TWB (Novel) Chapter 97


Zachary's willingness to admit wrongdoing was quite amusing. Bianca chuckled softly without realizing it.

Zachary lay behind Bianca and embraced her. His strong arms held her tightly.

His left hand, which held Bianca, cupped her right breast. The hand that rubbed Bianca's nipples between his fingers was lascivious. Zachary took a deep breath, placing his nose at the nape of her neck, as if inhaling Bianca's scent.

"Seeing other men holding women, I always imagined doing it with you as you grew up. Carefully opening your secret place... Projecting your still young self into my lust was obscene. I won't ask for your forgiveness because I was young and filled with damn energy."

His right hand, which was placed over her body, slid beneath her thigh. Previously, it was painful to insert even a single finger, but this time it easily sank in.


"Ugh... Bianca. The essence of the man you had for a husband until now, covered with the splendid cloak of a war hero, is only this. Are you disappointed? Is it unpleasant? Nevertheless, you are still my wife. I can't let you go now..."

"Ah, hngh, ah...!"

Zachary murmured with a slightly impatient and feverish voice. But to Bianca, it only sounded like a buzz, an indistinct noise. It was difficult for her to endure the violent pleasure, tormenting her sensitive place, which arrived before the aftertaste faded.

With each breath Bianca took, the scent of roses, the musk on Zachary's skin, and the acrid smell of their amorous adventure penetrated her nose. The scent, the sound, and the pleasure that enveloped her body. All the stimuli shook her.

Zachary's fingers slid inside Bianca. It didn't take long for the squeaky sound of friction to be replaced by the splashing sound of liquid. Bianca writhed at the obscene sound of Zachary's moan in her ears, but she couldn't escape anywhere because her body was so tense that she couldn't move.


Zachary whispered softly into Bianca's ear.

As soon as she heard the hoarse voice like rough, unpolished wood, the lower part of Bianca's body clenched.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I can bear it anymore."

That said, Zachary's expression seemed calm at first glance. However, there was a desire he couldn't hide in his eyes, and the hand that pulled on Bianca's back trembled slightly with impatience.

Zachary took a deep breath and sat between Bianca's thighs. With Zachary's waist in between, Bianca's white thighs opened wide. Bianca took a deep breath and swallowed saliva as she watched every movement of Zachary with teary eyes.

Embarrassed, she wanted to run away, but at the same time, curiosity trapped her. Would this insertion be as painful as in the past, or would it provide unknown pleasure? Bianca's heart pounded hard, and even the lower part of her body trembled.

Her pussy twisted as if to welcome him. Zachary rubbed the tip of his genitals a couple of times against Bianca's dripping honey-filled opening. The rounded glans slowly penetrated her interior.

The inner wall, where only a single finger had entered, had loosened enough to easily accommodate a couple of fingers, but it was difficult to accept Zachary's member. Bianca moaned in pain as Zachary inserted himself into the tight space.


Zachary's cock pierced through the vaginal wall. The love fluid aided the penetration but did not alleviate the pain as it expanded. It felt as if her body was being split in half.

The pain in the lower part of her body, which was incomparable to before, engulfed her. Bianca, overwhelmed by this, started sweating cold sweat. The sweat soaked the blanket.


The pain of forcing his member into such a tight place was the same for Zachary. Bianca's body tensed over his genitals, and Zachary took a deep breath. If he was in so much pain, it was clear that Bianca would experience even more.

As if trying to console Bianca, his lips moved back and forth between her cheeks, forehead, eyelids, the tip of her nose, and her lips. But Bianca's face showed no signs of improvement, so Zachary paused the insertion for a moment and asked anxiously.

"... Does it hurt a lot?"

"N-no. It's fine. Just..."

Bianca's lips trembled. She didn't look good. Aware of that fact, she added an excuse.

"I'm not used to this, wait, go slower..."

At Bianca's request, Zachary held back to the limit and moved slowly. However, Bianca's pain didn't disappear. Bianca involuntarily shook her head. She bit her lower lip. She felt like crying.

But she couldn't ask him to stop. It was something she had to go through someday, and even if it wasn't today but tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, she would still feel the same pain. Once the path is opened, the pain will become bearable, so she just has to endure it for today. Bianca convinced herself in that way.

The pain is only temporary, so she wished it would come sooner rather than later. There was no momentary pain in the slow pain.

"Are you really okay?"

