ITDHL (Novel) Chapter 108


The long pink eyelashes fluttered like beautiful butterfly wings, and the violet eyes revealed beneath them gazed into the distance. Lariette looked on, not comprehending, as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her plump lips parted slightly, and a red tongue could be seen.

"I'm preparing to propose to you."

"He said it was a proposal... a proposal meant he wanted to marry me. Asrahan! Marrying him..."

As soon as she recalled his words, her cheeks flushed. She was so happy, her heart felt like it would burst, but she couldn't believe it. In Lariette's life, marriage had always been a negative word. From a young age, Duke Blanche assigned her the duty of following the marriage dictated by him to revive the family.

Lariette obeyed his opinion and got engaged to Marquis Segreb. Every time she imagined her marriage with the pervert, she shuddered. Since she broke off the engagement with the Marquis and left the Blanche family, she completely erased the word "marriage" from her mind. It was instinctual because she didn't want to relive that unpleasant memory.

That's why Lariette never imagined marriage with Asrahan. Thinking about the limited time they had pained her heart just by imagining it. She didn't even dare to think about it afterward. However, as soon as the word "marriage" came out of her lover's mouth, the image of herself smiling happily after marrying him was etched in her mind. It was so clear that she couldn't erase it even a little.


Lariette's eyes widened again at the sweet voice calling her. Asrahan had a beautiful smile like that of a painting.

"Before I met you, my life was like darkness."

Asrahan briefly remembered his horrifying past, wandering repeatedly on the battlefield, fighting the curse that consumed him, and soon becoming accustomed to it. He lived a joyless life.

"You were the first light I found. Even though I was immature, stupid, and rejected you, you still came to me and colored my life with beautiful hues."

Lariette was the first one to call him by his name, she smiled at him amiably and took his hand. For the first time since he was born, it seemed like light filled his life.

"You filled me with your warmth."

"You are so precious. I wondered for a long time if I could dare to touch you, but I only realized it after you left."


"I can't live without you anymore." Asrahan carefully tilted his head and kissed the back of Lariette's hand, the touch of his lips tickling her. "Lariette."

Their blue eyes met, his gaze was serious and desperate, his pupils trembled with fear of her possible rejection.

"I love you."

After he finished speaking, Asrahan knelt beside the bed. His large hands searched in his pocket and then took out what he had prepared during the day.

"I want to be with you every day and every moment."

Lariette's eyes widened as she looked at what he held in his hand. The luxurious case opened, revealing a beautiful ring. It was an elegantly cut pink diamond, delicately set in the center and adorned with smaller fine diamonds. It was the national treasure that Asrahan had urgently transferred from another kingdom and saved. It was expensive, beautiful, and renowned on the continent.

"Please marry me," his voice trembled slightly with anxiety.

Lariette no longer felt restless. That calmed her mind considerably.

"How can I refuse? He is such a lovely person who confessed to me with so much love."

Lariette thought that and smiled happily.

"Yes." It was just one word, but it was enough to make Asrahan's heart race.

He put a ring on her finger, his face filled with emotion, his hand trembling at the touch.

"Asrahan, I look forward to your kind cooperation. I will be good to you," Lariette whispered playfully into his ear.

It was exactly what she said when they signed the three-month relationship agreement, but the content was different in the sense that this time there were no promises.

"Aren't you crying again?"

"No," Asrahan firmly denied it, but that's why his eyes were red. Tears didn't flow, but the water welled up in his eyes. "I was thinking of going on a trip and proposing to you in a more special place... I'm sorry for doing this here."

Lariette laughed again at his slightly somber face. When she imagined him rushing to make the proposal, it was so adorable that she smiled.

"This is the most special place for me."

"Is it?"

"I got to know Asrahan here. We have spent every day together, our first kiss, and we established a relationship... Now I feel at home. It's the most special and precious place," Lariette spoke, carefully looking at the ring on her finger.

This time, Asrahan smiled, then gently took her left hand.

"There's no place like home, and now this is truly your home."

"Yes, it really is."

If Lariette married, she would become the Duchess of Candel, so it was natural for the mansion to also become her home. It was wonderful to have the Candel surname, and at that moment, what Asrahan had just said passed through her mind.

"By the way, a trip... what do you mean by that?" Lariette's eyes sparkled with anticipation. As soon as she figured it out, Asrahan's smile grew deeper.

"I'm ready to leave tomorrow morning."

"Yes? Wow, where would we go?"

"To where the sea and hot springs are."

When he finished speaking, he recalled the conversation clearly in his memory. It was a conversation he had remembered over and over again after she disappeared.

"—Asrahan, after I finish breaking the curse, why don't we go on a trip together?"

"You mean traveling?"

"Yes! I like the sea, the river. Although I think anywhere would be fine as long as it's a trip with Asrahan."

Subsequently, Asrahan explained that among the Candel properties, there were seas and hot springs. Lariette clapped her hands excitedly, showing a big smile.

"Wow! Hot springs and the sea... I think it would be great. When we finish breaking the curse, let's go together!"

"Yes, let's go together."

He felt regretful and lamented not fulfilling that promise. Asrahan thanked her for the situation. Now they could leave anytime and go anywhere.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful," Lariette also laughed.

He asked her if she remembered the conversation from that time. Her cheeks turned red. Asrahan thought it was due to excitement, but in reality, it was because of anticipation. With the conversation they had, he remembered what he had promised, a lustful commitment to do this and that with her in the hot springs.


"Have a nice trip!"

Hallstein bid them farewell with a satisfied smile. He had just heard the news that Lariette had accepted the proposal, causing his mouth to open as if it would fall off. She greeted Hallstein by sticking her head out of the moving carriage window and waving her hand. Immediately, she was pulled back into her seat because Asrahan told her it was dangerous.

