TWB (Novel) Chapter 116


The first to discover it was Francis, who observed every movement of Bianca to the point of having blurry eyes.


Francis's eyes widened at the golden light that rose through Bianca's bangs. Under the sacred-feeling light, Francis immediately reached out his hand towards Bianca's bangs to check the stigma.

But the opponent is a Countess. Francis's hand, unable to directly reach her bangs, waved in the air. He stammered and asked carefully.

"Believer, move your hair for a moment..."

"Yes, yes."

Unaware of what was happening, Bianca nodded and carefully lifted her bangs off her forehead. Under Bianca's well-groomed, slender nails, the reddish-brown bangs lifted, revealing a clearer trace than when it was hidden.

As if a pattern had been made by finely sprinkling gold dust in the middle of her forehead, the shining trace was the pattern of a dove. It was a stigma that meant "messenger of God," in other words, "the one who conveys God's will." It was the same as in the historical material Francis knew.

"Oh, oh... as I expected!"

He started with confidence, but when he actually saw the miracle of God with his own eyes, he was overwhelmed by the glory. Tears rolled down Francis's wrinkled cheeks. Overwhelmed by emotion, he couldn't speak easily and knelt in front of Bianca.

Taken aback by Francis's sudden action, Bianca stood up from her seat without realizing it. Bianca rubbed her forehead. The only thing she touched with her fingertips was the smooth skin covering her forehead.

It was even more difficult for Bianca to empathize with Francis's reaction since there was nothing special about herself.

Still, judging by Francis's reaction, the stigma seemed to have been exposed. For a moment, she thought she had returned to her foolish dream that was nothing more than an illusion.

Bianca finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, that didn't resolve all her concerns. The meaning of being a Saint was something very significant.

"Why of all people should it be me? I am not faithful, not pleasant, not capable. Am I really a Saint?"

Bianca remained motionless, not knowing what to do. While Bianca was perplexed, Francis, who had regained his composure, stood up slowly. His blue-gray eyes were filled with courtesy and astonishment. Francis asked cautiously.

"Have you ever told anyone else? Maybe Count Arno..."

"No, no one..."

"What future do you see?"


Bianca's mouth shut tightly. The hint of not wanting to speak was evident.

Francis nodded as if he understood. The future seen by those who predicted the future was the future that should not happen for God and the worst future for themselves. In other words, it was the weakness of a Saint in themselves. Francis changed his words and asked the question again.

"Then, believer, no, chosen Saint, what future do you desire?"

Although he has always been respectful, his attitude has become more polite after acknowledging that Bianca is a Saint. Faced with the title imposed by Francis, a sense of reality took hold of Bianca. This was not the time to be stunned by the fact that she was a Saint. What truly mattered was something else.

Bianca blinked slowly, considering Francis's question. The future she wants is...

" husband."

As soon as Bianca struggled to open her mouth, she choked. She couldn't tell if the air had vanished or if a snake had lodged itself in her throat.

Suddenly, she felt suffocated, and the corners of her eyes blurred as she thought about it. What stopped her breath was a roaring cry.

Tuk, tuk. Tears fell along the hem of her clothes.

The downpour turned into a torrential rain. In an unexpected moment, Bianca couldn't control her emotions and was swept away by sobs. Her voice was muffled by the sound of crying.

But the determination in Bianca's eyes was clear. Her light green eyes, clouded by water like a dew-soaked blade of grass, looked unwaveringly at Francis. Bianca barely spat out, word by word.

"A future where my husband doesn't die."

The fear of Zachary's death was terrifying. She felt chills run through her body at the thought that his death could become a reality. Bianca, unable to bear the chills, shivered.

"I must not get too anxious. Now that I have become a Saint, I will be able to get help from the Paladins of the Order. Then I will be able to make sure he doesn't die..."

She will be able to protect Zachary as a Saint, not as the former defenseless countess. Naturally, she should be happy, but she couldn't understand why she felt even more anxious.

Bianca realized the reason for her anxiety a second later. It was due to the predestined knowledge that Zachary's death would not be easy to avoid.

Zachary's death was a future that God transmitted to Bianca by making her a saint. It was the same as saying it was a highly probable future that would happen in real life to the extent that it needed to be changed.

The only one who could change the future was Bianca, a Saint. If that was the case, it would be like saying that if Bianca made the wrong decision, no one could prevent Zachary's death...

After piecing together the fragments, she finally discovered the truth. However, the revealed truth made it difficult for her to act to change the future.

She felt trapped in a swamp, unable to move. That was the reality of Bianca, who discovered everything.

A shadow fell over Bianca's face. It was a shadow darker and deeper than the swamp she had fallen into.


It was confusing, but she couldn't stay in the archbishop's office forever. Bianca, who managed to gather her thoughts, took a deep breath.

