IBAWWMB (Novel) Chapter 28



Recently, my ears were itching because of the young women who spoke in whispers when they saw me.

It's good that my reputation can't get any worse, but every time I remembered that they misunderstood me for doing something like that because "I like Philap," it made me a little angry.

Even if I wanted to clarify, there is no lady who would listen to my story, and even I didn't believe that "Deborah" was trying to help Mia, who fell on her own.

I thought it would be fine if I avoided the heroine, but I didn't expect these damn situations to hit me as a silent villain.

"But... it's a bit strange."

The more I thought about it, the more the situation itself felt unnatural, so I scratched my arm.

Did Mia Binoche really not know me?

Mia saw me on the first day of the academy, during a politics class, and I'm someone who is hard to forget because of my unusual purple hair and fierce appearance.

It's unlikely that Philap hasn't told Mia about the violent and dangerous purple-haired woman.

Even if Philap didn't say anything, it was strange that there wasn't a single person around her who didn't warn her about me.

Walls have ears, so she should know how terrifying I am.

I was a little skeptical that Mia would dare to ask for my help when Philap was around.


But if Mia knows me... I don't know why she took such a risk and acted like that.

In the original novel, Mia walked alone on a thorny path thanks to Deborah's harsh burden, but now that she's having an easy time, she's trying to get back on that path.

If it's not a flowery path, I was letting her walk on a plain... But I still feel like she's deliberately trying to provoke me.


Is it because she needs a villain, as in the original story?

However, another question arises.

Why does she need a villain?

Ah, it seems like I'm getting ahead of myself... I'm writing a novel on my own.

Why did the writer spend the whole year doing this?

It's better to enter a novel that's already completely finished.

After formulating hypotheses and speculating about some things, I contained my ambiguous feelings and went out for some fresh air.

When you have a headache and your life is tough, you will surely escape from reality.

The place I headed to was the flower garden that Duke Seymour had just renovated.

To be honest, I really liked this flower garden.

And I really liked flowers in my previous life.

Memories of the past that have already passed and cannot be undone are not so important.

However, I still vividly remember when I was a child, silently listening to the sound of the wind with my eyes closed in the flower garden and slowly breathing in the fresh scent.

"Seeing flowers makes me feel better. It's amazing."

Buried among the fully blooming flowers, my feelings were gently calmed, like someone whispering affectionately.

I was able to rid myself of worries as I walked through the flower garden planted with all kinds of flowers.

"The weather is nice."

The wind carrying the fragrance of the flowers gently caressed my cheeks. A bee flew and hovered around me menacingly, but I now liked the flower garden much more than the rose garden, which looked like a collection of mourning flowers.

"What's happening?"

As I watched the daisies swaying gently in the direction of the wind, I slowly turned towards the dignified voice I heard behind me.

"... Father."

Looking at Duke Seymour's face and calling him "father" was something I had grown accustomed to now.

Because he's the only person in this desolate world who comes looking for me.

Duke Seymour began to search for me in earnest on his estate ten days ago.

He sent an aide to call me to his office and then brought me to the front of the flower garden, where construction had just been completed.

"Look. Isn't it much more wonderful than a diamond?"

He said with an enthusiastic voice.


I agreed with him, secretly embarrassed.

"He's my financier, I have to look good."

Well, they weren't empty words either.

Due to the marigolds in full bloom, the flower garden looked magnificent as if it had been dusted with gold from the beginning.

"I hired several botanists to bring valuable plants and seeds from various countries. Needless to say, the splendor and beauty of planting different varieties are immeasurable. When I looked around earlier, it was as radiant as if they had brought a rainbow to the garden."

As I listened to Duke Seymour's continuous boasting, I managed to suppress a laugh that was about to burst out.

Perhaps he had kept my words in his mind all this time when he said, "A colorless and odorless flower garden is no different from a diamond."

"He has a slight resentment and is a bit narrow-minded..."

Duke Seymour, who seemed difficult all the time, felt particularly human that day, so I was able to dispel my discomfort and continue the conversation naturally.

"I only saw the entrance to the flower garden, but I can imagine the scale. It must be more majestic and beautiful than the imperial garden."

"Ahem! Such words can lead to misunderstandings, so it would be better not to say that outside. Of course, you can do so in front of me."

When he warned me about my careless words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He seemed to feel better when I congratulated the ambitiously decorated flower garden by comparing it to the "imperial garden."

"Can I take a look inside?"

"If I were thinking of blocking your entry, why would I bring you here? Feel free to enjoy it."

I was excited because I like to see flowers, and I unconsciously smiled as I tilted my head slightly to express my gratitude.

It wasn't a forced smile that I made to look good.

It was a smile that came out without my knowledge because I felt happy after a long time.

Leaving behind Duke Seymour, who coughed with a suddenly reddened face, I entered the garden with anticipation.

"I wonder if he's silently asking for more compliments? He also has a small childish side."

I paused every five steps and talked to myself, saying that it was fantastic, beautiful, that I felt like I was on a rainbow hill, and so on.

About 50% of it was sincere, and about 50% was mixed with flattery.

"I want to stay in a house like this 5-star hotel for a long time."

"It's been a long time; aren't you hungry?"

As if he were satisfied with my compliments, Duke Seymour hinted that he would like to eat together that day.

We've reached the point where we can eat naturally without the Duchess's cards!

I accepted his food request without hesitation.

"Deborah. It seems like you've been eating a lot these days."

"... Pardon?"

"I heard from the chamberlain that you hardly leave any food."

As I chewed on a plate of well-roasted beef, I almost spit the meat out of my mouth at Duke Seymour's sharp comment.

"Now that I think about it, Deborah didn't gain weight and frequently controlled her weight."

I didn't know that even the amount of food I ate would reach his ears.

When the pace of my fork slowed slightly due to the impact, Duke Seymour clicked his tongue lightly.

"It means you look good because you're eating well. Looking at you, even I have an appetite."

He called the attendant to bring two more plates of beef.

According to Deborah's memories, Duke Seymour was a workaholic who didn't pay much attention to his meals, and whenever there was a family gathering, he ate with a cold expression.

However, that day, the Duke, who ate a large amount of food, was satisfied, and he even savored the cake served for dessert with a feline-like expression.

"No way, did his appetite grow because of my cooking?"

My guess must have been correct.

From that day on, Duke Seymour often called me to eat.

Then, he watched me contentedly as I ate like a mukbang YouTuber.

Of course, I lived up to his expectations.

Just a couple of days ago, we were walking in the garden, about to have dinner together.

That's why calling him "Father" has naturally become a habit.

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