TWB (Novel) Chapter 131


After the Paladins' involvement in the war, the Arno troops achieved a succession of victories one after another. Aragon fell like a leaf in autumn.

Even with the Paladins' participation in the war, the nobles of Sevran, who had been delaying the sending of reinforcements until now, began to send reinforcements one by one. There was also an instance where a noble personally led the army.

Aragon continued to bring reinforcements, but the power gap between Aragon and Sevran had long been reversed.

The victory or defeat was clear, and only Aragon's army and supplies were being lost. Although it made no sense to continue the war, Aragon did not retreat. So the war dragged on slowly.

Sauveur shook his head and murmured.

"I mean, that's strange. Why do they continue without showing signs of retreat?"

"There must be something else. It doesn't make sense to lose so much if they only aim for a portion of Sevran's territory."


Zachary, who had agreed with Robert and Sauveur's words, frowned.

The reason Aragon continues to invade Sevran is because they are jealous of Sevran's fertile land and prosperous culture. They had no other cause, such as revenge or political retaliation. So there was no reason to prolong this loss-inducing war.

Marceau, the Count of Davoville, who had been silently listening to the meeting and contemplating next to him, spoke a moment later.

"They are holding onto something despite the losses, aren't they? Or there is some motive that we don't know to keep us tied here."

"That's why they are trying to keep us here despite all the losses... Do you mean they might be trying to attack somewhere else?"

"Instead of attacking somewhere else... It's as if they are trying to keep our eyes on this side..."

Marceau rubbed his chin. His narrow, squinted eyes blurred their focus as if he was looking at a distant place.

Even Count Davoville could not have guessed that Aragon had joined forces with Jacob and was only buying time to assist him.

What they intended was to capture the Saint.

The only person who knew the truth was Bianca, the person they were targeting. Before revealing that she was a Saint, she didn't have time to tell Zachary about Aragon's relationship with Jacob, fearing that he might suspect her connection to Jacob since there was no evidence.

If Zachary had known about Jacob's collaboration with Aragon, he would have noticed the moment Aragon was trying to buy time and would have eliminated them immediately.

But now he knew nothing. Without knowledge of Jacob's invasion into his territory, he pondered what Aragon's plan was to continue the war and how to completely expel Aragon from Sevran and return to Arno to embrace Bianca.

Then a centurion opened the headquarters and reported.

"...Count Arno. Reinforcements have arrived."

"Reinforcements, again? When I asked to send some soldiers, no one showed up."

"Now we have to worry about supplies."

Sauveur and Robert showed their discontent. The fact that there were many reinforcements was not necessarily a good thing.

They only filled the number of heads, but they didn't want to take risks and tried to share the burden, so they didn't know if it was an enemy or an ally. Frankly, if the reinforcements had been properly coordinated, Aragon would have been completely subdued earlier.

Zachary was also dissatisfied with the reinforcements. Zachary sighed heavily.

"Who is it?"


The centurion hesitated and looked at Zachary. But it was impossible not to report. The centurion cautiously reported.

"It's Viscount Huegh."


Zachary frowned at the absurd story. Everyone in the headquarters had their faces distorted.

It was well-known that Zachary and Viscount Huegh were half-brothers who didn't get along.

But did he lead the reinforcements and come to Zachary?

He must have some plan.

The centurion who reported it didn't look good either.

"He said he had something to say about the Saint... What should I do?"

"Oh, my little brother!"

Before Zachary could give a response, the headquarters swung open and Viscount Huegh entered. His voice was slightly elevated, and his attitude overly warm towards Zachary.

The atmosphere inside the headquarters darkened.
Everyone took a deep breath and looked at Zachary. Viscount Huegh was either ignorant or deliberately pretending not to know.

"I heard you were going through a difficult time, so this older brother came to you with an army. We don't get along, but how are siblings? They should help each other when going through a tough time, right?"

It wasn't something the person who coldly drove Zachary out of Huegh territory should say. To be more precise, all of Zachary's difficult times were because of Viscount Huegh.

That's why he went to war at the young age of 16.

Zachary sarcastically showed his hostility without hiding it.

"I don't recall receiving any help."

"Isn't it enough to help from now on?"

Despite Zachary's coldness, Viscount Huegh's smile didn't waver. Even if he had to give up his pride, he felt a strong determination to stay here somehow.

"I don't know if you really want to help. Isn't ruining cooked dishes my brother's specialty? Especially my dish."

"No way! That's your illusion. Dad always wanted you and me to get along... I'm just following his will."

Viscount Huegh excessively groveled to please Zachary. If it were him, he would have raised his voice and spat out curses immediately. Like before Bianca.

Viscount Huegh couldn't stand being compared to his handsome half-brother. Because his incompetence was more visible. So when he was in Sevran, he wouldn't even come near Zachary if there was a place where people paid attention to him.

But now, despite there being many people in the headquarters, he tried to show a harmonious side towards Zachary more than necessary.