"You said it would take a long time to get there, right?"

"Yes, it will take about six hours. Are you okay?"

"The carriage is wide enough for us to lie down. Your seat is small. Come here, Asrahan," she frowned and playfully responded. Suddenly, she hit her chest and spoke confidently, "I'll make sure you don't get bored. Don't worry!"


"Prepare an interesting story and a deck of cards!" Lariette said confidently.


But imprudently, she fell into a deep sleep less than ten minutes after they set off. It was lovely to see Lariette's head resting against Asrahan's shoulders. After receiving the proposal yesterday, she couldn't sleep well because her heart was pounding. She also woke up and set out on the journey since dawn. He looked at her gently, muttering as his drool dripped, and he tidied her loose hair. Shortly after, he fell asleep as well, resting his head against hers.

"How long has it been, rattling!"

Both of them woke up at the same time as the carriage shook.

"I'm sorry! It seems the wheel is stuck. I'll get it out quickly!"

The sound of the coachman panting could be heard inside the carriage. The thought of waking up the Duke and Duchess made him anxious. However, contrary to expectations, the wheel didn't come out. The carriage shook, but there were no signs that he could fix the problem.

"Lariette, please wait," as a result, Asrahan sighed and prepared to get out. He was thinking of getting out and lifting the carriage.

"It's not necessary."

But before he could fully get up, Lariette responded with a smile. She gracefully moved her finger in the air, and the carriage floated. It felt like they were floating, and soon the sound of a soft landing on the ground and a surprised shout from the coachman outside could be heard. It was flawless natural magic. Asrahan, who often encountered excellent magicians, showed admiration.

"My pillow can rest assured. I'll take care of lifting the carriage in the future," Lariette said, remembering their first intense encounter. He also laughed when he thought of the same thing. "But when did I fall asleep? Did I say something funny?"

"Yes, you fell asleep while telling me how Lady Juana grabbed Shelia Mirchen's hair," he replied.

"Did I fall asleep so quickly? Then I'll start again, what happened..." Lariette began speaking again, surprised by the fact that she fell asleep shortly after starting.

Listening to her story made the atmosphere pleasant once again.


The carriage finally arrived at the beach. Lariette planned to first play in the sea and then go to the villa with hot springs.

"The sea!"

As soon as Lariette got off the carriage, she ran wildly towards the sea and shouted. There weren't many moments in her life when she appreciated the sea, and it was the first time she was there with her lover, so she felt very excited.

"Sea!" Lariette ran once again along the beach, shouting like an excited puppy.

"Lariette, be careful, you might fall," Asrahan carefully held onto the running figure. He was worried that she might easily fall and end up rolling in the sand.

She told him, with shining eyes.

"Asrahan, I want to do something with my lover, in the sea. There's something I definitely want to do! I often read about it in romantic novels, and I feel a bit envious. Would you do it?"

"Of course."

"Whatever Lariette asks for, there's nothing I can deny her."

As if it were a given, Asrahan nodded, and she clapped her hands, leaving a few words before turning around and running along the sandy beach.

"Asrahan! Catch me!" She looked back and soon became amazed. It was because Asrahan's chasing speed was too fast. He was truly running towards her with a face that seemed to be pursuing an enemy. It was an incredible speed for a person.

"Ahhh!" Lariette screamed without realizing it. She was too scared to see him approaching. In her head, she had a strange thought that she might die if he caught her. Instinctively, she used wind magic, and at the moment Asrahan's hand grabbed her shoulder, a strong wind enveloped her body.

She continued pushing forward so Asrahan couldn't catch her. Apparently, the joke that initially started with "Catch me" between lovers had now transformed into a chase between a prosecutor and a mage risking their lives. As if he had been holding back until now, he increased his speed, and she also poured more mana, but the result was evident.

"I caught you."

"Ahhh!" Lariette shouted at Asrahan's face, who suddenly appeared from the side, smiling and speaking.

She tried to use more magic, but she was already trapped in his arms. Due to the excessive speed, the two finally rolled on the ground several times. Asrahan held her tightly, ensuring she wasn't injured, but her mind was confused.

"So, will you fulfill my wish now?" Asrahan asked with a clueless expression. Lariette responded energetically.

"No, if you can't catch her within a minute, the girl wins."

"Oh, are there rules like that?"

"Yes! There are rules like that."

Of course, it was their improvised rule, but Asrahan, who didn't know 'catch me' per se, couldn't notice the lie. Lariette made him believe it and nodded shamelessly.

"Alright then, would you like to swim now, or should we return to the villa first to rest and swim tomorrow?"

"Hmm... I want to play until my heart is satisfied, but I'm a bit tired because I've been in the carriage for a long time. Let's swim in the sea tomorrow!"

To be exact, she was exhausted from using mana and running on the beach, so she had lost energy. Asrahan noticed this but didn't point it out. He took her to the carriage, and they finally arrived at the villa.

"Wow..." Lariette looked around the villa in awe.

It was a beautiful place. Unlike the architectural style of the capital, the wooden villa had a tranquil ambiance. The pine trees and various flowers around added more life to it. The best room to share had an open-air hot spring. The sound of birds and the flowing water harmonized with the rising steam, making it feel like being in heaven. Asrahan wasn't married yet, so he suggested to Lariette if they should be allowed to share a room.

"You go in first; I'll enter next time."

He wanted to discuss the order for the hot springs. Then, a mischievous smile crept onto Lariette's lips as she smiled widely.

"I'll tell you my wish now."

"Now? What...?" Asrahan stopped speaking because his eyes were already answering him.

"Let's enter together."

"—Something like that in a hot spring!"

Lariette planned to maintain the commitment until the end.

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