As Bianca still had pain, Zachary asked, completely motionless. His actions were far from Bianca's desires.

"If you were going to listen to each of my desires in this way, then why the hell did you say it was my last chance to refuse if I wanted to? It doesn't make any sense. It's frustrating. Move!"

Bianca nervously nodded, suppressing her urge to scream.

"But, Bianca..."

The ignorant Zachary continued to worry, completely unaware of Bianca's true intentions.

Bianca didn't want to hear anything, so she opened her arms and tightly embraced Zachary. It was an impulsive action, but the result was satisfying. It was because Zachary's body stiffened, and his mouth shut as soon as she clung to his neck.

Bianca didn't waste that moment. Bianca's small lips touched Zachary's. Zachary involuntarily opened his mouth and coveted Bianca's tender mouth.

"Hngh, ahh..."

Their tongues entwined and rubbed against each other. They lost their heads and fought to kiss each other as if they longed for each other, and meanwhile, Zachary's genitals, which had been moving back and forth from a shallow position, sank deeper and deeper.

Bianca unconsciously scratched Zachary's forearm. A sharp touch penetrated his tough skin, but Zachary didn't mind.

Zachary caressed Bianca's buttocks, then swept her back and squeezed her chest. Like a defenseless person, Zachary's hand frantically roamed Bianca's body.

It couldn't be compared to his previous past relationship. It's hard to believe they're the same person; Zachary's actions were persistent and reckless. And Bianca, step by step, melted in his hands.

After a while, their minds went blank.

"A-Ah, ah, ah. S-sweetheart. Ahh..."


"Hngh, I think I'm going to die, ah, stop, ah, sweetheart, sweetheart... Zachary..."

Bianca unconsciously shouted Zachary and sweetheart, not knowing what she was saying. With each passing moment, Zachary's movements grew stronger, and Bianca couldn't think of anything.

Bianca's mouth opened wide, forgetting that she should keep it closed. If Bianca saw herself like this, she would have criticized herself for being careless, but now her mind was blank.

Zachary licked the saliva running down his chin as if it were nectar. It was as if he was intoxicated. He also found it difficult to maintain reason.

Jealousy and lust. He was afraid Bianca would avoid him if he exposed himself so raw.

However, it wasn't easy to restrain the desire to run wild like a stallion.

The speed of their genitals, stabbing into the inner wall, and the depth increased. The long and thick cock, which he thought would never be able to sink into her, was inserted to the hilt, and his scrotum crashed against Bianca's buttocks. It was as if Bianca's body was being rebuilt according to his genitals, rushing and reaching the deepest parts.

Sparks flickered in his head, and his whole body burned like stones thrown into a bonfire.


Zachary gritted his teeth and moaned.
Clutching Bianca's body tightly, he poured all his lust into her.

He remained still for a while, keeping his body tense, not allowing anything to escape.

Bianca also lifted her chin as the seeds were being spread. Zachary embraced Bianca's convulsing body, which had reached her second climax.

Bianca couldn't move because she was being held by a strong, solid body.

It was a pleasant sensation of restraint.

She never thought it would feel so good to be in contact with another person's bare skin, even the sweaty, bare skin. Bianca discovered something new and blinked slowly with blurry eyes.

She would have shaken her head if someone had said it wasn't painful, but it wasn't as bad as she had expected. To be honest, she didn't expect her relationship with Zachary, which had been terrifying in the past, to improve dramatically just because she had fallen in love with him, but the unexpected climax was even embarrassing.

Memories of shuddering in the past.

After coming back, the lifeline that holds her life.

And now... a new medium connects Zachary to her.

The relationship between them was no longer a necessary act to obtain an heir.

At least not for Bianca.

Bianca exhaled slowly. Her body and mind had exceeded the permitted limit. Sleepiness spilled over her tired eyelids. As Bianca started to drift off to sleep, Zachary kissed her face and whispered in her arms.


Zachary's breath tickled her cheek. Bianca tried to open her eyes, but it wasn't easy. Her consciousness trembled like a fishing rod. Perhaps not expecting Bianca's response, Zachary muttered to himself.

"No matter how ignorant I am, I know you don't like me that much."

Maybe I like you more than you think. Bianca replied softly. However, there was no response that Zachary could hear, because only a small sigh escaped her lips.

Unable to hear Bianca's answer, Zachary continued speaking to himself.

"But I will do my best for you, with all my heart and sincerity. I will do anything you want. If you want me to become a jester, I will. So..."

