IBAWWMB (Novel) Chapter 11



"I'm going out today. Call a carriage."

I packed a few things and got up.

"Yes, Princess."

After instructing the maid, who was trying to prepare a dress, to bring a hooded cloak, I covered my face.

As I stepped out after a while, the cold air brushed against my cheeks. The temperature was low because it was transitioning from winter to spring, but inside the carriage, the air was pleasant and warm thanks to magic. Due to the scarcity of mana stones and mages, only high-ranking nobles could enjoy this convenience.

"The taste of money is always exciting and fresh."

Realizing the sweet power of money once again today, I glanced out of the window.

The carriage, which quickly left the mansion, crossed the bustling city and entered an icy, unpaved road.

This was because the Atra district, where the jewelers were located, was on the outskirts of the capital.

It's farther than I thought.

Still, it wasn't very uncomfortable. The carriage, equipped with shock absorption magic, provided an exceptionally comfortable ride.

About three or four hours later, the sight of an unfamiliar city, completely absent from Deborah's memories, could be seen through the window.

Seeing that there were many buildings with only the framework, perhaps the district was in the midst of development.

"The sections are well-structured, so it will look great when they're finished."

It seemed like a good area to invest in real estate. If Yones was like Bundang, this place gave off the feeling of developing Pangyo.

"You have to remember. Atra District."

I analyzed the foreign urban landscape with the eyes of an architecture student and, as soon as the carriage stopped, took a large leather bag that was next to my lap.

"We have arrived, Princess."

The coachman dropped me off at a jewelry store named "Diana."

Seeing that Deborah, who knew all kinds of jewelers well, didn't remember it, it didn't seem to be famous yet. However, it was the first place to display the pink diamond that had caused a sensation in high society. It would soon become the most famous in the capital.

"It may be quiet now, but it will surely rise soon."

I looked around carefully, stopped my escort in front of the store, and entered "Diana."

"Greetings. Thank you for visiting Diana."

The employees greeted me politely and led me to the showcase.

"Two days ago, a necklace with a sapphire in the shape of a drop arrived. Would you like to see it?"

Inside the carefully maintained glass case were rows of jewelry with various designs.

But I didn't come here to compare prices, so I immediately took out the box containing the pink diamond from the leather bag.

The expressions of the attendants hardened, as if they had realized who I was just from the luxurious jewelry box, and a heavy silence fell inside the jewelry store.

I took off the hood and slowly spoke.

"Based on those expressions, you must know who I am."


"Call the store manager."

The manager appeared in front of me in exactly 11 seconds. It was a testament to how well they knew Deborah's bad reputation as a customer.

"Princess Deborah. Thank you for coming to Diana, milady," the store manager barely spoke, controlling his labored breathing.

"Are you the manager of Diana?"

"That's correct."

"I want to ask you something about the pink diamond, so please dismiss the employees."

I put on a cold expression like Deborah and crossed my arms.

I've experienced in my previous life that it's not good to be looked down upon.

The employees quickly disappeared from my sight as per my orders.

Now that we're alone, all preparations are complete.

"P-Princess. Would you like to sit instead of standing there? I will serve tea and refreshments."


I moistened my dry lips with my tongue. When I tried to say the secret code, I felt embarrassed as if I was going crazy.


"Excuse me?"

"I came to make a deal with the Golden Dragon's seventh fang."

I barely formed the words, thinking that if I guessed wrong, I would cover myself with the hood and run away.

Fortunately, instead of looking at me like a lunatic, he stopped at the words "Golden Dragon." His professional smile, which barely hung on his lips, disappeared as if it had been washed away.

"Please follow me, Princess."

It's done! I did it!

I clenched my fists, encouraging myself internally.

The manager, who opened the back door of the jewelry store with a key, began to feel the wall as he walked down the dark corridor.

When the wall turned like a revolving door, a stone staircase leading to the basement appeared.

"We will go directly to where the Golden Dragon is through the Teleportation Field."

There was an exquisite magic circle in the center of the damp basement, which felt like a prison.

Standing next to the informant, a fierce light began to spread from the mana stones placed around the magic circle. His body floated in the air, and a swarm of colorful lights passed before his eyes.

The moment his feet touched the ground, the scene around him completely changed.

I looked around, paying close attention.

"Master, a customer has arrived," the informant gently shook the bell cord placed at the entrance.

Looking towards the tall arched door, I covered myself with the hood once again.

Thump-thump, the sound of my heart beating made my eardrums ache.

"A customer?"

A rough voice echoed from all around and suddenly stopped.

The 10 seconds of silence that followed felt like 10 hours.

"... Tell them to come in."

As soon as permission was granted, the huge door swung wide open.


As I entered the dimly lit office, a terribly strong wind rushed through my body, and the arched door closed with a roar. The hood was blown away by the wind.

While I fixed my disheveled hair, I slowly looked around the misty room.

"I never imagined that Princess Deborah would come here."

The silhouette buried in the faint fog spoke with a hoarse voice.

With each step, the place where the man was sitting gradually illuminated.

In the moment when the gloomy and ghostly darkness cleared, and the man's face was revealed clearly, I felt a sense of alienation as if I were in front of a wax figure.

When I looked into his eyes, bright as minerals, my chest tightened from tension and fear.


Suddenly, I heard the roar of a beast somewhere.

As soon as I faced the huge beast slowly emerging from the darkness, I bit down on the tender flesh of my mouth as hard as I could to avoid screaming.

The beast approached me slowly, with shining golden eyes.

The beast, sniffing and circling around me, suddenly began to whimper, moistening its golden pupils. Then it rolled over onto its back next to me and turned on the floor, as if it were acting cute.

Looking at the cheerful beast, the tension around my neck eased.

When I extended my hand, the beast began to lick my palm with its rough tongue. It rubbed its large head against my palm and showed its belly again, whimpering.


The man's mask-like face began to crack, gradually.

The man, who let out a laugh she couldn't understand, struck the table with his black leather gloves.

"Please, have a seat first, Princess Deborah."

When the Master raised his hand, a chair flew from the air and gently placed itself behind my legs.

"Cookie, come here."

In the midst of a serious situation, the name of the beast was cuter than I had thought, so I bit my lips hard.


The Master called the golden beast circling around me with a stern voice. The beast reluctantly returned, sulking.

"Princess, what did you do to Cookie?"

The Master asked while stroking the sad-looking beast's jaw.

Is it because Deborah has a strong heart? I quickly regained my composure and opened my mouth with a colder expression.

"If you want to know, give me 99 gold. Originally, it was 100 gold, but I have something I want to ask you, so I'll give you a 1 gold discount."

I boasted, imitating the lines of the Master from Blanchia's novel.

That's right.

The Master in front of me was the key to the Crown Prince's trap in the novel... No, he was the Crown Prince's assistant and appeared as a schemer.

The most capable and reserved character in this incomplete novel.

How did I, a mere supporting character, come to look for a scammer...?

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