TWB (Novel) Chapter 144


Until now, Bianca, the Saint, didn't appear much around them, and Alexandra de Arno, known as the Will of God, was just a child.

If Alex were a boy, everyone would agree that they would grow up to be a great man, but Alex was a girl. There must be a reason why God had given a revelation as soon as Alex was born, but they didn't take Alex's existence very seriously.

So they thought that Thomas' tenure as the archbishop of Arno would have little effect on the Church.

But as Alex grew up, they realized that something was very wrong.

As if it were a lie to say that Alex had made hearts flutter before they were born, Alex grew up healthy enough to not catch a single cold.

They grew so healthy that they could fight, practice swordsmanship, and ride horses. When Alex was seven years old, none of the ten-year-old children in the Arno estate could defeat them.

They became interested in martial arts from a young age, and at the age of 13, they were named a knight, and at 16, they followed in their father's footsteps and went to war.

A peace treaty had been signed with Aragon, but more than a decade had passed. Aragon eyed it suspiciously and began attacking Sevran again, so the Sevran border became unstable once more.

Those around them opposed Alex's participation in the war because they were a woman and still young. However, Alex's will was strong, and Zachary also seemed determined. Alex swore to follow the path of the sword, insisting that it wasn't their only skill to keep them by their side.

And Alex lived up to their father's expectations. They made a name for themselves by making great strides in the first war they participated in, even though they were 16 and a woman.

It was then that the people of the Church realized that Alexandra herself was the will of God, and that she was chosen to create the future that God desired.

Fearing that Thomas would enter the Vatican carrying her burden, they continued to pressure and warn him.

Alex's power was very fierce.

However, they weren't the only ones who greatly appreciated Alex's image. None other than Alex's nanny, Baroness Yvonne, did as well.

Yvonne grumbled as she weaved next to Bianca.

"Do you know that Miss Alex's rumors are more popular these days than those of the Duke? This will put a halt to all marriage proposals at this rate. It's all because Madam fought in a war and saw all sorts of things at a time when she should have been conceiving calmly."

"What's wrong with being strong thanks to good prenatal education?"

Bianca didn't take her eyes off the handkerchief she was embroidering and responded naturally.

"Did you hear that she punched Joseph, the butcher?"

"No. This is the first time I've heard of it. Although it's not something entirely new."

Frustrated by Bianca's shrug, Yvonne thumped her chest. To her, Alex was more than a daughter. She dedicated so much enthusiasm and hard work that if Yvonne's own son, Gaston, were asked if he would like to have half the attention Yvonne had for Alex, Gaston would recoil in disgust.

"After seeing him continuously flirting with Hannah in the sewing room, she kicked him in the ass. Joseph simply flew away... Ahh. Anyway, I'm not saying it's a bad thing... But the young lady is already of marriageable age. We also need to bring in a resident son-in-law, but how long are you going to be so stubborn...?"

In the past, the resident son-in-law would have inherited the family, but many things have changed since Princess Odelli ascended to the throne. More and more women were succeeding in inheriting the family line, and the Duke of Arno named Alex as the next duke.

There was no objection. Alex was a commander and had the background of being the will of God. There were no collateral blood relatives aiming for the Duke of Arno and causing a commotion.

If they married Alex, they would only be the duke's spouse, but they would also hold a high position. Additionally, Alex was a beautiful woman with silver-gray hair and cold pale green eyes.

Perhaps due to such a favorable condition, Alex was quite popular despite being famous for their daring personality. And recently, there has been a man who has been particularly following Alex.

Thinking of that man, Bianca smiled and shrugged.

"Well... I don't think there's anyone who likes them."

"That's another problem. Their opponent is Crown Prince Cyril! To marry into the royal family, you need to learn manners..."


Then Alex ran into Bianca's room, shouting loudly.

Their silver-white hair, cut short enough to expose their ears, was covered in leaves.

Their attire wasn't much different either.

Comfortable pants and calf-high boots. A tunic over their shirt. Their outfit clearly showed that they were thoroughly enjoying the absence of war.

With their silver-white hair fluttering, they looked exactly like their father. The difference lay in their facial expression. Unlike the stern and frowning Zachary, Alex's expression was much more vibrant.

