TWB (Novel) Chapter 135


Bianca, who had fallen asleep again in the middle of the night, woke up once more the next day. Amidst the piercing screams that filled her ears, Bianca slowly lifted her eyelids.

When Bianca woke up, Yvonne, who was guarding her, startled.

"Finally, you're awake, madam!"


The voice was very calm. It had been a while since she woke up. Yvonne seemed on the verge of tears. Bianca moistened her lips. Yvonne quickly realized that Bianca wanted water and brought it closer.

Bianca asked in a hoarse voice, moistening her lips with water.

"The war... How is the war going?"

"Sir Johaseng and Sir Gaspard are fine. The contents of the letter are being kept quiet for now."

Yvonne replied with an uneasy smile. She rearranged the disheveled bedding and covered Bianca. The hand that touched the quilt was gentle. In a soft tone, she convinced Bianca to rest.

"Don't worry, rest well. You need to be in good health so that our morale can be lifted."

But how long can they hide the Lord's death? If Zachary's death were revealed, it would have a significant impact on morale, tantamount to a defeat. It wouldn't be a good thing. Bianca, who couldn't afford to lie in bed like this, got up.

"No. I should go out."


Yvonne hastily stopped her. Bianca blinked, surprised by her impulse to put Bianca back in bed, holding onto her whole body.

The reaction was more than expected.

There seemed to be a reason for not going out.

What the hell is happening outside the room?

Bianca chuckled. It was the first time she had fainted in so long, so Yvonne was very worried. It would be normal to react excessively.

Bianca waved her hand at Yvonne, who stood in front of her, and stretched her feet out of the bed.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

She said she was fine, but her body couldn't help but waver. Standing precariously on the carpet, Bianca, dressed in nothing but a white underdress, looked at Yvonne.

Yvonne shuffled her feet, unsure of what to do in the face of the eyes that told her to dress Bianca immediately. She swallowed her saliva repeatedly. It was as if there was something she wanted to say but couldn't speak because it got stuck in her throat.

In an instant, Yvonne's eyes changed to a determined expression. Yvonne took Bianca's hand and put her back on the bed. Yvonne's impulse was terrifying, so Bianca complied.

Yvonne clasped Bianca's hand with both of hers and said,

"Madam, you shouldn't be too surprised by what I'm about to tell you from now on."

"Are there more surprises?"

Bianca asked. Whatever it may be, it wouldn't be as shocking as Zachary's death. She was already prepared to die. A sense of emptiness overflowed from her, as she had let go of everything.

Yvonne stared at Bianca. Her innocent and amiable eyes were filled with concern.

Yvonne moistened her lips several times, wondering if it was a story that could be easily told despite the promise she had made. Bianca patiently waited for her.

The intertwined hands trembled. Yvonne took a deep breath and exhaled. Her tremors reached Bianca.

"The madam... is not alone now."


"She is pregnant. The hope of the Arno family rests in the madam's womb. She must endure somehow, right?"

At first, she began the story quite calmly, but by the end, a cry of weeping permeated her voice. Yvonne held onto Bianca and cried.

Bianca's mind went blank as she watched Yvonne's tears. She slowly lowered her gaze and looked at her belly.

Is her child inside?

The tips of her fingers gently touched her stomach. It was incredible, as it was as flat as usual.

"The madam was in a dangerous situation because of the shock, but the baby survived because it resembles the Count. But she must be very careful. Do you understand, madam? She must stay strong. It is our only hope..."

Yvonne gasped with a voice filled with tears and tightly held Bianca's forearm. The threatening attitude didn't fit the duty of a maid, but Bianca could sense Yvonne's desperation.

Bianca also struggled to control her mind when she suddenly found out she was pregnant. She couldn't go to war in that condition. Bianca nodded slowly, her face still blank as if she had lost her mind.

"You need to eat something. Anyway, you've been having difficulties eating lately... I'll bring some of your favorite food. In the meantime, rest."

Yvonne quickly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and stood up. Without even waiting for Bianca's permission, she quickly left the room.

Bianca leaned against the bed's headboard. It was difficult for her to keep her body under control. Unconsciously, her hand continued to caress her stomach.

"You really..."

Bianca chuckled bitterly. It was obvious that she conceived a child on the last night before Zachary departed.

It was the successor she had yearned for.

But now that she had cleared her mind and prepared for it... it was quite amusing.

"You don't even allow me to die."

Bianca's gaze turned towards the window. The sky looked exceptionally blue today. The sun shone so brightly that tears welled up in Bianca's eyes.

If she had had a baby a little earlier, just a little earlier, Zachary would have given it a name... Although he felt reluctant to have a child, he would have been delighted to know she was expecting one.

Bianca's eyes widened as she thought of Zachary's delight. The tears that had stopped flowed down her pale cheeks.

It was as if Zachary had returned the tears he had taken with his death, through their child.

Exhausted, Bianca closed her eyes again. The life that had felt so light when she let it go now seemed too heavy to contain.


