TWB (Novel) Chapter 115


"Don't worry too much. This is the church where God's eyes are upon us. The person in front of you is a believer, and I am a servant of God, so to ease your mind, you can think of us as if we were in a confession room."

When the archbishop said that, Gaspard couldn't raise his voice any further. No matter how strict Zachary's orders were, this place was a church, and his opponent was the archbishop.

And above all, Bianca didn't seem willing to change her mind. Gaspard, unable to do either one or the other, hesitated in panic. Francis made a generous offer to Gaspard.

"If you are truly worried, how about standing by the door? You won't be able to hear the conversation there, but if something happens, you will be able to notice."

Francis's suggestion was the best. Gaspard, who had no choice but to accept the offer, nodded. Gaspard and the other companions left the archbishop's office, and Yvonne bid farewell to Bianca, looking at her anxiously.

After John left the room and closed the door, only Bianca and Francis were left in the office.

Even if there were circumstances, treating an archbishop as a rogue was unacceptable. Bianca immediately bowed her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult the archbishop. However, recently, there was a fight with unpleasant people..."

"Loyalty is supposed to be something difficult. Loyalty to the religion is also loyalty to God after all, so I fully understand the knight's mindset."

Francis shook his head as if nothing had happened. Francis's refusal to say much about this made Bianca look at him again. It was so easy to catch him with the candle that she underestimated him a little... However, he was not the type of opponent she could catch.

Francis looked directly at Bianca, twirling his mustache with his hand. His gray-blue eyes seemed to be staring into the abyss rather than at Bianca.

"All right, believer. Now tell me. What are you curious about?"

Bianca swallowed. The tips of her fingers were cold and tingling with tension. She secretly gripped her skirt, but that alone didn't easily calm her heart.

Her trembling lungs caused her pain in her chest, and even her voice trembled. Bianca cautiously opened her mouth.

"Are there any recorded cases of regression among miracles?"

"You said regression?"

"Yes. Recorded cases of regression as a miracle from God, and why regression occurs... What is the cause of that happening? I am curious about those things."

Her voice trembled slightly, but she released her questions without stuttering. The mere fact that she asked this question would be suspicious. It is not something that common people would be curious about.

There weren't many excuses for it. She could say it's something that has interested her recently... Of course, it's a dubious excuse, but what would she do if the archbishop insisted until the end?

For Bianca, even if she was suspicious, even if he gave her a precious candle, it was necessary to bring up the matter of regression. To not hesitate in her future actions, to have confidence, to move forward without being shaken...


In response to Bianca's question, Francis let out a groan. As his silence grew longer, his words reverberated more.

The beating of Bianca's heart resonated in her ears. Meanwhile, Francis's roaring voice resonated in the office like a dull butcher's knife, cutting through the heavy silence.

"To be clear, believer, there is no regression."

"There... is none?"

Bianca's eyes were shaken like a lightning bolt falling from a clear sky. What do you mean there's no such thing as regression? Then, how did I go back in time?

Bianca's body was shaken by the impact of being hit on the head with a hammer. Her barely recovered eyelashes blinked slowly. The blank eyes were hazy.

Francis was puzzled by Bianca's astonishing agitation, not even thinking about controlling her expression. He couldn't understand what was so shocking. He had more than one or two questions, but Francis easily responded to Bianca's question.

"Yes. Although there is a similar phenomenon, the church distinguishes it as future prediction, not regression."

"Future... prediction."

There was no sense of reality even if she repeated it with her lips. Still, for her, the memory of her previous life was as vivid as if it had happened yesterday...

"The distinction between the two was very vague at first. In fact, the saints who predicted the future even claimed that they had regressed. But we think of it as a more detailed and concrete prediction of the future that only happens to an individual."

"... Why?"

"Because there is no evidence."


"Yes. Evidence of regression. It only remains in the minds of the saints."

Francis insisted that his words had no validity and could not be refuted. Bianca's head hurt from Francis' statement that everything she had experienced was just a dream. A throbbing headache disturbed her thoughts. Reality, dream, past, and future all mixed and confused her mind.

In the past, she was too cynical and heartless. That vivid feeling was an illusion. Could it be that she relied so much on a fragment that could have been just the future? A wave of emptiness enveloped her.

But at the same time, the word "foreknowledge" unsettled her. If she predicted the future... Would the future flow like that dream? Even though many things have already changed?

Bianca looked at Francis with the gaze of a lost child. Her thoughts were revealed on her face. Bianca stammered with trembling lips.

"... W-will the dreams you see with that foreknowledge of the future come true?"

"If we follow precedent... sometimes yes, sometimes no."