There must be some kind of plot. Zachary's gaze, looking at Viscount Huegh, didn't waver. He tried to examine the dirty and true intentions hidden beneath his pretentious face, but Viscount Huegh just smiled softly.

"You're a hero, but don't let go of your willingness to receive help."

"I wonder if you're really willing to help me."

When Zachary didn't accept it, Viscount Huegh's smile, as if wearing a mask, finally cracked. The corners of his lips trembled with anger.

It wouldn't be strange if he started shouting soon, but to his surprise, Viscount Huegh suppressed his anger.

Putting on the mask of a smile again, he pulled something from his arms. He placed what he had taken on the table and muttered as if nothing had happened.

"Now that I think about it, I found this on my way here. It was somewhere in the Calya forest..."


Zachary's eyes widened, and he took a deep breath. Astonished cries came from all around. Everyone there knew what it was. It was Bianca's lace handkerchief.


After Jacob had a meeting with the nobles, he secretly summoned Viscount Huegh. This was because when the story of Zachary's lineage arose, Viscount Huegh naturally felt insulted.

Jacob handed Huegh a glass of wine and apologized.

"I apologize that you had to hear that today, Viscount Huegh."

"Well. It's not something the Prince deserves to apologize for."

In the face of Jacob's apology, the sadness of not siding with him in the secret meeting faded away at some point.

But he probably didn't call him just to say that. Viscount Huegh, who had been handed the wine, stood holding the cup awkwardly, looking at Jacob.

Jacob was relaxed. He filled his own wine glass and swirled it gently. The surface of the wine rippled like a sway. Like a stormy sea.

"It saddens me that some people sometimes react harshly to the fact that you share blood with Count Arno. Count Arno's savagery is ruining his reputation."

Viscount Huegh's stomach burned at Jacob's words. It was because he remembered the things he had lost because of Zachary...

He had always been compared to Zachary. From a young age, his father despised him and favored Zachary.

When his father died, he didn't even want to see Zachary's face, so he sent him to the battlefield with the wish for him to die. However, now everyone in Sevran compared him to Zachary...

When Viscount Huegh's face hardened, Jacob smiled and whispered with a sweet and compassionate voice.

"That's why I'm going to suggest something for you to be recognized."

"W-what is it?"

Viscount Huegh asked in a trembling voice. His pride was so high that he hated being compared to Zachary, but he lacked confidence in his ability. Is there something he can truly do? Anxiousness rolled in his eyes.

Jacob's golden lashes blinked slowly over his blue eyes a couple of times.

With a languid and ambiguous voice reminiscent of wine, he said as if it were nothing.


"Kill Count Arno."


Jacob's remark was like a whisper or a sigh. Viscount Huegh, who looked back at the echo of the words that vanished in an instant, understood it a moment later and was startled.

Killing Zachary itself wasn't surprising. The problem was that it was Viscount Huegh himself who had to do it.

How could he kill that beast? If he had been an easy target to kill, he would have killed him immediately, because Zachary was the thorn in Viscount Huegh's eyes.

"What do you mean? How could I...?"

"Of course, Count Arno is like a beast, and it's clear that he's a great general who never lost against Aragon. I'm not asking you to be fair to him either. I will help you."

Jacob smiled and pushed the small box on the table towards Viscount Huegh. As Viscount Huegh hesitated, Jacob nodded his head as if urging him to open it.

Viscount Huegh carefully opened the box. Inside the box was a small piece of white fabric. Viscount Huegh knew what it was. It was the lace that Bianca popularized in the capital.

So, what was he supposed to do with it? Viscount Huegh looked at Jacob with a perplexed look.

Jacob frowned, frustrated with Viscount Huegh's uselessness. Did he have to explain everything to him? However, it was his own fault for choosing such an opponent. He let out a small sigh and said quietly.

"It's the queen's handkerchief. We're going to use this to lure Count Arno."

"This... How?"

"Tell him you found this on the way. No matter how you look at it, it seems like something from the Countess. It's not really hers, but Count Arno will be confused. It's something that is hard to come by."

It wasn't something you could easily find on the way. It was rare to have a lace handkerchief at this moment. It was because Bianca adjusted the supply to increase the value of the lace.

Even if he had it, he would have hidden it deep in a chest because it's a very precious thing. In fact, this lace handkerchief that Jacob stole was also kept deep in the Queen's chest.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't believe it completely. Because puzzles are about putting obstacles to quick thinking, rather than trying to deceive them completely. Besides, the risk is too great. If this is from Bianca and if it's not from Bianca..."

Why the hell did Bianca in Arno Castle do such a thing? Many reasons and situations that are not reasonably understood will make you realize that this is a trap.

Still, Zachary will have no choice but to accept it. Because the cost is too high. If he said it wasn't from Bianca, but it actually was from Bianca... Something that he can't even imagine would happen.

"He will definitely go to the place where the lace handkerchief was. Then you dig a trap ahead of time and kill him. Do you understand?"

"Will a person who can smell danger like a dog move smoothly? If he sends a group to investigate..."

