TWB (Novel) Chapter 81


Fernand, who sang while playing the lute, was much younger than Bianca remembered. The way he smiled gently while singing to a noble lady overlapped with the sarcastic image he gave Bianca after being expelled from Arno.

Fernand seemed accustomed to being treated kindly when dealing with noble ladies. It was a bit shocking to Bianca. In the past, Fernand would bow his head sadly and say that noble ladies rarely favored him. Bianca reflected on herself as she saw Fernand like this and felt more pity for him. And Fernand desperately dug into the void that Bianca had left.

"I only have Madam. She's the only one in this world who understands and accepts me..."

As he said that, the way he fluttered his long lashes seemed very sorrowful. At that moment, Bianca thought there was something strange about Fernand's attitude, but she sympathized with his pitiful appearance and forgot the feeling of discomfort. How foolishly she was deceived by that blatant lie. To be honest, now that she thinks about it, she can only laugh.

Bianca sighed, leaning her shaky body against the back of the chair. Her head hurt because she felt confused, and her limbs trembled.

"By the way, why the hell is Fernand here?"

Bianca showed skepticism, but rationally, it wasn't unusual for him to be here.

The engagement of Crown Prince Albert was a grand unprecedented ceremony, which is why all the nobles flocked to the capital.

Many minstrels also came, who couldn't pass up this opportunity to be seen by high-ranking people and, hopefully, make a big breakthrough. Fernand must have arrived in the capital with the sweet dream of success.

"All enemies gathered on a shaky wooden bridge..."

Fernand, Viscount Huegh, and even Prince Jacob. It seemed that everyone she held grudges against in her previous life was drawn to this capital city.

Until now, she had managed to control her expression to some extent, but when faced with Fernand, her efforts were overshadowed. The impact of being betrayed by the person she trusted felt more vivid. Bianca, who seemed like she was going to be nauseous, averted her gaze from Fernand and tried to catch her breath.

Although it puzzled her to meet Fernand earlier than in her previous life, now was not the time to show her feelings to Fernand. She should ignore him as much as possible. It was not too late to think about how to get revenge on Fernand in the future.

But when did anything ever turn out as Bianca wished?

As soon as Bianca averted her gaze from Fernand, Fernand, from the other side, approached Bianca.

Almost all of Bianca's assumptions about Fernand were correct. This time, Fernand, who was determined to make a big breakthrough in the capital, was trying to take advantage of the tournament to leave his mark on the noble ladies.

If he secures a sponsor, his life will flourish. Fernand was confident in his looks. Although he wasn't as good-looking as the royal family of Sevran, famous for their attractiveness and beauty, his voice was as good as his beautiful appearance. He would have no trouble seducing one or two foolish noble ladies.

Fernand, who had such a plan, came to the tournament arena with great expectations. Thanks to the viscountess he had met previously, he was able to easily climb up to the stands where the noble ladies were seated. If it weren't for her, he would have been kicked out before even getting there.

Fernand, who ascended the stands, shone like a male peacock. As he played the lute, he looked around, and fortunately, the eyes of the ladies watched him pleasingly. Satisfied, he began to sing.

At that moment, a strong gaze fell upon Fernand. Glancing sideways, he noticed a beautifully dressed young noblewoman looking at him with trembling eyes.

Of course, the young noblewoman was Bianca, who had turned pale.

"It worked."

The corners of Fernand's lips lifted without hesitation. Convinced that Bianca was interested in him, he gradually approached her.

A lovely miss or a young lady. Judging by her attire, it was clear she came from a wealthy family. If he played his cards right, he could secure a great sponsor. Due to her youth, she probably had little experience, and once a young lady like her falls in love with a man, she often averts her gaze and does not look back.

Fernand, visualizing an image of Bianca, spoke with the softest and sweetest voice possible.

"Would it be too impolite to ask the name of the beautiful young lady?"


Bianca looked at Fernand with a helpless gaze. The voice, which others would say is sweet, was excessively cloying. She frowned, not even wanting to speak with Fernand.

It was beyond irritation.

Fernand, mistaking Bianca's appearance for shyness, asked again patiently.

"When I saw the young lady, it was love at first sight. I believe I can sing a few songs about your beauty. Please show mercy to this humble person and let me know your name."

"...Oh, for God's sake."

"Excuse me, young lady. Once again..."

Upon hearing Bianca's voice that seemed to whisper to herself, Fernand put honey on his lips once more and gave her a gentle smile. But Bianca did not respond to him.

Normally, Gaspard would have expelled him, but today Gaspard was not present as he would be participating in the tournament. Bianca, feeling terrified to remain in this place, jumped from her seat without even looking at Fernand.

"Yvonne. I need to go see my husband before the match begins."

Bianca lifted her chin and passed in front of Fernand. It was disgusting to even breathe in the same space as him, speaking contradictory words. Bianca descended from the podium without looking back, and Yvonne panicked and hurriedly followed her.

The ladies who had been listening to Bianca and Fernand's conversation deemed Bianca's attitude very rude. No matter how much her opponent was a minstrel, how could she ignore the person speaking to her?

Ignoring a man who was openly courting her was nothing like an experienced woman in courtly romance, and she lacked the qualifications as a lady to be supported by gentlemen. Of course, the reason the ladies glared at Bianca was also due to Fernand's beautiful appearance.

Unlike the noblewomen who criticized Bianca with their sharp eyes, Fernand, who Bianca largely ignored, didn't care too much. Seeing that she was going to see her husband, she seemed married, but he thought she was embarrassed because she was not accustomed to this kind of courtly romance.

Being a young lady from a good family, she must have married between families, and in most cases, the husband is usually a middle-aged man.

"How embarrassing it must have been for her to face a handsome young man like me instead of her elderly husband!"

Although she reacted uncomfortably to the natural attraction between a man and a woman, Fernand clearly noticed something burning in her eyes. If he becomes a bit more aggressive, it won't be long before she opens her heart to him.

In that way, Fernand hoped in vain.


A cold sweat dripped down Bianca's chin. She had been thinking of giving a handkerchief to Zachary anyway, but even if she didn't have a handkerchief at hand, she would have run away.

Bianca hurried her steps, trying to cool her head. She tried to organize her thoughts but became dizzy because she had so much to think about. The fragments that had scattered so far came together one by one and then scattered again.

Why on earth did Fernand approach her? Does he have a hidden motive? Did Jacob or Viscount Huegh instigate him as they did with Bianca in the past?

But it won't be as easy as in the past.

Fernand was just a minstrel, and unlike Jacob, who was of royal blood, there was no reason for her to tremble. Let him just try to do something foolish. Bianca's eyes flashed.

Before she could calm her enraged mind, Bianca arrived at Arno's tent where Zachary was staying. The higher the prestige of the family or the better the record in the previous tournament, the closer the tent was placed to the arena, and of course, the Arno family's tent was the closest to the stadium. That's why Bianca arrived earlier than expected, and her head was still disorganized.

Yvonne hesitated upon seeing her lady's unusual gaze. Yvonne's eyes met Bianca's.

Anyway, if she stops here and organizes her thoughts, her dizzy head won't be easily organized. Moreover, it was unpleasant to receive curious looks from passing gentlemen.

Bianca nodded resolutely, and Yvonne nodded and raised her voice inside the tent to announce Bianca's visit.

"Count, the lady has come."

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