The tears on her cheeks dried, and the sadness that choked her throat had long passed. Now that she knew everything she was concerned about, it was time to leave.

But before leaving the church, she had to request something from Francis once again.


"Yes, Saint."

"Perhaps... Can you keep it a secret that I am a Saint? I haven't decided yet... For now, I don't want to reveal this to anyone around me."

If Zachary ever found out, it would be really bad. If he were to ask what the hell she saw in the future, how should she respond? The future she saw also had to be a secret from Zachary.

However, Bianca knew very well that she was not good at lying. Even if she kept her mouth shut and remained silent, it was clear that everything would eventually be reflected on her face. First and foremost, it would be better to hide the fact that she was the one who foresaw the future.

Francis felt puzzled by Bianca's unexpected request. It was because he was excited to announce the birth of a saint to the Church and reveal that he was the one who consecrated the Saint.

However, he couldn't reject the Santa's request to keep it a secret. Francis responded, inclining his head.

"It's possible. I will do it. However... When the Santa needs the power of the church in the future, it will likely take some time to obtain permission from the church. First, we have to put the Santa's name on the list."

Bianca clicked her tongue at the awkward situation. She never knew when her husband would rush to the battlefield. If by any chance it's too late to mobilize the Paladins... Anxious Bianca had no choice but to take a step back.

"So, can you put me on the list but not reveal my identity?"

"That is also possible. All I have to do is personally go to the Vatican and meet with the Holy Father and the cardinals and tell them. I will conceal your presence within the Church."

"Sorry for the trouble."

"It's not something the Saint should apologize for. However, we may not be able to hide the rumor that a Saint appeared in Sevran... Some of the people who came with you today may notice, will that be alright?"

Bianca's compromised proposal was well received by Francis, but that forced her to address her concerns.

The person Francis was referring to was Odelli, who came today with Bianca. The princess had a sharper sense than expected and had a good memory. Perhaps as soon as she hears the rumors of a Saint appearing in Sevran, she will remember Bianca's encounter with Francis.

And Bianca also noticed that Francis had Odelli in mind. It was unclear if Odelli had a loose or tight tongue, but Bianca knew she was a very smart person. So she wouldn't speak about Bianca just out of interest. If she were to talk about Bianca, it should be out of a political or circumstantial "need." Bianca believed that it wouldn't be impertinent.

"When will the rumors spread?"

"Probably after going to the Vatican. I swear I will never reveal your identity through my mouth."

"I think it will be fine by then."

Bianca nodded. When Francis returned from his visit to the Vatican, Bianca and Zachary would also have arrived at the Arno estate.

Zachary was a man who was quite indifferent to rumors, except when it came to an indication of war. Even if rumors circulated that a Saint had appeared in the capital, he wouldn't pay much attention to it, and even if he received a report from Gaspard about his exclusive meeting with Francis today, he wouldn't even be able to connect the appearance of the Saint to her.

"So it will be done that way. Again, please keep it a secret. Whether it's a woman or a man, a noble or a commoner, an elder or a child... Do you understand?"

Francis nodded in response to the firm plea. But he wondered why Bianca was trying to hide both her identity as a Saint. The concealment of her identity seemed too decisive to say that her mind was not in order. Francis politely responded and asked.

"I will do as the Saint wishes. But, Saint, if you reveal that you are a Saint, everyone around you will praise and worship you endlessly. Count Arno, who is the hero of the kingdom, will also listen to you more, so why do you want to hide it?"

At Francis' words, Bianca's shoulders trembled. A bitter smile slipped across Bianca's lips. What Francis pointed out is what Bianca had also thought. She simply dismissed it from her mind as soon as she thought of it. Bianca slowly shook her head.

"Even as a Saint, nothing will change. Because I am still just me..."

There was a sense of profound weariness in her voice. What's the point of people being kind to her just because she is a Saint? There have always been people like that. Bianca, the Countess of Arno and daughter of Blanchefort, who was unilaterally admired or rejected...

But what was the outcome? They turned their backs on her, cursing her bad personality and mocking her, saying how terrifying it must be, being expelled from the family. Bianca knew well that becoming a Saint would make no difference.

Furthermore, what if Zachary's attitude changes when he discovers that Bianca is a Saint?... Bianca would always be suspicious of him. To what extent is his sincerity, and not because she is a Saint.

Just thinking about it was exhausting. Bianca added, whispering weakly.

"And if my husband listens to me only because I am a Saint, it would be a bit bittersweet."


As soon as Bianca finished the consecration ceremony and left the archbishop's office, Yvonne and Gaspard ran to meet her. Yvonne's eyes scrutinized Bianca's pale face.

"Madam, are you alright? Why is your complexion so poor?"

"It's nothing major. I suppose it's because I've been there for too long."

Bianca nodded. It was an absurd excuse, but it sounded plausible to Yvonne.

"Well, it must have been difficult for you to walk to the church today... Shall we call a carriage for the way back?"

