TWB (Novel) Chapter 130


There were many unsettling things to rely solely on the castle's defensive power.

Fortunately, there were enough soldiers left to defend the territory. But how long could they hold out?

Gaspard clenched his teeth. He had to fulfill the promise he made to the Count that he would protect his wife even if it meant risking his life.

Bianca stared in that direction, looking astonished. Of course, even he, with war experience, felt bewildered by the sudden invasion, so Bianca, who had lived a life completely unrelated to the rain and wind outside the castle, would be even more so.

As soon as he approached her, Gaspard spoke.

"Enter, madam."

"Who is invading?"

However, Bianca paid no attention to Gaspard's words and asked, without taking her eyes off the army aiming at her territory.

How would Bianca react to the news that the second prince had invaded?

Gaspard hesitated, considering whether it would be better to tell her the truth.

Bianca, who had little patience, asked again.

"I asked who is invading!"

A sharp and nervous cry cut through the blizzard and echoed in the space. It was hard to believe that such incredible pressure came from such a slender body. In the end, Gaspard had no choice but to recount to Bianca what he had seen and received.

"... the second prince is in the front, and the number of soldiers surrounding the castle seems to be around 5,000."

"Five thousand... soldiers?"

Bianca murmured blankly at the unpredictable number. Matching numbers to people was not easy.

"How many soldiers are in the castle?"

"About five hundred. If we count those who can wield swords among the people in the territory, the number will be slightly higher."

"So, should we stop the five thousand with five hundred?"

"To be precise, we are dealing with five thousand people with about a thousand people, and it's worth a try. We are in a defensive situation. Arno Castle was built more firmly after the Count received the territory, so it won't be easy to conquer it from the other side. Moreover, we have enough supplies to last until this spring, so we'll have to hold on until the Count arrives."

It was the longest sentence Bianca had heard from Gaspard. Gaspard was meant to reassure Bianca, but Bianca grew anxious.

How desperate must Gaspard be to try to convince her with words?

Bianca took a deep breath upon Gaspard's confirmation that Jacob was in the front. She didn't want to get involved with him, but at the same time, she preferred him to come. At least now she doesn't have to worry about where Jacob is and what he's doing.

Bianca kept her mouth shut, and Gaspard added sternly. It was as if he was pushing Bianca's back.

"There is nothing to worry about, madam. I will handle it. Yvonne, please accompany the madam."


"How can I not worry?!"

Bianca shouted, shaking Yvonne's arm as she tried to hold her.

"Isn't it simply trying to appease a child to say that there's nothing to worry about in this situation? Is it alright to leave all the responsibilities to Gaspard and turn away from the war just because I'm a young woman?"

Bianca has lived a life removed from responsibility and duty. Territory management, administration... She left everything behind with Vincent and lived only a luxurious and lazy daily life.

But this was war. The lives of the people in the territory are at stake...

War is war. If you delegate the responsibility of war to others...

Bianca remembered another version of herself that she had seen in her dream. After Zachary's death, she was expelled as if she had been abandoned from the territory.

At first, she was only hurt and resentful because she had been cast out barefoot.

But looking back, she was hurt not only by those feelings. It was Viscount Huegh who expelled her, but it would have been difficult without the cooperation of Vincent and Arno.

The truth that Bianca herself didn't want to admit. The frustration that there was no one on the estate to take care of her...

She had never fulfilled her duty, so she didn't even expect anything, but the scars still remained, and the blood flowed. She was so filled up inside that she couldn't see it. But the wound ended up bursting now.

"If I were hiding in a corner of the castle, would that be enough? Sir Gaspard, tell me, is that really the duty of the lord's wife?"


"I don't know much about war strategy, so I won't be of much help. I didn't even fulfill the duty of a respected lord's wife, so the fact that I participate in the war won't be of much moral help."

Bianca was incompetent. She knew nothing about war, and her resilience was weak.

If it were Bianca at that time, who believed she had just returned, she would have taken command only to save her own life. Because she was cast out because she did nothing in her previous life. To not give more reasons to be cast out...

But what was pushing her now was a cry of complicated emotions mixed with a sense of duty, to defend Zachary's honor and the shame towards the people of the territory who walked on their limbs.

"But if I don't participate in the war, won't it be a disgrace to the Count's honor?"

Bianca's voice was so faint it seemed to be carried away by the wind. But her pale green eyes were as strong and determined as a bud sprouting even in the midst of winter winds.

"To exterminate those who go against God's will, and to protect the territory that the lord has left... This is my duty as a saint and my duty as the lord's wife! Don't take away my duty, Gaspard!"

Bianca made up her mind. She was stubborn and never changed her mind once she had decided. Gaspard sighed softly, realizing that excluding Bianca from the battlefield would only lead to a situation beyond his control.

At that moment, fires started everywhere.

Even in the snowstorm, smoke and light rose faintly. Rather, because it was a white world, the red was more vivid.


"They set fire to the warehouse. It seems they're approaching, looting distant private houses."

