TWB (Novel) Chapter 109


But even if you're not married, you can still be happy enough. The living proof was Odelli herself. She was very content and happy with her solitary daily life.

If Princess Odelli had ignored Celine... It would have been a positive outcome for the Crown Princess or the Queen to take her, and if they had rejected Celine, she would have followed Viscount Volne and returned to her territory.

Learning manners under the queen or the crown princess and seeking a man to become her husband wouldn't have been a very unfortunate choice. When it comes to relative happiness, most women tend to choose that option.

The result of following Viscount Volne was obvious when you think about it. Her father would have thought that Celine's price had dropped, and it was clear that he would try to sell her at a higher price.

However, under Odelli, a slightly different future can be glimpsed. No matter what Celine did after that, Odelli was willing to respect her. Odelli had only given Celine one more chance, and Celine was now her maid, so she thought about looking towards the future.

Celine won't immediately know how valuable the opportunity she has been given is. But if she understands it, she will have no choice but to be grateful to Bianca. Obviously, it was Bianca who set up the situation for Odelli to move.

"Don't worry too much, Celine. She's not a foolish girl, she'll soon realize the reality. And she'll discover that she owes you a great debt. To be honest, it's too generous for the price she paid for playing with her mouth."

Bianca laughed bitterly. Because there wasn't much to expect. Bianca shook her head and muttered with certainty.

"The countess is very broad-minded."

"Not because I'm open-minded, but because I'm used to people hating me."

"Oh, it's the same with me. I think we have a lot in common."

Bianca and Odelli looked at each other and then burst into laughter. That was enough about Celine. Bianca naturally changed the course towards the planned conversation.

"Still, did the princess take Celine because of me? She probably didn't intend to hire a servant in the first place... I know how troublesome it can be to suddenly take on the role of an educator. As someone who knows shame, I brought a gift as an apology."

"A gift? It's not necessary. It's fine."

Princess Odelli waved her hand gracefully, but Bianca smiled slightly and signaled to Yvonne. Yvonne, who had stepped forward, extended the tray she had been carrying in front of Odelli. The small box on the tray opened, revealing a white lace handkerchief. Princess Odelli's eyes widened, and her blue eyes shone exceptionally bright.

"Oh, this is..."

"It's just a handkerchief, so I don't think it's enough to present it to the princess... It's the handkerchief I've been working on the most. I apologize for revealing my poor skill. Please, princess, accept it mercifully."

"What are you talking about? These handkerchiefs are more expensive than fabrics woven with gold thread in the capital nowadays."

"I feel honored for you to receive it."

The corners of Bianca's lips naturally lifted as she saw Odelli's delighted expression. It was just at the moment when she was worried inside that Odelli might not have much interest in lace.

Although Bianca had decided to return early to the Arno territory, she had to finish it perfectly since all the fuss after attending the banquet was to present the lace. If her actions didn't lead to income, it would be meaningless work.

As everyone knows that Bianca made the lace, interested individuals will write to the Arno territory. However, what was once thought to be beautiful tends to fade if it is not seen. Small items like handkerchiefs, which are often used but don't determine first impressions, are especially... In their case, it was necessary to add a little more fuel to the fire to stimulate the desire to have it, and for that, Bianca gave Princess Odelli a lace as a gift.

Princess Odelli likes this lace, and the more she uses it, the better. Instead of Bianca, who would return to the Arno estate, Princess Odelli will do a great job promoting the lace.

The dresses, jewelry, and accessories of Princess Odelli were objects of admiration for the nobles of Sevran. As for the handkerchief used by Princess Odelli, everyone will feel anxious to have it, so the nobles of Sevran will roam around in search of lace. Even those who couldn't attend the banquet!

While Bianca smiled happily, Princess Odelli, who toyed with the lace handkerchief with admiration, hesitated and looked at Bianca. She's famous for her arrogance and perspicacity! Bianca was shocked inside but tried not to show it.

Princess Odelli, who moved her lips as if she had been in conflict for a long time, asked, "Do you have any extras?"

Ah... Bianca groaned sadly. It was because she didn't have free time at the moment. When she first arrived in Lahoz, she didn't bring many lace items. What she was doing in the capital was promoting handkerchiefs, not selling them.

The handkerchief was nothing more than a consumable item for the nobles, but it wasn't the type that appeared in the air. So, instead of preparing many, she was thinking of resolving it for a small number of people. Because that would make others more anxious.

Bianca cautiously responded, realizing that Odelli might be offended. "Unfortunately, my hands are slow... Since I couldn't make many, I limited myself to making only for the women of the royal family. Also, it's a little different from what I gave to the princess... If the princess wants one more, I will try."

