these days don't use such clichéd stories."


The stadium was struck by a Lightning Bolt.

The place was completely different from the stadium they were in a few minutes ago.

"...A complete mess."

"And a big one."

The stands were collapsed, and the stadium floor was blackened and burnt.

The flames burning in various places didn't seem to easily extinguish.

In that brief moment, the participants experienced a mix of emotions.

The sudden Lightning Bolt...

Those who had sunk into the ground, oppressed by its immense Arcane Power, thought they were really going to die.


"A-Are we alive?"


The participants who had temporarily lost their sight due to the blinding light raised their heads.

And what stretched before their eyes was a quite familiar sight.

"A mirror?"


The mirror shield created by Tsukuyomi. That shield had blocked the Lightning Bolt falling from the sky.

"What happened?"

"Suddenly, the Administrator appears, Zeus's Lightning Bolt falls... and then Tsukuyomi blocks it..."

"Damn. This is a complete mess."

Crack, crunch~

The mirror quickly broke.

In an instant, a freezing cold filled the stadium.

Hargan looked at Tsukuyomi with eyes of doubt.

'What happened?'

She was undoubtedly a High-Ranker.

In terms of her current strength, she was probably much stronger than him.

However, even so, the strength she had just shown was not convincing.

She had blocked Taishang Laojun's attack and protected the participants from Zeus's Lightning Bolt.

The things she had done a moment ago were difficult even if the Three Precious Children gathered.

That means...

'Is it thanks to the Three Sacred Relics?'

The Three Sacred Relics.

The objects that the Three Precious Children, including Tsukuyomi, had been searching for a long time, scattered throughout the Tower.

According to the story from a few days ago, all of them should be in Tsukuyomi's hands.

'It's lucky for us, but...'

Hargan's gaze, which had confirmed that the participants were safe, turned upwards.

More than ten thousand Envoys. With the appearance of these guys, Zeus's Lightning Bolt had fallen.

'I guess they're about to die.'

Sizzle, craack.

First of all, the target of the Lightning Bolt was not the participants below.

The Lightning Bolt had struck the Envoys hiding in the clouds.

And Zeus's Lightning Bolt was specialized in dealing with large crowds.

And as a result...

'...Many have died.'

The number of Envoys that had filled the stadium until recently had been considerably reduced.

Most Envoys had fallen to the ground, charred.

The surviving Envoys barely numbered a few hundred.

The visible number had been significantly reduced.

"We might as well try... right?"

"It seems like Zeus is on our side..."

"And also Celestial Realm."

"We have no choice but to fight."

Voices filled with hope.

However, they were ignorant voices.

'These Rankers are really shortsighted.'

Hargan shook his head.

'More than the number of Envoys, those three remaining are what matters.'

The three Administrators full of anger.

They were the core of this fight.

"Has it already begun?"

Heavy steps~

Immediately after the Lightning Bolt fell, Pandora, she, appeared in the stadium.

The eyes of the participants widened in surprise at her appearance.

Under normal circumstances, they would have bothered her for an autograph or something, but the current situation was not conducive to that.

Toc, toc.

"Can we fight now? Yu..."

Pandora, about to say his name while looking at YuWon's back, tilted her head.


It was noticeable that she had changed YuWon's name hastily, but there was no one who noticed.


YuWon nodded without turning his head. His gaze was fixed on the three Administrators floating in the sky.

And among them...

"You, take care of that one over there."

YuWon pointed at one on the right.

An Administrator with a skeletal body dressed in a robe.

The opponent was an Administrator.

However, if Tsukuyomi, Pandora, Lee Ye, and Hargan, who had obtained the Three Sacred Relics, formed a team, they should be able to deal with a lower-level Administrator.

Asura was currently fighting Taishang Laojun.

'One should be possible for them.'

The other High-Rankers, including Tsukuyomi, needed to adapt to fighting Administrators one-on-one.


As expected, Hargan reacted with disbelief.

Even Tsukuyomi, who had obtained the Three Sacred Relics, felt intrigued.

"What do you plan to do with the other two?"

"What else?"

At that question, YuWon looked at the two remaining Administrators.

Due to the Lightning Bolt that had fallen from the sky and the mist disguising the spectators, the Administrators' attention on YuWon was at its peak.

"It seems you have a lot of questions, but we'll have to greet each other in person."


(Up to '95' more ch4pt3rs)
Publication of up to 6 weekly ch4pters, thanks.


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