Although news of Zachary's death was reported, there was no response from Arno Castle. After reading the letter, the messenger reported that Bianca had fainted, so Jacob decided to wait a little longer. She would have to regain consciousness to make a decision no matter what.

But time passed, and all they received from Arno Castle was silence. Anxious, Jacob sent another messenger. This time there was a response.

It was a clear refusal.

Jacob, unable to contain his anger at seeing Bianca still resisting Zachary's death, erupted in rage.

"What the hell is wrong with her! He's dead! There's no one to take care of her now!"

Jacob paced nervously around the room. His eyes were bloodshot, and the corners of his lips were twisted. His sullen expression was like that of a demon, to the extent that his beautiful appearance was overshadowed.

"Do you think Blanchefort will accept her...? After all, if the Blanchefort family were to learn of Count Arno's death, they would try to remarry her. If that's the case, it would be better for her to come to me, as I said."

However, rejecting Jacob was only taken as a sign that she hated Jacob. To be honest, Jacob knew that if Zachary died, things would be resolved immediately. As much as that was the case, the feeling of betrayal doubled.

"What's the difference between him and me?! It's the same! Born as the son of a second wife, he was deprived of his rightful inheritance by his incompetent elder brother, forcing him to prove his worth on his own."

He groaned and took a deep breath. His trembling shoulders showed how agitated he was. He made a terrifying sound as he gritted his sharp teeth.

"I should have shown you the evidence that Zachary was dead... Anyway, Viscount Huegh, useless bastard... I should have cut off Zachary's head..."

Jacob changed his attitude and criticized him as if it were a lie that he had welcomed the report of Zachary's murder by Viscount Huegh. All of this seemed to be due to Viscount Huegh's lack of ability.

"Let's not get carried away... Yes, Zachary's death is fortunate anyway. It goes according to plan."

Jacob's face cleared in an instant.

Zachary's death was enough to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

Of course, although the Order of Paladins still remained, they were still the Pope's army. If Zachary is dead, they must return to the Vatican and move under the Pope's orders. There was plenty of time.

Even if Bianca persistently resisted, it was a game that Jacob could win if he persisted.

The hope of getting Bianca with a little patience encouraged Jacob.

No matter if Bianca hates Jacob. Jacob would force her to sit by his side. Even if all he could obtain was her body, it was better than not having her.

Won't she become Jacob's woman after all? Jacob would be satisfied with just that.


After Bianca fainted, Vincent sent the messenger back, struggling with the desire to strangle him. It was because Jacob was acting like a horny dog flirting with Bianca, so they couldn't forget their honor either.

After nearly kicking the messenger's rear, Vincent, Gaspard, and Johaseng had a meeting. They unanimously decided to hide Zachary's death from the soldiers and the locals. And deal with the people who were in the hallway at the time Bianca encountered the messenger.

But Zachary's obituary was not something that could be repressed to that extent. This huge rumor spread through people's mouths.

The atmosphere of the territory wavered like a wave. Is the Lord's death true? Or is it a falsely distorted rumor? Only Zachary's death caused the morale of the estate to sink to the bottom.

Furthermore, Bianca's absence, the ultimate decision-maker and permanent representative of the territory, from the battlefield for some time also unsettled the people.

Thomas, a young soldier guarding the wall, asked Jack, an older soldier who was also on guard.

"Is the Count really dead?"


"The lady is a Saint. With the protection of a Saint, how could the Count...?"

Jack remained silent, but Thomas didn't mind and said what he had to say. He grumbled that he didn't understand, but after a moment of contemplation, he spoke again.

"Maybe the lady isn't a Saint..."

"Some things are not easy to talk about, Thomas."

"The lady has also been absent... Jack, isn't this situation frustrating?"

How could Jack not feel frustrated? Although he scolded Thomas, Jack's face also looked complicated. He let out a deep sigh.

Despite Jack's warnings, Thomas confided his uneasy feelings one after another.

"Did the lady give up on the war? If she heard that happened to the Count, she might feel that she's not in a situation she can bear."

"So, are you implying that she's thinking of remarrying the prince or some scoundrel?"

"I didn't mean... No, honestly, it could be. Even if we fight for our lives anyway..."

Thomas let his words out. His brown eyes trembled with unease. He pretended to be calm and continued speaking, but he couldn't completely hide his feelings. His lips trembled.

Thomas was too young to die. Jack, who was forty years old, could understand Thomas's fears.

If Zachary died, whether the war continued or not, this property would no longer belong to Arno.

If they win the war, the land of Arno will pass to the legitimate heir. Zachary was a noble who received titles and territories directly from the king and had no heirs or relatives to inherit the land. Since he was a Huegh before becoming an Arno, there was a great possibility that Viscount Huegh would inherit this land.

Even if they lose the war, they will be held responsible for the defeat and will have to pay a high tax to the new lord.

Even if Bianca is a Saint, she cannot succeed Arno and will have to return to her parents' house. Or remarry as Jacob desired. Either way, there was a limit to how much they could worry about the people of Arno.

Either way, their owners would change. So there was no reason to risk their lives for Arno. Although they were cold or selfish thoughts, who couldn't be selfish at the expense of their own life and the lives of their family?