"No. That's fine. After all, it was meant to be delivered to the Queen and the Crown Princess."

Princess Odelli shrugged as if she was satisfied and leaned back on the chair. Bianca's eyes widened, unaware that Princess Odelli would take care of the Crown Princess and the Queen.

"That's very thoughtful."

"Men don't worry about such things, so I have no choice but to do it. Since they all care about their husband's honor, even if they want to have even these small things, I suppose they can't say it. It's amusing. Indeed, husbands are greedy even for the smallest things."

"Given that His Royal Highness is busy with his official duties, it's no wonder he doesn't worry about it."

Bianca looked up and smiled. She couldn't respond hastily since her opponents were a king and a prince. Odelli also didn't believe that Bianca was seriously defending them. She quickly spoke about her frustrations with her father and older brother.

"It's not because they are busy with public affairs. My father and my brother don't even care about what their wives want unless they are told directly. I think they cared more before getting married, even if they didn't say anything. It's strange. They would have been busier back then."

A smile filled Odelli's lips. In addition to loving her family, her reprimands were terrifying.

"The Count of Arno is a diligent man. I'm sure the Count would take care of these things even if he doesn't say he needs to, isn't that right?"

"... Yes."

"A man like that is rare, you know? My older brother changes clothes more often than the Crown Princess."

Odelli had two older brothers, but the older brother she was talking about was referring to Gautier. She never called Jacob her brother.

Then a question arose in Bianca's mind. It was known that the king cared a lot about the first queen who died of illness. He never paid attention to the people around him. So why is Jacob, the son of the second queen, older than Princess Odelli?

Jacob's appearance was of the royal lineage of Sevran, so it was absurd for him not to be the king's son. If that's the case, it means the king had Jacob as an illegitimate child with the second queen as his lover, but it was a story that conflicted with the passionate love he felt for the first queen.

However, it's not something she can mention just because she's curious. Bianca silently swallowed her curiosity and responded with an awkward smile.

"Because he is a handsome man."

"Even if you're handsome, you're frivolous if you dress like that. Well, in that sense, the second prince is like that, and I am too, so it's good to say it's something inherited from the royal family of Sevran."

Odelli shrugged.

The blue dress Odelli was wearing, who said that, looked very precious for such a light color, and it fit her very well. To the point where Bianca wondered if she was a lake fairy.


"Your Highness, you look beautiful no matter what dress you wear."

"Honestly, I think I'm extravagant too. That's why I keep postponing marriage. You have to consider others when buying a dress!"

"Please. For someone as beautiful as Princess Odelli..."

Normally, it would have been an insult, but in front of Princess Odelli, it became the truth. Her hair, which seemed to drip honey, shone even in the room, and her smooth, white skin appeared to have been polished with pearl powder.

How can they compare anyone to her like that? Bianca had no doubt that they had no awareness.

"I don't think so. Men. After taking a beautiful woman as their wife, they no longer care about her. Even if there's a banquet, and they dress up enough not to lose face, they give a gift to another pretty young woman, and there's nothing you can do about it. I can't accept seeing that."

Princess Odelli's way of speaking was refreshing. Perhaps because she's a member of the royal family, she has a straightforward way of speaking that pays no attention to others.

Bianca, who wasn't very talkative, was bewildered and couldn't easily adapt. Still, she didn't belittle the person she was talking to, and she didn't get worked up, so she didn't feel bad talking to her.

Odelli's boldly speaking blue eyes touched Bianca's awkwardly stiff complexion. Only then did Odelli close her mouth.

What is she talking about with Bianca, who is ten years younger than her? She couldn't believe that she listened silently even at the age of 17, so she spoke about everything she could and couldn't say without realizing it.

Thinking that she had spoken too much, Odelli coughed and shyly changed the subject.

"Am I too talkative? Come to think of it, I've been holding back the Countess of Arno for too long."


"Everyone thinks I speak little, but I don't. I'm actually very talkative. I usually chat with the maids, the princess, the queen, but... It's been a while since I had a new conversation partner, so I lost my composure."

"I had fun too. I don't know if I was a good conversationalist for the princess because I didn't speak much..."

"People who usually talk a lot tend to like people who listen to them."

Despite her young age, Bianca's pensive appearance reminded Princess Odelli of herself when she was seventeen. She used to run like a wild pony, so the king was worried...

If you think about it, Bianca also seems quiet and thoughtful now, but when she thinks of her image in the banquet hall, she certainly wasn't a pleasant person.

If too much attention is paid to her, even a trivial protest cannot be carried out properly. Especially when for the first time, hostile glances are cast on the stage of the social world. But even when everyone criticized Bianca at the banquet, Bianca remained silent. Not only that, but in front of everyone, she proudly broke the slander that had been covering her and even devoured Viscount Volne.