So don't leave me. Please, love me even just a little...

But Zachary couldn't bear to keep talking. It wasn't about pride. It didn't even exist in the first place.

However, he scraped everything to the bottom and bet everything he had left, but he couldn't keep his eyes open to see that he was worth no more than a grain of sand, let alone gold, to Bianca. He didn't even know he was such a weak man.

The words he spoke were a product of the intoxication of the atmosphere.

Zachary, who harshly criticized himself, kept his mouth shut.

Fortunately, he trusted in remaining silent.

As the following words were cut off, Bianca tried to guess what he wanted to say.

However, she couldn't guess anything and was overwhelmed by drowsiness. Sleep quickly consumed her to the point where her efforts to regain consciousness were in vain.

In that way, the two could call each other sweetheart, and for the first time, they slept in the same bed. However, they still had different opinions.

Same situation, different thoughts.

Much has changed, but that hasn't changed...


Late in the morning, Yvonne headed to Bianca's room to attend her breakfast as usual.

Yvonne's arms were filled with the usual materials Bianca used in the morning, including a glass of wine to moisten her throat, water to wash her face, and makeup for her complexion.

Since there was a banquet to celebrate the tournament victory tonight, there was much to be done.

As soon as Yvonne entered the room and looked up, her eyes met Zachary, who was lying on the bed.

Last night, she was informed in advance that the Count and Countess would be sleeping together. However, in the moment she encountered a stranger in a familiar space, she couldn't help but be surprised. Especially if the stranger happened to be the half-naked Count. It was fortunate that the objects in her arms were still intact.

Lying on the bed, Zachary glanced at Yvonne and then looked back at Bianca. As he watched Bianca murmuring and tossing, his lips curved into a smile.

Still, he kept his hands still and only looked at her, as if he couldn't even think of touching her.

Yvonne cleared her throat and quietly prepared to wake up Bianca. She heard that they would be sleeping together, so she prepared accordingly, but honestly, she didn't believe it would actually happen. It was too sudden for that to occur.

Since they arrived in the capital, Zachary and Bianca had grown closer, but still, they had spent many years apart from each other. While Yvonne hoped they would progress step by step, this was a pleasant slap in the face. But it was nothing bad for the marital relationship of the couple she served.

If Vincent had come to the capital with them, it was clear he would have jumped for joy. Yvonne clicked her tongue.

When Yvonne finished preparing to attend to Bianca, Bianca woke up just in time. The timing was so perfect that it was difficult to tell if Bianca was adjusting to Yvonne or Yvonne to Bianca.

Bianca rubbed her eyes under the morning sun and asked in a sleepy voice.

"... Yvonne?"

"Yes, Madam. Are you awake?"


Bianca yawned loudly and blinked. Her vision was filled with the firm chest of a man. Bianca jumped from her spot, startled.

The bed was filled with traces of their lovemaking. Both of them were naked, and Bianca's fair skin was covered in bite marks and hickies.

Outside the bed, Yvonne, who was preparing Bianca's breakfast, looked at her ashamed.

"Yes, it's true. Yesterday I slept with him."

She had just woken up, so her mind wasn't functioning properly. Bianca, remembering what happened yesterday, quickly regained her composure.


"I'm fine. It's just that I'm not used to sleeping with someone else. I'm sorry if I startled you."

"It's okay. You can get used to it."

Zachary responded straightforwardly, but there was evident relief in his voice. After all, the bride, who spent their first night together, seemed scared and terrified the morning after, which made him anxious.

Bianca smiled and drank the wine Yvonne handed to her. Unlike yesterday when she hated showing her naked skin in front of Zachary, she was modest in front of Yvonne. Even though Yvonne always attended to her, it was natural for her to assist with her bath as well.

"Yvonne, what about the bathtub?"

"It's ready, Madam."

Yvonne, who had everything Bianca desired in the palm of her hand, responded promptly. Bianca tried to get up with her thin shawl on, but her legs were trembling, and she had no choice but to sit back down.

"Yvonne, can you help me?"

"I'll help you."

Before Yvonne could respond, Zachary, who had been languidly lying behind Bianca, spoke up.

Embarrassed, Bianca hesitated to speak, while the resourceful Yvonne tilted her head and left the room without bothering her, but not forgetting her manners.

As Bianca panicked, not knowing what to do, Zachary got up from the bed.

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