Of course, it was obvious what happened to the servants who were staying there. Bianca's face hardened in the face of the threat before her.

What the residents of Arno had stored as winter food fell into the hands of Jacob's army, and the lives of the residents were uncertain. Bianca, who was in a hurry, shouted urgently,

"Make the young ones escape to the castle right now! Hurry!"

Gaspard moved a second before Bianca spoke. Vincent was running from afar, beyond Gaspard's instructions to his men. His wrinkled face was dark.

In a confusing and unreal situation, Bianca's head began to spin. Before returning to the estate and preparing for All Saints' Day, Vincent and his words about defending the territory were also very similar to Gaspard's.

The castle is not easy to capture, and there are ample food reserves. Since it was winter, there was no risk of infectious diseases, and the set fires were difficult. All they had to do was hold on until Zachary returns after hearing about this...

Thinking slowly about what she had to do, her mind calmed down. Bianca's eyes gleamed with coldness, and she took a deep breath.

"All these things are things I haven't seen in the future, no, in my dreams. The war and the bad ties with Jacob. So, in another sense, didn't I change the future?"

Jacob's invasion of Arno could be the next best option he chose because otherwise, he couldn't kill Zachary.

"Maybe I can prevent Zachary's death."

As soon as she thought that, a thought appeared in Bianca's head.

"By the way, I'm a Saint, but it was never said that I couldn't die. I can also die at any time. Even before God's will is fulfilled, even if God's will succeeds or fails..."

Bianca knew the answer to the birth of the Saints, but she didn't know what their end would be.

The fear of death enveloped Bianca in an instant. Unlike the cold of winter, the creepy feeling that seeped into her bones was unpleasant, so she tried to eliminate it completely.

"No, don't jump to conclusions, Bianca. Start with what's right in front of you... discreetly. That's how you can survive. You don't want to die anymore. You want to live by Zachary's side for a long, long time..."

Bianca shook her head hastily and clenched her fists. On one side of her heart, a snake called death circled around her.

Bianca slapped herself on the cheek. Overcoming fears brings victory, but being paralyzed by fear brings death.

Her cheeks were tinged with a reddish color as if they had been burned by the cold winter wind. Yvonne, who was by her side, was startled by Bianca's sudden action, and Vincent rushed toward her. Bianca stared death in the face beyond the wall.

"I have already experienced something different from the future God showed me many times, and I overcame it well. So, this time will be the same."

Bianca admonished herself and made a promise. From now on, she instinctively realized that even the time to shake her mind was a luxury.

A luxury, like an unbreakable tightrope, incomparable to the luxury she had been living.

Now, all that remains is to frantically run to fulfill her duty.


Jacob silently gazed at the castle of Arno in the distance. Just thinking about how Bianca would react when she saw him in the castle made his heart beat with excitement.

Jacob was the only one anticipating the war.

The five thousand soldiers that Jacob had gathered, almost intimidating the nobles, were nervous as they swallowed nervously in anticipation of the impending war.

They were five thousand strong. On the other hand, there were reports that only around 500 soldiers remained in the castle of Arno. An overwhelming attack that was ten times larger. But since they were on the siege side, they couldn't simply relax.

In a siege, it was not an exaggeration to say that the one who resisted the longest was the winner. It was difficult for the defending side to take active action to completely annihilate the invading army, and the siege side had to fight to enter the castle. Even if they entered, it was difficult to launch a general offensive since they were quite vulnerable.

So, in the end, it was a defeat for the side whose physical strength or supplies ran out first. The side taken by surprise had limited supplies, so it wasn't too difficult for the besieging side to receive supplies slowly and hold out.

But if that was all, the morale of the soldiers wouldn't be so miserable. They faced a series of challenges. A time limit because they didn't know when the army of Count Arno would return!

When Count Arno returned from completely capturing Aragon, the rear would be exposed. The war hero, Count Arno, would not forgive those who invaded his territory. So they had to capture the castle of Arno before he returned.

To do that, they had to actively attack. However, since the hero Count Arno himself was involved in the fortification, the Castle of Arno had a strong defense that was comparable to a battle fortress. The grandeur of a castle solidly built with stones. Fortunately, the Arno estate was on the plains. If it were on high ground, they would have surrendered even before going to war.

What should they do to overcome that tall and tough wall? Jump stairs, pile up earth, or open tightly closed doors like an iron wall...

Of course, there was no way Arno could remain idle. They would pour boiling water or shoot arrows at those desperately climbing the walls. Therefore, despite the overwhelming difference in power, death was inevitably destined for those who took the lead.

For the commander, it was just a great loss of troops, but for the soldiers, it was the end of their lives. Who would be chosen? Uneasy tension flowed among the soldiers.

Furthermore, the preparation period for the siege was too short. To attack a castle, one would need to prepare for at least three months. The siege battle was a heavy burden.

On the other hand, they had only been busy preparing for the battle for about a week or so. Additionally, as each noble tried to keep themselves safe from one another, despite the ten-to-one difference in numbers, morale was at an all-time low.