Francis' words only worsened Bianca's confusion. Seeing Bianca's bewilderment, Francis let out a deep sigh.

Seeing Bianca absorb each and every one of his words, he thought it would be better to give the key points instead of going over them one by one.

"Instead of talking about the realization of a dream seen as a future prediction, I should first explain why God shows the future. Only those chosen by God can predict the future."

"... On what basis is one selected?"

"In that great moment of history that God draws, the chosen one is the only one who can change that future. To paint the future that God desires, they exclude moments that may not make it possible."

That means Bianca can change the future... That made her happy. The fact that she is predicting the future doesn't mean that the future will flow exactly as she dreamed. In fact, the changed future supported her beliefs.

The future that God desires.

Until that moment, Bianca thought she was the cause of her regression. Probably to prevent Zachary's death. Right now, he is just the hero of Sevran, but if he had lived another ten years, he would become a legend big enough to change the continent...

However... If that were the case, wouldn't it have been better to choose Zachary?

If she had dreamt of the future and knew that he would be killed in the future, she would have been careful not to fall into it... First of all, it would have been possible to quickly recognize and dismiss Jacob's dangers and take a wide range of actions, but why her and not him?

The more she thought about it, the more dizzy Bianca's head became. Francis threw a stone, inside Bianca's swirling head, to further confuse her.

"Sometimes dreams come true, and other times they don't. It's God's trial and error."

"Trial and error... of God?"

"Of course. God is the source of this world and knows everything, but at the same time, He is not completely certain of the consequences of His actions. So, to make the great moments of history flow according to His intentions, He goes through many adjustments. It is a proof that He never abandons His creature, man, and is always watching over him."

Francis paused for a moment and made a gesture towards God. Bianca suppressed her desire to urge Francis. Francis, who briefly praised God, continued.

"At first, God showed us a perfect future through a dream, as if presenting a solution. As if saying that we should do it that way. But it wasn't very effective."


"Some people acted as God commanded, but others were so content that they wanted to live a different life."

God's future was so perfect that it became a problem. Man, who was filled with delicious meats and fruits, turned to the vegetables and beans that they had never paid attention to.

"God wanted to perfectly control the situation, just as He desired. So, God changed His mind. He decided to show the chosen human being "the worst outcome that will happen to them if they don't follow the right path." Then humans, for the most part, tried not to live like that."

Bianca's face hardened.

It was exactly as Francis said. As soon as Bianca woke up, didn't she promise never to live like that again?

"So, the choices and desires of the saints who have seen the foresight of the future have a great impact. The future they see is the worst future. A future that God doesn't want, that goes against God's will, that distorts history, that must not happen... So our church fully supports the saints who have foresight of the future, so that their desires come true."


The worst future... Bianca shook her dizzy head. Bianca only wanted the conviction that she could change the future. But things grew bigger and bigger. Doesn't that mean she can't guarantee Zachary's life if she doesn't do well?

The weight of the mission on her shoulders was too heavy. Bianca's body swayed back and forth like a piece of wood swayed by the wind.

The confusion on Bianca's face reached a point where it was impossible to hide. There wasn't even enough space to hide it in the first place. In the face of Bianca's blatant confusion, Francis carefully asked what he had never dared to ask, only assuming.

"Excuse me... believer. If my guess is correct, you..."

Bianca looked at Francis with a perplexed gaze. As if the dam had collapsed, it was the face of a person who had been pushed off the road to the point where they couldn't lift a finger because they felt empty and defeated. To the point where denial was meaningless, she had already revealed everything.

The light green eyes that trembled relentlessly told him that Francis's assumption was true. Goosebumps ran down Francis's back. It was a pity for Bianca, who fell into infinite despair, but it was an undeniably clear joy that captured Francis in that moment.

Bianca's almost silent consent. It was incomparable to a perfectly carved candle that was nothing but art. Francis knew with certainty what he had in his hands.

The discovery of a saint!

As the first servant of God to discover that fact, Francis was entrusted with the glorious task of delivering the divine revelation directly to the Holy See. Cardinal? It was such a great achievement that he could possibly be recommended as Pope. Francis's heart beat wildly.

Bianca, who would have never guessed Francis's delight, shook her head. She couldn't believe she was a saint. It was ridiculous. Yes, there must be some mistake... Bianca stammered and opened her mouth for a late excuse.

"I'm just a noblewoman. I... yes. Maybe I'm mistaken. Using the power of the Church... How can the Church distinguish whether a person really had a foresight or it's a lie?"

"As the believer said, there were people who claimed they were chosen to use the power of our church. But we have a way to discover whether it's true or not."


"If you burn incense and anoint with oil through a consecration ceremony organized by a priest of equal or higher level than an archbishop, a stigma is revealed."

