LWTG (Novel) Chapter 542

Side Story 18


A short man with a long white and stiff beard, he was a Ranker who had barely climbed the Tower to the top.

Of course, being a Ranker already demonstrated some talent, but in the world of Rankers, he was just an ordinary character with nothing special.

However, his real talent was in a completely different place.

"Strength cannot be quantified by numbers alone."

He found his strength elsewhere.

"The same goes for points, can't they be quantified?"

From that moment, Pluto began accumulating money like crazy.

Leaning on Olympus, he monopolized the supply of food from various Floors.

Major foods like rice, wheat, and corn fell into his hands.

In this way, by monopolizing distribution, it didn't take long before he amassed an exorbitant amount of points.

Starting his meteoric ascent, he soon ranked among the High-Rankers, and Olympus, now dependent on him for food supply, attempted to intervene.


"I prefer to leave Olympus."

Pluto, as if he no longer needed their support, left Olympus on his own.

Even after that, he continued expanding his business empire.

The richer he became, the higher his Ranking climbed.

Ranking 103.

With the massive amount of points he accumulated, he became a High-Ranker on the verge of reaching a double-digit ranking.

"Why is Pluto here?"

"That guy who wouldn't even look twice if it wasn't something that made him money..."

"Is he coveting the prize?"

"5 million points are money for that guy?"

Of course, 5 million points were a considerable amount, but for Pluto, it was an insignificant amount, no more and no less.

So, the reason Pluto participated in this tournament was...

"Is he coveting the position of General Chief?"

About a hundred participants surrounded Pluto.

For anyone looking at them, it was evident they were protecting Pluto and harassing the other participants.

Each of them was a warrior with the strength of a Ranker.

It was impossible to imagine how many points would be needed to have them all under his control as lackeys.

"Everyone, leave the competition. If you do, nothing will happen to you."

Faced with Pluto's intimidation, someone stepped forward decisively.

"Even if you climb like that, you'll never win."

An admirable boldness even in front of a hundred Rankers.

Creating dozens of Mana Spheres around him, he demonstrated his willingness to fight at any moment. (Note: Previously called: Mana Cannon)

"I've seen that guy somewhere..."

"Lee Seong Yun?"

"It's Lee Seong Yun!"

"A companion of Hargan?"

Participants who recognized the man exclaimed.

Lee Seong-Yun.

A genius who ascended the Tower alongside Hargan, recognized as one of the fastest climbers in history among Rankers.

He was known for his artistic mastery of Mana Spheres.

"I've heard of Lee Seong Yun. Although his name isn't as famous as Hargan's."

Pluto didn't flinch even at the appearance of Lee Seong Yun.

After all, this Great Celestial War was a battlefield for Rankers aspiring to the position of General Chief of the Celestial Realm.

It wasn't surprising that a Ranker like Lee Seong Yun appeared, and even if he were a higher Ranker, it wouldn't be unusual.

Instead, he felt disappointed.

"But I don't understand why they're so surprised. Seeing how amazed they are at a kid like that, I can see the level of this seed."

A mocking smile formed on Pluto's lips. His gaze toward the participants surrounding him, including Lee Seong Yun, was no different from the one given to a beast or an insect.

"No wonder. Most of the talented participants are on that side."

"You didn't come to this side either?"

"I flatly refused. I said I didn't need more companions."

"How foolish."

"Now that I think about it, I haven't heard the reason."


"Why are you still recruiting unnecessary companions? What benefit do you get from winning here?"

Lee Seong Yun's doubt was valid.

After all, it was Pluto who participated in an event without a monetary reward.

"It's about the Ranking."


"I am the richest in this Tower. Even the residents of the first floor know it."

Lee Seong Yun nodded.

His wealth was recognized by everyone, to the point where they called him "Pluto's pocket" for his inexhaustible wealth.

"It all started after that. My Ranking stopped rising. No matter how many points I accumulated or how much richer I became, my ranking remained stagnant."


That word shook the foundations of the public image held for Pluto until now.

"What I need now isn't points. It's greater honor, status. And the title of General Chief of Celestial Realm, isn't that a pretty good title?"

What he really sought wasn't points or gold coins. What Pluto craved was the greatest value that all Tower Rankers pursued:

The Ranking.

He had amassed wealth solely because it was the only way to climb the Ranking.

Moreover, this Trial was guaranteed by the System.

Even Celestial Realm couldn't revoke the reward of an already established Trial.

Whether they liked it or not, Celestial Realm would have no choice but to hand over the position of General Chief to the winner.

"Just by obtaining the position of General Chief, my ranking will definitely increase. Celestial Realm, in need of my wealth, won't be able to get rid of me easily either."

Use money to get the position of General Chief and then use that position to climb the Ranking.

It was a proposal that shook the foundations of the Tournament.

After all, the Tournament organized by Celestial Realm sought only one thing: strength.

"It's a good strategy."

"Do you trust that arrogant Olympus behind you?"

"I only trust my own ability."


The number of Mana Spheres increased.

Dozens, approaching a hundred.

In terms of numbers alone, his ability to control mana brought him close to a High-Ranker.

In the face of Lee Seong Yun's ability, a reddish aura shone in Pluto's eyes.

