IWDFLSB (Novel) Chapter 161




Arsia walked out confidently and snatched the piece of stone from Liena's hand.

Shwaaa. It shone as brightly as when Liena used it.

People sighed with relief at seeing that.

"—That's right."

"—As expected, Arsia-nim can't be false!"

No matter what they said, it was Arsia whom the people of the empire revered as a saint.

"—Wait, but that..."

At that moment, Isaac muttered a question under his breath as if he were talking to himself.

"Don't you think the light is a little dimmer than when Liena used it?"

"Is it?"

Roland tilted his head, but I also felt that way.

However, it was a subtle difference, and few people seemed to have noticed it in the chaotic atmosphere of the courtroom.

Moreover, observing Arsia's confident demeanor, it seemed that such a thing was not a big issue.

"Personally, I don't think it's worth answering, but since someone as high-ranking as a cardinal is involved, it's necessary to reveal the truth to the world."



Morton shuddered and called out to her, but the saint ignored him, looked around the crowd, and declared.

"In three days, we will hold an event to reveal who the true saint is between this woman and me! Let's open the verification door one by one in front of you all!"

The people were shocked by the surprising announcement.

"—Verification door?"

"—Was that something that could be made public?"

The Verification Door had never been revealed to the public for almost a hundred years.

This was because the rule was that the verification process for saint candidates was to be carried out in secret within the main sanctuary.

"As expected, Arsia is the true saint. If she were false, there would be no way she would suggest verifying the sanctity in that manner." Hearts of those who thought so gradually turned towards Arsia.

The cardinal Morton's complexion turned pale as if he had read the trend, but there was only one person who was relaxed.

"Fine. I'll be happy to do it."

Liena, with a sincere smile on her face, gracefully responded.

It was an expression that exuded confidence that she would never lose.

After that, the emperor himself stepped forward and abdicated his position.

"The trial will resume once the sanctity verification is complete."

With that brief remark, the people gathered in the open-air courtroom dispersed.

Although some people felt disappointed by the senseless conclusion of the trial, many vanished, stirring up a scandal in anticipation of the saint verification that would take place in a few days.

"Oh? And her father?"

I quickly got up to leave, but I couldn't see Roland in the back seat.

Isaac, who had been drinking wine, shrugged.

"In case Liena is truly a saint, he went to pack and said he should flee abroad."

"...That was fast."

"He's a quick action person."

No matter how you looked at it, he was the kind of person who would be the first to betray and flee if his allies were at a disadvantage in war.

"What about you? Don't you have to avoid it?"

"Well. Honestly, in my opinion, Liena seems more like a saint than Arsia... As strange as it may seem, I'm actually not afraid."

He looked at me with a smile.

"For some reason, it seems our viscountess Lucibiu has a plan. Isn't she going to set that plan in motion now?"

"Well. Just wait and see."

After giving a vague response with a smile, I left the open-air courtroom.

When they arrived at the carriage, Jack came and reported Terence's whereabouts.

"His Highness departed first for the imperial palace, accompanied by His Majesty the Emperor."

They must have been busy since they had much to discuss due to this situation. For now, I have no choice but to act alone.

"Do you want me to take you to the annex?"

"No. Please go to the temple."

I sat down and answered the coachman's questions.

The place where the saint lived was deep within the main temple.

"It's not possible. Currently, the saint is not allowed to meet strangers without permission."

A woman dressed in priestly robes firmly shook her head in front of me when I asked to meet Arsia.

She was Arsia's closest confidante, and we knew each other well.

The last time I came to see Arsia with Terence's help, this person guided me.

"Ask the saint. I made an appointment last time."

"Perhaps it was so back then, but now the saint is facing a serious problem. If she meets a stranger and ends up being deceived..."

But she couldn't continue speaking.

"What are you doing, detaining my guest?"

This was because Arsia appeared in person.

"Viscountess Lucibiu, welcome."

"Saint, no! Didn't His Holiness, the Holy Father, tell you to be careful?"

"Although I respect His Holiness, he is not my superior. There is no obligation to unconditionally follow what is said."

"There are many people in the temple who are not pleased with the viscountess because of the price of magic stones. If it were known that the saint had met this person at such an important time..."

"Enough, Priestess Artan. What kind of rudeness is this in front of my guest?"

When the saint forcefully came out, Priestess Artan kept her mouth shut as if she had no other choice.

"Please come this way."

With Arsia's guidance, I walked to the saint's residence.

Before entering the carefully decorated living room, I looked back and said.

"I would like to speak with the saint alone."

Priestess Artan, who had been following us as if it were natural, stiffened in surprise.

"Well, but there is also a security issue..."

"Take care of other matters, Priestess Artan."

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