TWB (Novel) Chapter 114


"Since it is the will of the believer... First, I will speak with the Archbishop. But don't expect too much."

"I will pray and wait."

Bianca sighed in relief and slightly bowed her head.

"Then, while I deliver this wooden box to the Archbishop, I will hand candles to the believers through another priest."

John, who organized the situation, signaled again and hurried away. Bianca hoped things would work out. If it was impossible to get time with the Archbishop despite the contents inside the wooden box, then there was no other way.

Odelli, who had been silently listening to their conversation until now, asked.

"Did you have a purpose in coming to the Church? Is it about a miracle?"

"No, it's not... It's just personal curiosity."

Unable to reveal that she had returned, Bianca made up an excuse. She planned to reveal it to the Archbishop and seek advice if it was inevitable, but she wanted to hide it as much as possible.

Because her past life was a shameful past that she would never want to reveal to others.

"The Archbishop is a tough man. Since they said he was busy, he probably can't make time easily... Do you think the Archbishop will accept the gift from the Countess Arno and grant her time?"

Bianca smiled softly at Odelli's curious and mischievous question and remained silent. Odelli became interested in Bianca's relaxed appearance.

What did Bianca prepare?

It's not a jewel, but if it's something precious that the Archbishop will like, it could be a sacred relic, but most of the famous relics were kept in the Church.

Of course, the Church didn't possess all the Sacred Relics. This is because there are things that have been passed down from generation to generation among the ancient and prestigious noble families.

Although the Arno family is a new family, Bianca's father's family, Blanchefort, and her mother's family are highly prestigious families, so it wouldn't be surprising if there was at least one hidden relic. But does she need to know so much about miracles to offer something so precious?

There were many questions, but Bianca didn't want to reveal them, so she couldn't keep prying. Suppressing her curiosity, Odelli encouraged Bianca and Catherine with her usual elegant and relaxed smile.

"Oh, it seems like the priest coming over there is bringing our candles. Now we are ready to offer our blessings."


Francis, the Archbishop of Lahoz, repeated the task of pacing around the archbishop's office all day. The wrinkles that showed the passage of time were deeper than usual, and the mustache covering his tightly pressed lips twitched slightly with a snort.

This happens every year when the offering is sent to the Vatican on Holy Day. In particular, as there were only a few large churches, they did their best to prepare the offerings, and there was an invisible competition between each one. Last year, the Great Church of Lahoz crushed the noses of other churches by preparing an illustrated version that the priests had dedicated three years to write.

If he sends a remarkable tribute again this year, he will be one step closer to the position of cardinal. As there is a selection of cardinals next year, this offering was very important.

However, when Francis couldn't find anything worthy as a tribute, his nervousness reached its peak.

"An episcopal staff? No. I have looked at enough artists' paintings. Engraved icons, candelabras, Holy Grail, sacramental bread, ceremonial staffs... I even searched for ceremonial wine, but I couldn't find anything..."

Francis bit his lips. Then, a knock on the door interrupted his complicated thoughts.

"Are you there, Archbishop? It's Priest John."

"... Come in."

Upon Francis's response, John entered the archbishop's office. He let him in, but Francis didn't welcome John. His eyes turned into triangles, and he scolded John.

"Didn't I say I was avoiding visits for a while because I had a lot to think about?"

"Yes. I know, but due to unavoidable reasons..."

"What is the reason?"

When the cold voice turned towards John, John's neck unconsciously shrank. Francis's bluish-gray eyes looking at John told him that if it was something trivial, he would dismiss it. John hesitated and opened his mouth.

"Nothing more than Princess Odelli visited today..."

"Yes, I know. I already received a report about it, and I assigned the task to Priest John. What did I say then? I said not to let me worry about it. But since you're here, does that mean Priest John has neglected his duties?"

"Oh, how could that be?!"

John shook his head in embarrassment at Francis's sensitive reaction. Originally, he wasn't the type of person to speak like this, but in recent days, he had made a 180-degree turn. Knowing how much Francis wants to become a cardinal, he can understand his recent restlessness.

John explained the situation as concisely as possible so as not to offend Francis.

"Countess Arno is with Her Royal Highness and wishes to meet the archbishop."

"To me? Why? If it were an immature suggestion about asking for a blessing in her place, the priest would have cut it off before coming here..."

"She has a question for you about miracles... I informed her that the archbishop wouldn't be able to attend to her due to being very busy, so she asked me to deliver this article to you."

John handed the ebony wooden box he received from Bianca to Francis. A deep furrow formed on Francis's wrinkled forehead as he received the wooden box. The countess was not of low rank, but he was the archbishop of the Church of Lahoz. It would be a big mistake to think that such a bribe could sway him. Francis frowned mockingly.