They fought to protect their place of living, but it was natural to feel upset at the thought that all of this would be in vain.

A soldier named Sam, who is two years younger than Thomas, listened silently to their conversation and then spoke.

"Didn't the lady feel shocked by the news of the Count's death and lose consciousness after collapsing? She wasn't healthy in the first place. It must have been too much effort to go back and forth between walls and villages during the war..."

The expressions on Thomas and Jack's faces hardened. It was a possible story. While enduring the war alongside her, they began to feel a great affection without realizing it. They felt sorry for Arno's young wife and let out a mournful groan.

"At this point, if they think that way..."

"Hey! Don't say stupid things," Jack hurriedly closed Sam's mouth. Words become seeds, and in war, even unfortunate conjectures had to be avoided.

It wasn't just Jack, Sam, and Thomas who were shaken by concerns about the present and anxiety about the future.

As the atmosphere in Arno Castle grew chaotic, many empty spaces formed on the wall. Blatantly revealed weaknesses could not go unnoticed by the enemy. Jacob attacked the weak points with joy and excitement, and Gaspard and Johaseng fought to stop him.

One day, one step closer to defeat, Bianca appeared.

Bianca was dressed in a thick fur that made her look thinner. It seemed like the winter wind would carry her away if she didn't wear furs.

Normally she didn't look healthy, but her trembling complexion was unusually clear. The soldiers groaned in pain at her appearance, which seemed to confirm exactly what they assumed.

Bianca leaned on Yvonne at her side and took a step forward. Yvonne panicked, paying attention to every move Bianca made.

Although she looked very ill, there was an unknown determination and dignity on her face. She looked tough enough not to take a single step back. Her eyes, combined with her pride and stubbornness as a noble, seemed unyielding.

Bianca, who climbed the wall, shouted to the residents.

"Soldiers and inhabitants of Arno!"

How sick she was, her voice seemed like it was scratching the wall.

Bianca's voice wasn't very loud. But as soon as Bianca opened her mouth, the commotion immediately ceased. All eyes were on her.

The pupils beneath Bianca's sunken eyelids focused. Bianca calmly opened her mouth.

"I know how anxious you all are. As the interim lord, I can assure you that Arno's property will not surrender."

The place became noisy. Not content with the continuation of the war, they looked at each other and murmured. The gaze on Bianca wasn't as positive.

But Bianca didn't panic. This was what she expected.

After Bianca realized she was pregnant, she rationally analyzed the situation of the territory and herself.

It was Jacob who reported Zachary's death.

She couldn't trust his words. Furthermore, there was no evidence that Zachary was dead.

Of course, there was no way Jacob would have said such a lie without countermeasures. But to confirm Zachary's death, they have to send someone to the border, and in the meantime, not only confuse the people of Arno's territory and demoralize them but also hope that Bianca would be swayed by him and surrender.

In other words, they had to wait until they get a response and confirm his death. They already sent a messenger to the border. It was to inform about the invasion of Arno Territory, so if they hold on a little longer, a response will arrive.

She still couldn't believe Zachary's death. Even if it was a vain hope, she didn't give up even though she knew her heart might hurt more in the future.

"For some reason, Arno's brave army is taking a while to return from the border, but we have the Paladins and my natal family, Blanchefort. If they support us, there is a possibility of winning this war. For my shame, I beg you to resist a little longer for Arno!"

Bianca exclaimed as if squeezing out the last remaining strength in her. She shouted with all her might, and her thin body trembled.

Bianca had to persuade the residents to continue the war. At least until the messenger arrived with the news. Knowing it wouldn't be easy, she brought out all the cards she could.

Gustave is currently protecting Prince Heir Albert, but at this moment, he has to borrow that letter. She was that desperate.

If she loses, she will fall into Jacob's hands. If it were just her, she would do it willingly, but she has Zachary's child. Would Jacob let go of Zachary's child? It was clear he would make her abort. That had to be stopped.

Everyone noticed that Bianca deliberately didn't mention Zachary's death. One of those who hesitated bravely shouted.

"How... how did the rumor of the Count's death come about, madam?"

"I'm not sure."

Bianca slowly shook her head. The murmurs of the soldiers and the local residents grew louder because the rumor wasn't a complete lie.

Bianca didn't confirm it, but the locals realized that the rumors about Zachary's death were true. Even those who had hoped for a moment began to consider the possibility of Zachary's death, and everyone panicked.

The commotion grew stronger like a riot. Yvonne looked at Bianca anxiously. When Bianca was about to reveal the truth to the servants, Vincent's face, which showed mixed opposition and concern, also hardened.

Each of the distorted faces of the servants was imprinted in Bianca's eyes. Bianca didn't flinch even at the cries of the confused crowd.

With a straight posture and raised chin, she resolutely said, looking at the people like a rock standing tall against a furious typhoon.

"I have not seen Count Arno's body with my own eyes yet. If you don't bring me his head, I don't accept his death! That is my decision as the count's wife and the representative of the lord!"

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