It was fortunate that the surrounding territories were all empty thanks to their support for Zachary, so they couldn't intervene in the siege. Blanchefort, the Countess Arno's house, also wouldn't be able to move easily as they were also escorting the young heir Prince Albert.

If not, would they abandon the Crown Prince? Then both the king and the Crown Prince would be vulnerable. Well, for Jacob, that wouldn't be bad. This was because he had placed an assassin in case the Crown Prince was left alone.

Then Jacob would become the only remaining member of the royal family. In that case, even if he lost the war, it would be a good deal for Jacob...

Count Blanchefort was an intelligent man. He would have no choice but to abandon his daughter for the honor of the family.

Confidently, Jacob curled his lips as he remembered the idea of holding Bianca, who was left alone, in his arms. He wouldn't have to wait too long for that day...

Before the war began, Jacob rode his majestic horse to the castle of Arno. The mane of the white horse he rode waved in the wind. The intensity of the sun and his delicate and beautiful appearance. A confident attitude. As if he were a work of art, his figure was as beautiful as a prince in a fairy tale.

However, he was the messenger who would bring death to the Arno estate. Jacob exclaimed with dignity.

"The second prince of Sevran, Jacob of Sevran, requests that Arno surrender!"

"Even if you're a prince, it goes against common sense to invade a vassal's territory like this. Not to mention, the Count, the owner of the territory, has abandoned the territory to fight for the kingdom! You're nothing but a coward!"

Gaspard, who was in charge of defending the territory, shouted. Standing on the wall, like an ironclad knight, he seemed reassuring, as if he would not allow any enemy invasion.

"We have no intention of attacking. If you grant our request, we will leave."

"What is your request?"

"The life of Bianca of Arno!"

As soon as Jacob's response arrived, the soldiers of the Arno Territory became agitated. To that extent, Jacob's response was unexpected. Bringing troops and demanding the lord's wife. It seemed like he was taking the honor of the Arno family lightly...

Furthermore, Bianca is a Saint. The servants, who were proud of that fact, were filled with energy. The murmurs grew louder and louder, and everyone in the Arno estate cursed with indignation.

"Why the hell is he talking about my lady? No, is it alright for royalty to covet the wives of their vassals?"

"Is it possible? He said he's a prince, but he's actually crazy!"

Gaspard also looked at Jacob with a stern face. It was so insulting that he, who used to be calm, couldn't easily bear it.

"...Do you know that she is our countess?"

"Of course. Would I have come here without knowing?"

Jacob shamelessly lifted his head, saying he had no shame. Jacob's gaze fell on Bianca, who was standing diagonally behind Gaspard. Her pale white face looked thin as if she was about to collapse.

Although only three months had passed, it was a pleasure to see her again. Jacob's heart raced at the reunion with the opponent he had longed for. Although she didn't like Jacob, it was only then that Jacob knew it.

"Are you asking for the countess's life for some reason?"

"You don't need to know that. It's just for the sake of the cause. I have no intention of mistreating or insulting her."

"Does Your Highness think your argument is valid?"

"Of course!"

Jacob exaggeratedly puffed out his chest and spread his arms. It was no big deal, and as soon as he got Bianca, he was going to take her away. Jacob didn't hesitate.

"If Bianca is a saint, if I take her as a saint, then God's will will be in my hands."

But there was no way Bianca or anyone could ignore his dark heart. It was obvious what someone like Jacob was thinking. Bianca was disgusted by Jacob's bold and shameless behavior.

Noticing Bianca's disappointed look, Jacob spoke to her softly with a smile brighter than a peony.

"Long time no see. You're more beautiful now than I remembered."

Bianca felt disgusted. She had goosebumps all over her body. But Jacob didn't care, and he gently seduced Bianca with a sweet voice as if he had put honey on his lips.

"That's what we want, Bianca. If you come to me, I will withdraw. Aren't the lives of the servants precious? You are a saint, aren't you? Will you watch people die because of you?"

His voice was as smooth as velvet, but the content was a sinister scheme to make Bianca feel remorse in the end. As if the war was provoked by Bianca. As if because of her, the people of the territory would end up dying.

What kind of bullshit is that? Bianca tried to say something, but Gaspard stopped her. Gaspard shook his head gently. It seemed to indicate that there was nothing good in exchanging words with the prince.

Gaspard gritted his teeth and made the final offer.

"It's not even worth negotiating. Go back."

"Then I should try to carry out our point."

"That's what we want."

Gaspard responded straightforwardly. After all, the war was inevitable. If he truly had no intention of attacking and only wanted to scare them, he wouldn't have started by setting fire to a private house in the first place.

Gaspard, skilled in war, noticed Jacob's lies like the back of his hand. There's nothing to be gained by negotiating with a person like him. Until he fills his stomach, he will try to devour his opponent without consideration.

Faced with Gaspard's firm refusal, Jacob shrugged and turned his head. It was as if he didn't expect much in the first place. And so, the negotiations broke down, and the war began.

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