"He will move. He won't be able to bear it without seeing it with his own eyes. It's something related to his wife."

Jacob's blue eyes gleamed coldly. As if looking into Zachary's mind, Viscount Huegh, who had doubts about his confident attitude, let out the end of his words without repressing his anxiety.

"If he leads a group of soldiers... How can I make him fall into a trap?"

"Come to think of it, there's a good place for an ambush near Calya Forest. The road is narrow, so he can't bring many soldiers, making it a good place to set up an ambush..."

Jacob, frustrated with Viscount Huegh, who didn't have the will to think for himself, struggled to suppress his anger. Perhaps the reason Zachary had kept Viscount Huegh alive until now was that he was too stupid to even deal with him.

Of course, Jacob didn't expect Viscount Huegh to be able to kill Zachary. It would be even more surprising if he had that kind of ability.

But it would be a threat. Moreover, it might be possible to buy time by letting Aragon attack Arno's rear guard. He had to delay Zachary's return as much as possible.

Jacob was satisfied with that.

Although it would be really good if he kills him.

"In that way, if you can get rid of Zachary, the territories and titles that belong to him will be yours. You will become Count Arno."

"A-and me?"

"That's right. Who else can do it? Aren't you the only blood relative of Count Arno? The current heiress is Bianca, but once we capture her, she will have nothing to do with Arno. So you must take what's left."

Jacob seduced Viscount Huegh. Foolish, proud, and greedy, he opened his mouth, thinking about what he could gain by killing Zachary.

It was clear that if he thought a little, this wouldn't be easy. But the fact that he could become a count blinded Viscount Huegh.

Even if things didn't go well for Viscount Huegh in the process, it wasn't Jacob's concern. No. Rather, he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the Viscount from his sight.

He was on Jacob's side, but Jacob despised guys like Viscount Huegh. To the extent that he could sympathize with Zachary. It wasn't reasonable to take everything in the family just because he was the first son, even if he didn't have the ability. Wasn't his older brother, Gautier, a perfect example?

It was for that reason that Viscount Huegh had to do this. He hated Zachary, and he was the one who could benefit the most from his death, so it was easy to trap him, but at the same time, Jacob also wanted to get rid of him without hesitation...

Jacob's lips twisted with contempt as the image of Viscount Huegh overlapped with Gautier.

"Viscount Huegh."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"This is definitely something that must be done, no matter what happens. If you succeed in this, you can become a count, or even a marquis. If you fail..."

Jacob smiled and swallowed. But it was obvious what he meant without having to listen to it. Viscount Huegh swallowed. His mouth was dry from tension. His eyes were clouded by what he would gain, and he unconsciously became stunned. Recovering belatedly, he opened his mouth to refuse.

Just as Viscount Huegh was about to say that he couldn't do it, Jacob whispered to Viscount Huegh, patting his shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Don't worry. If you do well, nobody will insult your family. You just have to do it right."

Viscount Huegh realized he had missed the moment to say no. He was with his mouth open, but of course, he couldn't resist the situation.

If he couldn't refuse, he had no choice but to look forward. Viscount Huegh nodded slowly, envisioning the bright future he would have for killing Zachary.

His smiling mouth remained uncomfortably stiff, but Jacob widened his eyes, pretending not to know. He seemed immensely pleased.


It had been about a week since Jacob invaded. Arno Castle was busy fending off the enemy's relentless offensive.

It was Gaspard who took command of the war. He stood guard like an iron wall, perfectly stopping those who clung to the walls like demons.

Vincent was by his side, managing the supplies. How many arrows were left and if there was enough food. His tall, slim, and aging body swayed through the cold winter winds, appearing unsettling, but his tightly sealed mouth and his eyes were colder than winter snow.

Bianca was also busy. Not knowing how to do anything doesn't mean she did nothing. She was in charge of support in the rear guard.

Bianca gathered women, prepared food for the soldiers, and repaired worn-out or broken armor.

"Is all the water boiled? Take it to the northwest wall."

"Yes. I will move immediately, Madam."

Under Bianca's direction, the servants poured boiled water on the walls. The enemy soldiers climbing the wall screamed and fell to the ground.

Bianca's skirt was worn out and disheveled from running so much. Bianca's hair, which had always been neatly groomed, was slightly frozen and tangled from the wind, and her pure white skin was blackened with ash stains all over.

Vincent felt a little guilty for her unkempt appearance, considering that his lady used to be as proud as a flower on a cliff. He thought it was because he had not been able to serve his lady properly and bowed deeply.

"I have sent a messenger to the Count, so please wait a little longer, Madam."

"How long will it take for him to arrive?"

"Considering that it takes a long time to reach the border from here, and it's difficult to recover immediately after receiving a report, it will be a maximum of six weeks."

"Six weeks..."

Six weeks seemed like a long time. When Bianca uttered her bewildered words, Vincent comforted her.

"Don't worry. By the time he returns, spring will come and the snow will melt, so maybe he can come earlier. Right. We will also request reinforcements from the Blanchefort family."

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