Even that, Princess Odelli liked it. They say they have an age difference of 11 years, but what does it matter? It was perfect for Odelli because she was immature, and Bianca was bold. Princess Odelli, who wanted to get to know Bianca, implicitly made a proposal to Bianca.

"When will you be leaving?"

"As soon as the preparations are finished."

"If you have time, why don't we meet once more? I can communicate well with the Countess, so it's a pity that we only met once and then parted ways."

"It would be an honor to see the princess again."

Meeting Odelli was also very welcome for Bianca. It was nice to be close to her. Besides, didn't she envy Odelli's free life at some point? She was even happy in her heart that Bianca, the object of envy, liked her. Odelli's witty rhetoric was also amusing.

"During your stay in the capital, you're always welcome to visit my garden. I will inform you accordingly."

"It was something I was curious about since rumors spread that the princess's garden is very beautiful. Thank you very much for your consideration."

"I'm glad you're happy. Then I'll schedule the time and contact you again. How about going together to the church to pray?"

"Come to think of it, I haven't been to the church even once since I arrived in Lahoz. I would love to."

Even when she left the Arno Castle, she thought about going to the capital and stopping by the church, but she couldn't due to unfavorable circumstances. As such, Odelli's proposal had to be heard even if it delayed the day of her return to the Arno estate.

She didn't know why Odelli liked her, but things turned out well, and she felt relieved.

Lace, church, company. Bianca smiled with satisfaction.


"Did you decide to go to the church together?"

"Yes, the princess invited me. I think it should be before we leave, but I suppose... If the appointment is later than the date we're supposed to leave, can we delay our schedule a bit?"

"It's not difficult, but..."

Zachary's mouth closed. Bianca couldn't not know what it meant to blur the end of his words with anxiety. Bianca smiled as if reassuring Zachary.

"If I go with the princess, nothing important will happen. And Sir Gaspard will be with me. Would I ever act like that in front of Princess Odelli?"

Jacob hated Gautier, but who he hated the most was Odelli. Although he often argued with Gautier, he didn't speak a word with Odelli. Until now, he had only vaguely guessed why, but now he knew for sure.

Bianca returned from meeting the princess and immediately asked Yvonne about Jacob's mother, the second queen.

In the past, Bianca paid little attention to the scandals of the royal family. After being expelled, she investigated the political conflict between the first and second prince, but she could only uncover a few things. Moreover, Jacob, who ascended to the throne, issued a taboo regarding his origins, so Bianca was forced to flee to the monastery, giving up entrusting her body in search of distant relatives, realizing how dangerous it was.

But currently, the prohibition had not been issued. Most people at this time were aware of the scandal of the second queen. Yvonne, too, so she quickly responded to Bianca's question.

"It is said that the second queen, who was the mother of the second prince, was originally a close relative of the first queen. In a way, they are distant relatives of Madam. Because her mother was the niece of the first queen."

She knew that Bianca's mother was blood-related to the first queen, but she didn't know that the second queen was also. Bianca silently urged Yvonne with her gaze.

"They weren't very close back then, but they got along because they were the same age. So when the first queen got married and came to Lahoz, the second queen also attended. And then she fell in love with His Majesty. It is said that His Majesty at that time was a handsome man who couldn't be compared to Prince Gautier or Prince Jacob.

The second queen, who fell in love with the king at first sight, stayed in the palace under the pretext of getting to know the dignity of the royal family. However, it was impossible for the king, who had fallen in love with the first queen, to pay attention to her. As time went by, the first queen became pregnant with Prince Gautier. Even then, the love between the queen and the king seemed like it would last forever...

But it didn't take long before the love crumbled.

"The first queen was weak. After giving birth to Prince Gautier, she needed to recover, and meanwhile, something happened. The drunken king and the second queen slept together. The king insisted he was drunk and didn't remember anything. I couldn't fully believe the common excuses of men, but the truth was that it was a very difficult situation for a king. Not only had he been with another woman besides the first queen whom he loved so much, but she was also a relative of the first queen, and she was even a virgin.

The king couldn't let something like a bolt from the blue go unnoticed. It was possible for a king to have a lover, but if the opponent was a virgin, it was a different story. As a result of an immorality that couldn't be covered up, the king hurriedly married her and dismissed her.

"But the second queen became pregnant that night. It was clear, without needing to ask, whose child was born from her womb.

It is said that the first queen was deeply shocked by this. How painful it must have been to be betrayed by a husband and a trusted friend. For that reason, the king was anxious for a long time to ease the heart of the first queen, and soon the first queen forgave the king.

The proof of that forgiveness was Princess Odelli.

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