LWTG (Novel) Chapter 305



Lightning bolts fell in all directions.

The scattered bolts, like rain, converged in an instant and aimed at a point.

The lightning spread across the body of Despair That Reaches The Skies.

Chi-ji, chi-jik-.

Zeus, clad in a suit of lightning, stood in the sky and gazed at Despair.


The reaction came at that moment.

Completely burnt Despair opened its mouth and began expelling something from within.

A grotesque scene.

If he hadn't known, he would have panicked.

"That guy was really right."

How the hell did he know?


The lightning gathered in Zeus's hands.

In an instant, Zeus formed a giant golden spear and arched his body.

The throwing posture.

Thus, in the next moment, the tip of the spear released from Zeus's hand flew toward the head of Despair.


The sharp spear tip pierced through Despair's neck.

No, it seemed to have pierced through.


Until something fell to the ground.

Zeus was already looking at the creature that had fallen to the ground outside the mouth of Despair.


Slowly, it began to rise.

A chilling sensation scratched and passed through his skin. Not only Zeus, but the other two Gods also felt the same.

Zeus found two people looking at him.


Poseidon and Hades nodded in response to Zeus's greeting.

The situation of having to fight together certainly felt strange to them.

But they had no other choice.

In the current situation, they couldn't display their pride.


The demon (demonic creature) writhing on the ground stood up.

With purple skin, it seemed that Despair That Reaches The Skies had decreased in size.

Zeus and the other two had one thought when they saw it.

[Despair That Falls to The Earth]

The enemy's name was decided by those who saw it.

Interestingly, everyone who saw the enemy had the same image in mind.

Despair That Falls to The Earth.

Zeus looked at the guy and muttered.

"How pitiful."

Despair That Falls to The Earth, like a newborn, lifted its head and looked at Zeus with an expressionless face.

And at that moment...


A prepared lightning bolt struck Despair.

And at that moment...


Zeus's golden eyes reflected the face of Despair up close.



Zeus's body burst. His body transformed into lightning disappeared and reappeared beside Poseidon and Hades.

Zeus had a surprised expression on his face.

"Are you alright?"

"...He's a fast one."

Hades and Poseidon were equally astonished.

Although they were at a considerable distance, they couldn't see how their opponent moved.


Zeus wiped the blood running down his cheek with his hand.

A fairly deep wound.

If he had been injured, that meant the guy's attack had pierced through his armor.

It wasn't as perfect as Indra's, but it was supposed to be strong enough not to be easily pierced.

"He's dangerous."

Zeus's words made the other two even more alert.

To them, Zeus had always been a sort of impenetrable wall. Although he had lost his power along with the Lightning, he eventually captured Indra and regained his former strength.

But now, from Zeus's mouth came the word "dangerous."

"We need to take positions."

Zeus's words were met with nods from Poseidon and Hades.

They hadn't needed a team before. But this time, the situation was a bit, no, very different.

Among the three, who had strong personalities, Zeus was the strongest. It was natural for him to say those words.

Naturally, Poseidon stepped forward.

"I'll be in the front."

It had been a long time coming.

The three brothers formed a team and ascended the Tower.

Until they became Rankers, their roles were clearly defined.

Poseidon would be on the front defense, Hades would support Poseidon, and Zeus would perform long-range attacks with his spear.

It was an event so distant that even the memories became blurred, but each of them knew their roles clearly.

"It's been a long time. Really long."

Hades's chest swelled with excitement, even if it was for an unexpected enemy.

They had reunited as the Three Gods, who had grown apart at some point. Following their respective positions, the three began to move.

To capture the enemy Outer God.



A thick giant tree broke in an instant and fell backward.

Sun Wukong, wielding the Ruyi Bang, quickly turned his head to search for Foolish Chaos.

There was a line above his head.

At the same time...


He turned his head and the end of Sun Wukong's Ruyi Bang pointed again.



The Ruyi Bang rose towards the sky. Foolish Chaos, who had been dodging the strikes, twisted his body in a strange direction to avoid the Ruyi Bang.

Sun Wukong's expression frowned at that movement.

As if something didn't please him, Sun Wukong visibly furrowed his brow and muttered.

"Are you an eel?"

Sun Wukong's hand raised upward.

A hazy mist passed through the trees.


A white glow surged from the ground. Foolish Chaos, moving to evade Sun Wukong, momentarily stopped in the face of the magic contained within.

"You won't be able to dodge this."


The clouds turned into dark clouds.

"Hit him."


Following Sun Wukong's shout, hundreds of lightning bolts shot up into the sky from within the clouds.



The rain of lightning that scattered from the ground to the sky left no empty spaces.

After a dazzling bolt.

Foolish Chaos's body turned torn. His robe was soaked in blood, and holes formed where the lightning pierced through his body.

But only until there.


The holes in his body closed at such a fast speed that they were almost invisible to the naked eye.

Sun Wukong silently observed that scene.

He didn't show surprise. It seemed he knew this would happen.

Indeed, Sun Wukong was so calm that he turned his head to look elsewhere.

"What do you want?"

Asked Foolish Chaos, whose body had returned to normal.