The appearance of a saint is related to the will of God and is a milestone for the Church. The fact that there are traces of being chosen by God, and what kind of pattern or phrase it is, was completely silenced. Even within the Church, only priests higher than archbishops were able to recognize the truth of the stigmas, and those who lied claiming to be saints out of unjust greed were severely punished.

"Originally, consecration is an act of consecrating the future, which means we will act for the future that God desires. If the wrong person is present at the consecration ceremony of a saint, it is an act of insult to God and is punished according to religious law. No matter how high their status is in the world."

Bianca swallowed nervously at Francis's insistence.

It was not that she did not think about seeking help from the Paladins by revealing that she was a saint. But she was still not sure if she had been chosen by God.

What she believed was a regression was a dream, how much can she believe in the truthfulness of that dream? Is it worth risking her life for a dream? Thinking that way, her body grew cold as if the blood was draining from her body due to the actions she had committed in her previous life before her return.

What if she is wrong? If she is not a chosen saint, it means she has only had a long, long dream. If she reveals herself as a saint and exposes all her sins...

It would truly be a big problem to be punished according to religious law. Apart from the fact that the Paladins would move, everyone who believed in the religion could direct their swords towards her. No matter how much of a war hero Zachary was in Sevran, he couldn't deal with a whole religion on his own. Bianca hesitated, as it could even lead to the destruction of the Arno family.

At this point, she even started to think that she might be going crazy. Bianca shook her head vigorously, deciding that it would be better to remain silent at the slightest possibility of being a saint.

"Maybe that's not the case. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. I think I bothered the archbishop with my foolishness. I'm sorry. Please think of it as a talk caused by the curiosity of an inexperienced believer."


Then Francis quickly stopped Bianca.

"If I could consecrate, even briefly, the believer right now."

His cracked lips were dry. Looking at the situation, it was as if he was clinging to Bianca.

"Even if the stigma is not revealed... You will not be punished according to religious law. This is what I, the Archbishop, proposed."


When Francis said that, Bianca was astonished. It was something good for Bianca, but she didn't understand why he had to do that. Are saints really that important to the Church? Bianca looked at Francis with an uneasy gaze.

As Bianca suspected, Francis didn't have to do that for Bianca. Francis said this lightly at his own risk.

If Francis secretly consecrates her and Bianca's stigma is revealed, then it's fine. Rather, Francis will become the consecrator of the saint and will have a louder voice in the Church, which was exactly what he wanted.

If Bianca doesn't reveal any stigma... It could be fine. If they make the consecration a secret between the two, only God will know. Even God could close His eyes to that extent.

The problem would be if Bianca, who is not a saint, announces the fact that she was consecrated by Francis.

Those who are eligible for consecration must be higher than a bishop, and it was against the law for an archbishop to arbitrarily consecrate a common believer. So it would be Francis, not Bianca, who would be punished according to religious law.

In such a situation, Francis trusted Bianca and made a decision. Bianca had nothing to lose, so there was no reason to refuse. Bianca nodded slowly, biting her trembling lips.

Francis hastily gathered the necessary elements for the consecration ceremony. He hurriedly walked to the small room adjacent to the Archbishop's office, taking out the tools he needed one by one.

Francis opened the chest and sighed with relief to see that there was still oil and incense left. For the consecration ceremony, oil and incense were absolutely necessary.

If there was a lack of either one, he would have to have someone bring them. However, since the oil is used only for particularly important ceremonies, Francis's request would be suspicious. For Francis, it was fortunate that the risk was reduced.

The years Francis devoted to the Church were long enough for him to be able to prepare for the ceremony even with his eyes closed. The preparations for the consecration ceremony were completed in an instant with his experienced hands.

The thin fingers protruding from Francis's bony hands lit a candle and burned incense. The scent of incense filled the Archbishop's office.

Bianca knelt on the white silk and sat cautiously. Francis stood in front of Bianca and recited a prayer. A low-toned voice flowed continuously. But to Bianca's ears, it only sounded like a dull noise.

It would be a problem whether she became a saint or not. Although he said he wouldn't have to take responsibility for it, Bianca's heart pounded because it was something she had never thought of before.

After reciting all the prayers, Francis opened the jar of oil. The slippery golden oil dripped from the bottle's opening. A drop of oil slid down Bianca's crown and ran down her forehead.

It felt strange.

How on earth could this reveal a stigma? Even though she knew nothing about the consecration ceremony, Bianca remained still, trying to suppress the urge to move her hands.

When it seemed like nothing would happen, something glimmered through Bianca's bangs. It was a faint light, like sand shining in sunlight.

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