Alex approached them, pursing their lips and glanced at Yvonne with rolling eyes.

"You're talking nonsense again!"

"What? It's true that Prince Albert's son falls in love every time he sees you."

Yvonne naturally lowered her hand and responded. Alex, realizing that Yvonne was talking about Cyril, made a grimace and groaned.

Prince Albert, the current heir to the throne, was weak and had little interest in the throne. He married the promised princess from Castile at the age of eighteen, and Cyril was born when he was twenty-four.

Albert wanted Zachary to become Cyril's godfather. Zachary also accepted the offer and went to Lahoz for a simple ceremony to become the godfather.

At that time, Alex accompanied him, and that was the first meeting between Alex and Cyril.

From the first encounter with Cyril, it was unusual. Alex, who had never seen a baby since Gaston, their nanny's son, couldn't help but observe Cyril, and Cyril grabbed onto Alex's hair.

He held it so tightly that he didn't want to let go, and in the end, Alex had no choice but to cut their hair, which at that time reached their waist.

"That's such a terrible thing to say... Do you know how many hairs were pulled out by him?"

Alex complained. Yvonne also felt dismayed when thinking about that moment. Suddenly, the girl who went to the capital arrived with hair cut like a boy's, so it would be strange not to be surprised.

But who is Yvonne? She didn't raise her in vain. Yvonne, who knew that Alex had intentionally cut their hair as an excuse, smiled and teased Alex, pretending not to know.

"Well. Prince Albert already practically considers you as Crown Prince Cyril's betrothed. If you don't get married soon, won't Crown Prince Cyril grow up and propose to you?"

After the noisy first meeting, Cyril grew very fond of Alex. Eventually, he even terrified the people around him by saying "Alex" before "mom" and "dad."

After that, Cyril started falling in love with Alex. Every time Alex arrived in Lahoz, he would follow them all day long.

And it was currently in progress. Alex, feeling bothered by Cyril, shivered in disgust.

"Nana! He and I have a thirteen-year age difference! He's three years old right now, three!"

"The Madam and the Duke got married with a thirteen-year age difference. Age doesn't really matter."

Yvonne hummed in response. Royal family marriages are always early. Seven years from now, even though Prince Cyril will be ten years old, the royal family will be in a hurry to marry him off.

The opponent is the next duke. Instead of marrying into another family for nothing, they would consider it better to incorporate Alex into the royal family.

Crown Prince Cyril has legitimate lineages from Sevran and Castile. Sevran will definitely try to protect Cyril since he has a lineage that could snatch the right to the throne from Castile if done right. And the strongest person who could protect him more than anyone else was Alex.

However, those were stories with hidden political motives. There was no need for Alex to worry about that now. Bianca cut the long story short and changed the topic of conversation.

"By the way, Alex, what happened suddenly? Aren't you supposed to be taking finance classes with Vincent right now?"


At that moment, Alex handed her a bouquet of flowers. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a flower crown.

"The flowers bloomed beautifully, so I made a crown! It will go well with the color of your hair."

The bright yellow crown that Alex gave her wasn't very refined; it looked rough. But Bianca looked around the crown with genuine admiration.

"Oh, it's beautiful."

"Madam, you have to scold her for skipping class."

"Well, I don't think it's a problem to miss one class."

When Bianca calmly replied, Alex's lips lifted so much they looked like they were about to tear. Alex received the flower crown from Bianca again and placed it on Bianca's head. As she thought, the yellow flowers looked very pretty against Bianca's reddish-brown hair.

Yvonne sighed and brought a mirror closer. Bianca moved her head from side to side, happily looking at her reflection in the mirror, and said.

"Let the girl do as she pleases. Alex isn't very playful... Besides, the same goes for marriage. There's no reason for our family to insist on the royal family. If Alex doesn't want to, they just have to find another marriage partner. Marrying as a princess is not the only option.

"But, Madam..."

"I have always done what I wanted to do. She can do the same."


Bianca spoke with severity and firmness. In her expression of having only done what she wanted to do, her experience was reflected.

