TWB (Novel) Chapter 83


The outside became noisy. Amidst the clattering, people's screams, and the voices of passing knights, the interior of the tent where they were remained silent.

Zachary silently watched her, as if waiting for Bianca's response, unmoving, and Bianca also watched him in silence.

Her face was flushed, her lips trembled, and her palms tingled. She had goosebumps on her arms and neck, and she felt restless. Bianca's heart raced rapidly just by silently looking at him. Standing in front of him.

It was as if only the two of them were left in the world.

Bianca thought that the most romantic moment of her life was when she confessed to Fernand, but this moment was incomparable to back then. There wasn't even a small space in her mind to think about Fernand in the first place.

Just as darkness is brilliantly covered the moment the sun rises, much was created, faded, and changed the moment Bianca and Zachary looked into each other's eyes. A miracle like the dawn seeping into the space between night and morning. But, not knowing exactly what it was, Bianca softly responded to Zachary's oath.

"I hope you receive the victory and glory you desire. I give you my blessing."

Bianca extended her hand as if requesting the handkerchief that Zachary held tightly in his hand. Unaware of what Bianca was thinking, Zachary meekly handed the handkerchief to Bianca.

Bianca pulled Zachary's arm and lifted him up. Even if she pulled him lightly, his body suddenly lifted. The gaze that had been inverted returned to its original state. But Zachary didn't look as big and terrifying as before.

Bianca approached Zachary and tied the handkerchief directly onto Zachary's arm. Zachary silently watched her, unmoving. He was holding his breath, although he was close, not a single breath could be heard.

Bianca tied the handkerchief over his armor. The lace handkerchief tied over the silver armor was peculiar. Bianca cautiously kissed the handkerchief. The soft and cold sensation of the metal touching the most sensitive part warmed her lips as if it were a flame.

Bianca's lips, which had left a long, lingering kiss on the handkerchief, slowly parted as if it was time to take a breath.

Bianca took one step, and then two steps back.

When she entered the tent, she was suffocated by all sorts of negative thoughts, but now her steps were so light she could dance.

Slightly excited, Bianca sweetly smiled at Zachary, as if he were a ripe fruit.

"I will eagerly await your victory."


The tent opened, and Bianca stepped out.

Zachary wanted to bid her farewell, but Bianca patted his chest as if it was okay and turned around.

Yvonne, who was waiting outside, followed Bianca.

Bianca's complexion, which was infinitely serious before entering the tent, looked more relaxed. A lace handkerchief was tied to Zachary's forearm. As it is the duty of a servant to gauge their master's mood, Yvonne matched Bianca's mood with a bright voice.

"It seems you were able to deliver it well."


"He looks much better than before."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Is the Count happy?"

"I believe so," Bianca chuckled. She couldn't help but laugh when she remembered Zachary insisting on bidding her farewell. It was quite amusing to see an intelligent person making such a foolish expression. She never thought Zachary would have that kind of expression on his face.

It was quite entertaining when he stammered while telling her to trust him when he said he eagerly awaited her victory.

The tingling in her chest didn't go away.

Coming to deliver the handkerchief to Zachary was quite refreshing. It would be perfect if Fernand wasn't in the stands when they returned.

But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. When Bianca returned to her seat, Fernand was still flirting with the ladies.

The moment Bianca sat among the audience, her eyes met Fernand's, who was playing the lute. Fearful that Fernand would approach, Bianca furrowed her brow. Fortunately, the noble wife who liked Fernand was still clinging to him.

She had no idea who the lady was, but Bianca desperately wished she would continue clinging to that bastard.


Not long after Bianca returned, the sound of a horn resonated in the sky, signaling the beginning of the tournament. When people held their breath and the stadium fell silent, the announcer raised his voice.

"Thank you to all who have come to the tournament to celebrate the engagement of Prince Albert, grandson of His Majesty Victor of Sevran and son of Gautier of Sevran, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Sevran, and Princess Navarra, daughter of His Highness Garcia of Castile, heir to the Kingdom of Castile!"

As applause started one by one, Bianca clapped slowly to blend in with the atmosphere. She had to pay attention to some extent as long as royalty was present.

In the stands raised one level higher than Bianca's, the royal family of Sevran and the Castile delegation sat.

Although the engagement of Prince Albert and Princess Navarra was mentioned, neither of them was present. The same went for the 2nd and 3rd princesses, as they were of the same age.

In turn, the 2nd prince, Jacob, was also absent. Bianca didn't know why Jacob hadn't attended, but she thought it was a good thing. With only Fernand, she was exhausted.

And soon, the first match began.

It was the knights from an unfamiliar family to Bianca. A spokesperson from each family raised their voice and explained the lineage and history of the knights.

The knights stood at both ends of the jousting lane in front of the stands, each receiving a lance from their squire and lowering the visor of their helmet. And as soon as the flag was lowered, they charged towards each other.


When a knight's lance tip pierced through the opponent's shield, the crowd shouted loudly. Bianca's ears rang from the cheers of the people. The lance also shattered along with the shield, and it took the opponent with the pierced shield a long time to regain their balance.

This game was worth watching as there are many cases where they fail to pierce each other's shields. After three matches, the winner was decided.

The victorious knight approached a noble maiden, took out a rose from his chest, and presented it to her. The rose was tattered as the opponent's lance tip grazed it, but the young noble who received the flower was very happy, and the noble women around her looked at her with envy. One woman turned her head in a bad mood; it seemed that the defeated knight was her lover.

And so, several matches followed.

The heat in the audience increased. However, the game was not very entertaining for those who didn't wish to watch.

Bianca watched the game reluctantly. However, she had no choice but to sit up straight for the next match.

"Son of Count Gustave de Blanchefort, descendant of the Unicorn family, Sir Johaseng de Blanchefort! Let's all welcome him with applause!" the announcer shouted.

At the end of the spokesperson's announcement, Bianca's brother, Johaseng, took a shield with a white unicorn, the emblem of the Blanchefort family. The top of his helmet was also adorned with a sculpture resembling a unicorn's horn.

With his entire head covered except for a long opening through which he could see, Bianca blinked repeatedly to make sure that the knight standing there was indeed her little brother.

As soon as the flag was lowered, Bianca's heart pounded. Occasionally, there were people who suffered serious injuries from falling off their horses or being struck by lances in the wrong place. Zachary, her husband, was a great knight, so he wouldn't make that mistake, but her brother...

Bianca didn't know how skilled Johaseng was since they had recently reunited and maintained a good relationship. Bianca closely followed Johaseng's movements, her mouth drying up.

Fortunately, Johaseng achieved two victories. When he lifted his helmet, he saw his older brother smiling happily. Johaseng scanned the audience, found Bianca, and rode towards her.


"Accept my rose, Bianca."

"Of course."

Bianca smiled softly and received the rose from Johaseng. Then she leaned towards Johaseng, who was on horseback, and lightly pressed her lips against his cheek. Johaseng smiled a little and placed his lips on Bianca's cheek. After a brief greeting, Johaseng left the stadium brimming with confidence.

Next, water was sprinkled on the ground to reduce the dust. Bianca looked at the rose she held in her hand while others prepared for the next match.

She was an indifferent little sister who didn't even know that her older brother was participating. She didn't expect to receive a rose from him, so she felt bewildered.

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