"Do you think you can buy my time with a jewel?"

"Did she say it was not a jewel?"

"Isn't it a jewel...?"

Francis suspiciously looked at the ebony wooden box and at John alternately. John nodded, remembering Bianca's urgent and serious expression when she handed him the wooden box.

He couldn't leave the gift he had received unchecked. His position as archbishop was not enough to be swayed by every move of Bianca, but at the same time, it was not enough to insult her. Francis sighed and opened the lid of the wooden box.

The lid opened with the sound of the hinges subtly moving, revealing what was inside. However, it was wrapped in layers, and at first glance, it was difficult to tell what it was.

Francis, who frowned at what he saw for the first time in his life, looked inside the wooden box and soon realized the identity of what was inside the wooden box. The next second, he opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in a state of shock.

"... No, this!"


With benches lined up in two rows in the chapel, Bianca, Odelli, and Catherine sat in the front chairs and prayed. It was a ceremony to make a wish while incense burned on the candle in front of them and they watched the smoke rise. The lit candle, dripping wax, trembled with the slightest breath.

At that moment, John, who had received Bianca's box, rushed to where they were. However, he couldn't interfere with the ceremony of making a wish to God. While waiting for Bianca's prayer to finish, pacing back and forth, he approached Bianca as soon as all the smoke from Bianca's candle disappeared.

"Believer, the archbishop is urgently looking for you."

Odelli and Catherine were astonished at John's words.

They really didn't expect the archbishop to grant Bianca time!

Odelli was genuinely curious about what Bianca had given the archbishop, but she promised to ask later, pushing Bianca from behind.

"Go. We'll keep praying a little longer."

Bianca nodded and followed John's steps. Bianca's escort, including Yvonne and Gaspard, followed her.

She tried to pretend to be calm, but Bianca's face, trailing behind John, hardened. Her mind was tangled with various thoughts. Unaware of Bianca's tension, John spoke to Bianca admiringly.

"The believer's gift must be something truly precious. It was the first time I saw the Archbishop in such urgency."

"He seems happy, so as a believer, I'm glad."

She vaguely thought that the gift she had prepared would work well, but she was surprised to find that it actually worked.

Leaving the Arno estate, Bianca prepared two types of gifts. Lace to seduce a worldly opponent. And for those who are beyond this world...

What Bianca handed to the archbishop was a candle carved by Nicholas.


Since Nicholas began receiving support from Bianca, he presented countless works of art. Then he would look at Bianca with a puppy-like expression seeking praise. When Bianca praised him for a job well done, his skills advanced to the point where they couldn't even be compared to the previous ones.

Gradually, the candles became more ornate and delicate, and the carved candles were stacked in Bianca's chest.

The butler, Vincent, said that she would waste all the candles in the castle, and he bit his tongue saying that he didn't know how to do things in moderation. He complained that he lacked something beyond ignorance, but Bianca didn't really care. It was because Bianca hoped that Nicholas would create a fine piece, without worrying about the quantity or quality of the candles.

When Bianca arrived in the capital, she took the finest carved candles to decorate her room. The figure delicately engraved on the white, hard wax candles was very sacred. Instead of sponsoring Nicholas, it was gratifying to simply be able to use them every week.

The candle that Bianca kept was for this day. She believed that anyone who was in a position to become the archbishop of Lahoz would have a good eye to appreciate the value of this carved candle.

But that might not be enough, so Bianca wrapped Nicholas's carved candle in lace.

The Archbishop must have heard rumors about the lace, that way he could know how precious it was, or it would also be good if he was surprised when he saw the lace if he hadn't heard of it. The shock could last longer if he saw two instead of just one strange object for the first time.

Furthermore, the more elaborate and glamorous the packaging, the higher the value of the contents it contains. Bianca did her best to obtain permission to meet with the archbishop.

Fortunately, things seemed to have gone according to her intention since the archbishop called her. Before she realized it, Bianca took a deep breath and exhaled in front of the archbishop's office.

In front of Bianca, who had organized her thoughts, the door of the archbishop's office opened slowly.

"I have brought her here, Archbishop."

At John's words, Francis, who was looking at the ebony wooden box on the desk, raised his head. His face was full of vitality. Francis approached Bianca and greeted her.

"May God's blessings be upon you. Nice to meet you, believer. My name is Francis, I am the archbishop of the Archbishopric of Lahoz."

"May the glory of God be with you. This is Bianca de Arno, wife of Count Arno. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule."

"No. Rather, I am more grateful. Because you solved the reason why I was busy."

As soon as the formal greeting ceremony ended, Francis rushed to the point. His mustache moved as if his mouth was eager to ask.

The questions about where she got these candles and how many more she could get were literally read in his grayish-blue eyes.