"The princess is also there, how could I ask for a carriage? It's fine."

Bianca waved her hand. Gaspard, who had been listening to the conversation between Bianca and Yvonne, turned his gaze to Bianca's eyes.

She was far from the usual religious beliefs. But Bianca had spent a lot of time alone with the archbishop... Something must have happened there, but he couldn't figure out what. No matter how closely he looked at Bianca's face, it was the same.

Bianca's face grew darker with each passing moment as Gaspard looked at her.

"But I am exhausted. I don't think I can continue. I should greet the princess and return."

Bianca walked away unsteadily. Her trembling back was at stake, but Bianca refused to lean on Yvonne and walked firmly alone. Her stubborn attitude was consistent enough.

When Bianca returned to the chapel, Odelli and Catherine, who were watching Bianca, were startled. It was because Bianca's condition didn't look good even to them. Before Bianca could awkwardly smile and say something, Odelli and Catherine pushed Bianca's back.

"Go ahead, rest. You look like you're about to collapse."

"I agree. Did you overexert yourself today?"

"That's right. We'll be back soon, so don't worry, Countess. Oh, the carriage. I need to call the carriage."

Bianca tried to say that she was fine, but Princess Odelli was one step ahead. Bianca, who was still exhausted, couldn't stop her as she took a step forward and called for the carriage. In the face of Odelli's coercive decision, Yvonne, who was behind Bianca, cheered inwardly.

After returning to her chambers, Bianca was in a daze all day. The next day, she locked herself in her bedroom and didn't even move. Bianca looked out the window all day, deep in thought. Even when Yvonne spoke to her, she often responded harshly or ignored her. Her vaguely lost eyes looked into the distance. She had no idea what she was so obsessed with.

Zachary also quickly noticed Bianca's strangeness. Obviously, when she headed to the church, she was the same as always, but her appearance was somewhat off.

Zachary wanted to know what happened that day with Gaspard and Robert, who had been assigned as escorts. He thought he would go alone with Princess Odelli, so it was unexpected that Countess Davoville would accompany her, but it was nothing special. On the contrary, in Robert's eyes, it seemed like a rather friendly atmosphere, and Zachary, who put Bianca's feelings above all else, was happy.

However, there were a few things in Gaspard's words that bothered him. It was that Bianca had had a private meeting with the Archbishop.

"Bianca... Did you meet with the Archbishop?"

"Yes. She also prepared a gift. At first, I thought it was a gift for Princess Odelli..."

She even prepared a gift in advance?

That being said, it wasn't an accidental encounter. Zachary also agreed with Gaspard's statement that she was far from being religious. So why did she meet with the Archbishop? As if responding to Zachary's question, Gaspard continued.

"She said she had something to ask the Archbishop about miracles, but I'm not exactly sure what. The Madam insisted on being alone..."


As soon as Gaspard's words fell, Zachary's face hardened like stone. Gaspard looked at Zachary and nodded.

"Yes. The Madam insisted."

"You don't know what they talked about."

"No. I could hear them talking inside, but not enough to understand the conversation."

"You didn't hear any loud noises?"

"No. However, when Madam came out of the Archbishop's office, she seemed tired. I don't know if it's simply due to the aftermath of being out for a long time or because of the conversation..."

The more he listened, the more he felt like he was falling into a maze. Did she ask about miracles? Regardless of why she asked that, is it something that shakes Bianca so much?

Even if he urged himself to think carefully if there was anything else, Gaspard simply shook his head in embarrassment.

Finally, Zachary realized that he had no choice but to ask Bianca directly.

But it was a real challenge.

Although the couple got along better than before, they rarely talked to each other.

Of course, he wasn't as nervous as before to say a word. Small conversations in bed or at the table. Where to go, what to wear, what to eat... Through such things, he also noticed that there are differences between the tastes of Bianca that have been informed to him so far and Bianca's true tastes.

However, it was another matter to tell a story with a sense of urgency. How should he start? Zachary groaned in worry.

But still, he couldn't let this pass. Zachary, who had made up his mind, slowly entered Bianca's room after dinner that night.

As the saying goes, those who have tasted meat once cannot forget the taste of meat. After lying in bed with Bianca once or twice, Zachary entered Bianca's room as if it were his own. It seemed ridiculous that in the past, when Bianca hinted that they should sleep together, he would turn around and leave.

The feeling of falling asleep while embracing her waist was an ecstasy that couldn't be replaced by anything else. Sometimes, Bianca would fall asleep with her head resting on his shoulder, and Zachary would hold her without being able to sleep for a long time.

Perhaps due to the frequent visits, even when Zachary suddenly entered the room, Bianca didn't say anything.

Thanks to that, it was up to Zachary to speak. Looking out the window, Zachary coughed in the direction of Bianca's back, who seemed lost in her thoughts.


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