At first, it was Sun Wukong who seemed to rush at him as if to kill him. Undoubtedly, until that moment, Sun Wukong's eyes reflected determination and anger.

But at some point...

Foolish Chaos felt that Sun Wukong's reaction, rushing at him, turned lukewarm and apathetic, as if it had cooled down.

A reaction that felt like hitting empty air.

From that moment on, Foolish Chaos began to question the purpose of Sun Wukong.

"Your death."

Sun Wukong's words conveyed no falsehood.

Although he didn't have the ability to discern truth from lies like the Golden Cinder Eyes, Foolish Chaos trusted his own eyes and ears.

He wasn't fooled by lies from someone like Sun Wukong. There was not a trace of deceit in those words.


"That's not your immediate goal."

Sun Wukong wasn't frantically running to achieve what he wanted right at this moment, despite having the desire.

He was looking further into the big picture.

If it were the original Sun Wukong, he would have only sought what lay directly in front of him, but now he had a brilliant mind attached to him.

"I don't know."

When Sun Wukong responded, avoiding eye contact with a frustrated expression, Foolish Chaos finally had certainty in his thoughts.

He wasn't trying to kill him in this place.

"They made me waste too much time."

It was because he was too cautious of that guy's Golden Cinder Eyes.

"Although I still have cards I can play..."


A strike sounded.

A palm blocking the view.


Foolish Chaos's body turned into a mirage and disappeared from the scene. He averted his gaze from Sun Wukong's grip and heard the thunder in the distance.

"With two of them on that side, it's enough."

From the beginning, his plan was to include the three Gods and Kim YuWon.

Although Sun Wukong interfered, Kim YuWon was still here.

Although the picture had changed, the outcome wasn't bad. Since his first target was Zeus, he had achieved the mission's objective.

Furthermore, the situation had been altered by the variable called the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal.

He didn't need to expect anything more than that.

"I don't need to spend more points than these."

He was satisfied with the three Gods, including Zeus.

At the moment Foolish Chaos made a firm decision...

Chi-zhik, chi-zhik-.

In the distance, he could feel YuWon's Arcane Power, who was charging his spear.

Dark energy accumulated at the tip of the spear. With eyes like OhGong's, YuWon's spear couldn't be ignored by Foolish Chaos.



The direction of the spear tip changed.


Undoubtedly, until recently, Kim YuWon was looking at him, but suddenly he was looking in another direction.

The direction to which the spear tip pointed...

It was towards the Despair fighting against the Three Gods.

'It can't be.'

Undoubtedly, it seemed that both YuWon and Son OhGong had been searching for him from the beginning.

Both had used their Golden Cinder Eyes to find his location. Foolish Chaos thought that their goal was obviously to capture him.

But now, watching the serious fight that had started, that didn't seem to be true.

It didn't seem like a simple change of mind.

Chiji jik-!

Arcane Power began to emanate from YuWon's spear, Nir.

Just as it was about to finish charging...

"I thought I was going to die of boredom."


Suddenly, the mischievous voice of Son OhGong, who had returned without warning, was heard.


A few days ago.

Son OhGong received contact from YuWon and arrived on the 80th floor.

"What's going on?"

Son OhGong didn't need much time to move between floors.

There were only a handful of Rankers in this Tower, including Asura, who could keep up with him while he was using his Flying Nimbus.

YuWon, who had lit a fire and was cooking meat on it in preparation for Son OhGong's visit, opened his mouth with the calmest voice possible.

"Don't be surprised and listen."


"It seems that Foolish Chaos is here."


YuWon's gaze pierced through Son OhGong's body. Faced with the cruel gaze that seemed to say he would kill him if he said one more word, Son OhGong closed his mouth.

With a softer voice, YuWon casually opened his mouth as he handed a well-cooked piece of meat to Son OhGong.

"He might already be watching us. So don't be surprised."

"Oh, yeah. Wow, this meat must be delicious."

"Seriously, what would you have done if you had returned alone...?"

Just thinking about it gave him a headache. Running a hand through his hair, YuWon continued.

"Anyway, we'll give up on capturing that guy here."


Son OhGong's shoulder trembled as he bit into a piece of meat.

From his reaction, he could tell what that guy was thinking.


To Son OhGong, Foolish Chaos was not a simple enemy.

Both YuWon's comrades and the Seven Heavenly Demons had died under Foolish Chaos's influence.

Having to give up on such an enemy was not an easy task.

"So, why did you call me?"

"Do you remember who was the first Outer that guy called?"

"Despair That Reaches The Skies. And Despair That Falls to The Earth."

Son OhGong replied, panting, shoving the unchewed meat into his throat.


"Is it possible that it has already appeared?"

"There's a possibility."

"There are still thousands of years left, right?"

In response to the question of whether things could have progressed so quickly, YuWon nodded.

Still doubting the possibility, Son OhGong opened his mouth, and YuWon continued speaking.

"Anyway, if this Outer reveals its appearance this time..."

A flash.

YuWon looked towards his chest.

Or rather, towards Danpung who was in a deep sleep.

Seeing that he didn't wake up no matter how noisy the surroundings were, it was difficult to expect his help this time as well.

"Your job will be to distract Foolish Chaos."



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