In the face of her mother's words, in whom she believed, Alex's sharp eyebrows curved like a puppy, and she smiled widely. Alex, who was taller than Bianca, hugged Bianca, who was sitting on a chair.

"I'm so happy you're my mother. Thank God. I'm so lucky."

Bianca smiled and patted Alex on the back. Although it is said that the enemy fears and is amazed by her activities in war, in Bianca's eyes, she was still just an immature girl.

Bianca ruffled Alex's short hair behind her ear, murmuring to herself.

"Mom failed a lot in love."

"I know. I've heard it several times."

Alex knelt in front of Bianca and looked at her. The only light green eyes that resembled Bianca looked directly at her.

"Fortunately, I was able to share my true feelings with your father in the end. But mom was very lucky."

Alex blinked at Bianca's words. When it comes to love, her world was filled with the property of Arno, swords, and wars.

Bianca fully understood that Alex didn't understand. What could a 16-year-old girl know?

Bianca, who felt lonely, made the wrong decision and was fortunate enough to reverse it due to the matter of her dreams. Love is sweet, but she definitely realized that throwing oneself under the illusion of love was like a moth jumping into the fire.

Alex wouldn't be influenced by false affections like her, nor would she make foolish decisions. However, as a mother, she had no choice but to add a few words to reassure her heart.

"The world is like a trap. It will always be open. It's up to you to carefully choose which path to take, avoiding that trap... But Alexandra de Arno. Whatever you choose, remember that mom and dad are always by your side."

Bianca's fingertips caressed Alex's cheek. The flushed cheeks of her daughter, who was just growing up, made her imagine the life she would live in the future.

She doesn't know how useful she will be in that splendid life, but at some point, just by being there, there will be a moment when she can rely on her. Bianca's lips twisted at the mere thought of that day.

"What are you talking about?"

Then, Zachary arrived. He looked at Bianca and Alex, who were talking, and asked curiously.

Bianca smiled gently, summarizing their conversation briefly.

"About the crown, classes, and marriage."

It was just three words, but that was enough to understand the situation. Zachary's gaze reached the yellow crown on Bianca's head. He seemed to like the way she wore a crown, so the corners of his lips twisted slightly.

The crown suited Bianca, and Bianca must have vaguely said something about lessons and the topic of marriage...

"As for marriage, Alex can do whatever she wants. After all, Alex is the heiress of our family. There's no rush."

The only difference was the tone, but it was the same response as Bianca. Yvonne, beside them, sighed deeply.

Since he handed the crown to Bianca, Alex, who finished her work, stepped back lightly and said cheerfully.

"Then I'll go. You two can keep talking."

"Yes. Goodbye, Alex."

"Yes. I love you, Dad. I love you, Mom."

Alex gently kissed Bianca and Zachary on the cheek and hurriedly left the room. She seemed rushed, as if trying to escape from someone.

Just as expected. As soon as Alex left the room, Yvonne leaned forward and followed Alex. Seeing the wrinkles on her forehead, it was clear that she was trying to make Alex catch up on the missed class.

Thanks to Yvonne's careful care for Alex, Bianca was able to continue Alex's education with a relaxed posture. As always, all thanks to Yvonne's help. Bianca looked at Yvonne's back with eyes full of gratitude.

Zachary, who misinterpreted Bianca's gaze, looked at Bianca and asked with concern.

"Are you worried about Alex's marriage?"

"By no means. She's a smarter and more honest girl than me."

Bianca shook her head as if it didn't make sense. Zachary added something that Bianca forgot.

"She's stubborn."

"That's true."

With Bianca's approval, Zachary burst into laughter. The daughter of two stubborn individuals was more stubborn than a mix of their stubbornness.

Zachary placed his hands on the back of Bianca's hand. Over the years, the rougher and wrinkled hands gently caressed the still white and delicate back of her hands.

Bianca smiled slightly at the tenacity felt in the intimate gesture.

"...It's not that I'm not very worried, I am worried. But we decided to continue trusting and supporting Alex no matter what she chooses."

When Alex first went to the battlefield, Bianca saw her off resolutely. She stared at her in front of the gates until the back of her daughter, riding behind Zachary, disappeared into the horizon.

And then she silently cried in the castle where she was left alone.