There is no way for a person who became an archbishop to hide their true intentions. He simply didn't feel the need to hide. Bianca's gift of candles was very precious and wonderful, but unfortunately, there was only one. And in the ceremony, twelve candles are used. He needed at least three. Of course, he wondered if she had more of something as precious as this, but... If he could get more of these candles, he was willing to accept anything Bianca asked for.

Bianca smiled faintly, trying not to show too much joy at the mere sight of the archbishop.

"You must have liked the gift."

"I like it very much. I have never seen anything so precious. How did you come up with the idea of carving on candles? Furthermore, your sculpting skills are the best among the sculptors I have seen."

Since it was impolite to ask directly where she got it from, Francis hinted at his questions to Bianca. However, the corners of his lips, which had risen, trembled a bit as he couldn't erase the feeling of unease in his heart. If it was a sacred relic of Bianca or if she had obtained it through an unusual route, his intention to get more candles would have been ruined.

Fortunately, Bianca's response was exactly what Francis wanted.

"It is thanks to the outstanding skills of the sculptors supported by our estate. Aren't candles a symbol that God is listening to us? I am glad that your faithfulness has been well received."

"That is touching."

Bianca kept secret that the sculptor only carved candles because he was a child, and because the material he was most familiar with was candles. So she wrapped it as if she had some sincere intention. People are often attracted to things that have a plausible story. Or a plausible story can be attached to an object. Because original art has different emotions and values depending on how it is presented.

Just as Bianca intended, Francis let out a sigh of admiration. To be honest, more than anything, he wanted to encourage the sculptor sponsored by Bianca. Because his affiliation is clear. Francis smiled with a friendly face and spoke carefully to Bianca.

"If you don't mind, could you get more carved candles like this? Eleven, no, two more would be enough. I would like to offer an offering to the Holy Father, but as you know, a total of 12 candles are used on the altar and three below the icons when ceremonies are performed in the Church. You gave me such a precious gift, so I feel embarrassed to make this request..."

Francis took pride in the fact that he was the archbishop. John was amazed to see that Francis, who doesn't easily bow his head even in the presence of the king, seemed so embarrassed in front of Bianca. However, considering the holiness of the object at first glance, Francis's actions were not completely incomprehensible.

It was Bianca who was quite embarrassed by Francis's excessively discreet appearance. She thought he would like it, but not that he would appreciate it so much... Without knowing how important this offering was to Francis, it was natural to feel embarrassed by his attitude.

There are many candles. It would be good to haggle and get something more, but being too stingy diminishes authenticity. Besides, candles are consumable. Even if I delivered the candles this time, it wouldn't be so easy next time. Rather, if the archbishop gives it to the Vatican as a tribute and it catches the Pope's eye, next time the archbishop would have to do anything to get a candle. So it was an investment worth it for Bianca.

Bianca easily replied,

"It is a talent given by God, so it is natural to use it for God. However, there is no other candle that is truly as good as this one, but there are others whose quality is not much worse in comparison. If it suits you..."

"Of course, it's fine! I was moved by the believer's wide mercy and generous distribution."

Francis acquired a bright color. Francis was also working hard in his mind. If the Holy Father wants to use this candle for the next ceremony... He will be the link between Countess Arno and the Vatican. Only through him could this candle be obtained, so he would become a cardinal and his voice within the Church would strengthen.

Francis was very pleased with this countess who would brighten his future. In his eyes, Bianca seemed like a messenger of God sent to make him a cardinal. She was not a bad person, and she always fulfilled God's commandment to give as much as she received. Francis asked kindly, thinking he would give Bianca whatever she wanted.

"The believer has given something very precious to this Church, so it is right to grant her some time. What question did you want to ask me?"

Finally, what Bianca wanted came out. Bianca swallowed and cautiously asked,

"... Can you grant me a moment alone?"

"Of course."


"... It is difficult to do that, madam."

Fearing Francis's response, Yvonne and Gaspard protested. However high his position as archbishop, his status and honor did not represent his essence. Jacob, who tried to intimidate Bianca, was the second prince, and most public assessments were that he was a straightforward man who was indifferent to women. Given what happened with Jacob, they wouldn't easily back down.

They understood their loyalty and concern, but it was a situation where she could bring up the story of her regression. Bianca, who had to get them out of there, said firmly,

"This is a church. What is that attitude in front of the archbishop?"

"Even so..."

"As a vassal, it is natural to worry about your mistress."

Despite being questioned about his morality and the safety of the Church, the Archbishop dissuaded Bianca quite a bit. Now he is in a state of generosity to the point where he can turn his left cheek to someone who strikes his right cheek.

John's eyes narrowed at Francis's uncharacteristic mercy and tranquility.

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