"Let's see that great ability of yours."

With a gesture of Pluto's hand, the participants he had hired began to move.

Unlike before, the look he directed at Lee Seong Yun was pure fierceness.

Relying on an insignificant talent...

Lee Seong Yun.

He was known as Hargan's companion and a new member of Olympus.

However, he was not a mere opportunist relying on his connections, as Pluto had disdainfully insinuated. Lee Seong Yun's ability to control mana was said to surpass even that of Hargan. His capacity to freely control over a hundred Mana Spheres was almost divine, and in time, he could become one of the most important High-Rankers.

Ironically, that dazzling talent was what blinded Pluto.

'That talent will devour you.'

The talented.

They were Pluto's greatest enemies.


Along with a sharp flash, dozens of weapons and abilities flew towards Lee Seong Yun.

Attacks flying at irregular speeds and directions.

The moment Lee Seong Yun's eyes scanned the surroundings, a Mana Sphere flew towards him.

Kwa kwa kwa kwaang-!

Abilities and participants were quickly intercepted.

Seeing how Lee Seong Yun single-handedly stopped the participants hired by Pluto, other participants were stirred.

"Could we... try it?"

"If it weren't for that Ranker over there..."

Lee Seong Yun's ability to face multiple opponents was considerable.

Although the power of each Mana Sphere was nothing extraordinary, the ability to control them was almost divine.

A skill optimized to confront a large number of opponents of medium skill.

The brief moment created by Lee Seong Yun ignited hope in the hearts of participants on the opposite side of Pluto.

"We can do it!"

"There are many more of us! Right?"

"Damn it! Yes, let's just get into the top 8."

"First, let's eliminate those guys."

Participants who didn't give up joined Lee Seong Yun.

Lee Seong Yun positioned himself at the front to block Pluto's participants, while other participants dealt with enemies approaching Lee Seong Yun.

"They are more resilient than I thought."

At that moment...

After several minutes of tense battle, Pluto looked at the other participants surrounding him.

"Could you step forward?"

The five participants escorting Pluto.

One of them nodded and replied.


"Thank you. I'll give you a good bonus."

"Just make sure that Elixir is fine. If it's not, you'll be the first to get a bullet in the head."

"Of course. Don't worry."


A man with long hair stepped forward with a warning.

"Being able to hire that guy was a stroke of luck."

Seeing him pull out the bow, Pluto sneered.

'Victory is mine. Poor idiots.'



Strangely conspicuous steps. In this chaotic battlefield, they seemed completely out of place.

He felt relaxed.

And that was a greater threat to Lee Seong Yun than anything else.

"Who are you?"

"-Lee Ye."

The man pulled an arrow from his quiver on his back and introduced himself.

"My name is Lee Ye."

"...Lee Ye?"

Lee Seong Yun's eyes widened.

Lee Ye.

Any self-respecting Ranker had heard of him.

A Ranker without a Guild, operating alone and unaffiliated with anyone.

Nevertheless, he maintained a two-digit ranking, albeit right on the edge, at position 99.

"Why someone like you...?"

"I won't tell you twice..."

Geureuk, geureuk, geureuk-.

Lee Ye's bowstring slowly tightened.

"I also have my pride."

The arrowhead aimed at Lee Seong Yun's throat.

"So surrender. I don't want to trample on a sprout that's beginning to grow."

"I will if you go up. You're one of the candidates who can win this tournament."

Lee Ye was undoubtedly a Ranker with the potential to become the General Chief.

Even without participating much, he maintained a high ranking at position 99.

If he joined Celestial Realm and started participating actively, his ranking would undoubtedly rise dozens of positions in the blink of an eye.



Since he was on Pluto's side, Lee Seong Yun couldn't back down.

"At the same time, I'll also aim at the fat pig behind you."

"What a shame."

"What do you mean?"

"That a pig like that and a diamond like you die together."

Lee Ye smiled bitterly.

"But you'll understand, right? Because of my circumstances, I can't let that pig die."

Lee Ye's bowstring gradually loosened.

In the slowly flowing time.

Lee Seong Yun's eyes focused solely on Pluto, who was behind him.

'I'm not going to die.'

It was Pluto who was manipulating Lee Ye.

If he managed to eliminate that guy, the situation could change.

Dodge Lee Ye's arrow and attack Pluto.

Lee Seong Yun concentrated a large number of Mana Spheres at a single point for that purpose.

"The moment you shoot the arrow."


"I will also aim at his neck."

At the moment the intricately interwoven Mana Spheres emitted a thunderous sound...


Lee Ye's arrow was released with a surprisingly small sound.

Very different from what was expected.


From Lee Seong Yun's mouth, who couldn't react to the approaching arrow, came a voice of bewilderment.

Lee Ye's arrow was known to pierce mountains and cross the moon and sun in the sky.

Who would have imagined it would fly with such a weak sound?

It was already too late to move the Mana Spheres concentrated in a single point.

The arrow flew straight towards Lee Seong Yun's throat.

And at that moment...

"You have grown a lot."



A sword that interposed itself in Lee Seong Yun's field of vision cut Lee Ye's arrow in half.


(Up to '95' more ch4pt3rs)
Publication of up to 6 weekly ch4pters, thanks.


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