Like a child given by God, she could vaguely guess that this child would become a great person in the future. But how could she not worry when sending her little daughter to the battlefield?

Bianca didn't expect much about the achievements Alex would obtain or how good she would be. She just wanted her daughter to grow up happy because she gained this happiness thanks to Alex.

She said she was fine, but Bianca's face was filled with worry. Zachary looked at Bianca like that and then rested his head on her shoulder. Zachary patted Bianca's slender shoulder and comforted her.

"Alex has us... you have me. Don't worry too much."

"That's reassuring."

Bianca smiled. As Zachary said, it was thanks to Zachary that Bianca was able to trust in matters concerning Alex.

Zachary has always been loyal to her and sacrificed himself. The time she spent with him firmly supported that belief.

Many things happened. There were moments when she couldn't believe Zachary's love and doubted it countless times. There were moments when she fell into the most terrible mud.

But now, she can look back at the past with a smile. That's how happy she is now.

If you think of marriage only as a business, Bianca's marriage was a failed business.

Businesses are essentially a way of giving and receiving rewards. Bianca put both her pride and her life, the most precious things, on the scale at the same time. So how can it be called a successful business?

Bianca slowly closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the sunlight and the body temperature of Zachary, who remained by her side.

Remembering her failed marital business.

With the promise of a successful marriage.


Alexandra de Arno inherited the heroic and strong character of her father, Zachary de Arno, and became an outstanding military commander.

Chosen by God, she excelled in the chaotic continental situation. And finally, she became known as the first person to conquer the continent.

It is also a famous anecdote that Cyril de Sevran, who was the first prince in line to the throne at that time, managed to marry her, after pursuing her diligently, even though he was thirteen years younger.

Even in the Sevran royal family, initially, it was intended to increase the prestige of the Sevran royal family by accepting Alexandra as queen. However, what the Sevran royal family could not guess was that Prince Cyril was a fierce lover.

He was thirty-four years old and had been married for five years when Prince Cyril ascended the throne at the age of twenty-one and ceded his throne to Alexandra.

The continent, including the Sevran royal family, was turned upside down. There were rumors in the world that Prince Cyril had promised the throne when he proposed marriage to Alexandra.

However, these were just rumors, and there was absolutely no document to prove it.

In the end, as Alexandra was the Duchess of Arno and at the same time the Queen of Sevran, the continent was unified, and the name of the Sevran family remained in history.

Alexandra de Arno was a great person with many stories to tell, but it was her mother, Bianca de Arno, who was engraved in the history of art.

Bianca developed her talent by sponsoring Nicholas, a famous sculptor who was well-known even at that time.

Nicholas left many sculptures of Saint Bianca and the hero Zachary. But especially of Bianca.

Seeing that the face of the Virgin sculpted by Nicholas resembles Bianca's, and that his masterpieces "Golden Rose" and "Revelation" are all related to Bianca, the academy believes that it was not just a simple compensation from Nicholas due to his sponsorship.

To the extent that you could feel the admiration that Nicholas felt for Bianca in his sculptures.

Other artists inspired by Nicholas's fluid, splendid, and majestic sculptures also portrayed Bianca in works of art. Paintings, murals, novels, poems, plays, operas, songs...

Therefore, there was much talk about Bianca on the lips of others, and she is still one of the most beloved saints in the world.

The topic that artists liked to talk about the most was Bianca's marriage.

Bianca and her husband, Zachary, had a 13-year age difference, and seeing that the marriage took place when Bianca was seven, it was speculated that the marriage was due to a popular custom of that time, the "marital business."

Indeed, Bianca herself, in a letter to her daughter Alexandra, referred to her marriage as a "failed marriage." Scholars have presented various hypotheses to understand such a meaning, but if you look at the anecdotes and the lives of the two, there is no doubt that Bianca and Zachary's marriage was peaceful and that they were devoted to each other.

Bianca de Blanchefort, the wife of Zachary de Arno, fought to protect the territory of Arno while her husband was on the battlefield. She was a woman of honor and dignity.

She was chosen as a saint, someone who spared no effort to fulfill God's will and never ceased to support the residents of the territory and those around her.

Such was the life of a woman named Bianca.


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