TWB (Novel) Chapter 72


Zachary's face twisted as he recognized the opponent. Bianca also took a deep breath. The person's appearance was not familiar to her, but it was clearly engraved as a stigma in Bianca's memory.

Bianca could never forget that face. The hateful opponent she promised to take revenge on... A wicked man who conspired like a mouse to steal everything from her.

The other person, who also didn't seem happy to see them, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled at them.

"Who is it? Isn't it the hero of Sevran, the Count of Arno?"


"Why don't you even want to greet me? Our hero has reached the top, so it seems he can't even see his brother, who remains a vassal, right?"

Zachary's older brother, Viscount Huegh, was sarcastic.

The shameless attitude that didn't hide the hostility was vulgar. Bianca frowned slightly, taking a step back to distance herself from Viscount Huegh.

A foul smell emanated from him. It smelled like human trash.

For the Prince's banquet, all the nobles were called, and it was heard that even anonymous nobles gathered in the capital to gaze at high-ranking individuals and eat even the scraps of meat that fell.

Viscount Huegh must not have been called.

The difference between Zachary and Viscount Huegh was literally like that of a hawk and a kite.

Although that's true. There is nothing to find in this vast palace. Bianca's lips twisted.

"The whore of Blanchefort fell in love with a mere clown and insulted the family! I cannot overlook this as the successor of the Arno family! Still, thinking of the old feelings I lived with my younger brother, I will let you go without hitting you. But all things Arno must be left behind! Hey, don't let that whore take anything!"

Before the regression, the insults Viscount Huegh uttered while expelling Bianca still echoed in her ears. The humiliation of that moment. There was no way she could forget it. Bianca bit her lip and looked at Viscount Huegh.

Viscount Huegh was a little younger than she remembered. The frivolous appearance, the sharp and obsequious character that had no similarities to Zachary, were evident on his face.

Did he feel her sharp gaze? Viscount Huegh pretended to be exaggeratedly surprised and aimed an arrow at Bianca.

"Oh... Holy heavens! Isn't this the person who was sold as a human sacrifice when Count Arno was still a Baron, and made him a Count? Still, the social world is in an uproar over the fact that Count Arno has brought 'the' Countess."

"Shut your mouth, brother."

Viscount Huegh moved toward Bianca, trembling with so much commotion. But before he could reach Bianca, Zachary blocked his path. Zachary's broad back obstructed Bianca's view.

From Bianca's position, she couldn't see what expression Zachary was making, but the voice she heard was unusual.

Zachary's strength, threatening Viscount Huegh as if growling, was fierce enough to make a criminal flee with their tail between their legs.

Are they still flesh and blood? Despite Zachary's terrifying impulse, Viscount Huegh raised his nose and shouted loudly.

"Why? Did I lie? When my sister-in-law got married, wasn't she seven years old...? Am I right? Kya, you even married a young and immature girl to drag her into Blanchefort, well done! I should congratulate the Count!"

He had been drinking heavily before meeting them, so there was no hesitation in his drunken words and actions.

It was as if he had forgotten that the person he was talking to was Zachary, the famous hero of Sevran, and that his wife was the daughter of the Blanchefort family, a prestigious family in Sevran.

Viscount Huegh's words flushed Bianca's face. He always humiliated her in a way that couldn't be more insulting.

What Viscount Huegh pointed out was the "age" that Bianca had been sensitive about lately. As he knew that Zachary was avoiding her because of her young age, Viscount Huegh, who exposed her weaknesses, could only look unpleasant.

Viscount Huegh looked at Bianca and clicked his tongue, mistaking Bianca's blushing and trembling with anger for shyness.

To insult Zachary, he called her immature, but Bianca was a very beautiful girl, except for her young age.

Contrary to the pride contained in the raised corners of his eyes, an atmosphere tinged with pity surrounded the man.

Bianca was young enough to be ridiculed for being young, but in the coming years, all men would envy Zachary for having a young wife by his side. Not to mention that his wife was a Blanchefort.

In fact, even at the time of Zachary's wedding, there were many noble men who claimed they wanted to take his place. The fact that his wife was young was not really an issue. It was a matter of having a mistress.

Despite Viscount Huegh's provocation, Zachary maintained his expressionless face, but he couldn't completely hide his anger.

His clenched hands trembled, and the backs of his hands turned white. Bianca was terrified to see Zachary, who seemed on the verge of raising his fist and smashing Viscount Huegh's jaw.

Zachary was a war hero, and public attention was focused on him. In such a situation, would he resort to violence against his drunken brother?

Of course, there might be people who would be thrilled by such behavior, but it was something that could be objectionable. Viscount Huegh would make a scandal to undermine Zachary's reputation.

As Zachary's name was closely tied to Bianca's lifeline, a terrified Bianca extended her arm to stop Zachary.

But before her fingers could reach Zachary, another uninvited guest interrupted.

This time it turned out to be an unpleasant interruption. She wondered if there was anyone she wanted to avoid more than Viscount Huegh, but Bianca forgot what to say when she saw his face.

"What is going on?"

The joys and sorrows of the three individuals mixed with the appearance of the second prince, Jacob. In contrast to the shadows cast over the faces of Bianca and Zachary, Viscount Huegh greeted Jacob enthusiastically.

"Oh, isn't it the second prince?"

"Why are you making so much noise at this hour of the night?"

"Since I was having a family gathering after a long time, my voice unintentionally got raised. Please forgive my rudeness."

Viscount Huegh bowed exaggeratedly. It was like a clown performing a play.

While Bianca forced a smile, Jacob, looking around, smiled as if he had grasped the situation. With his radiant appearance and dazzling smile, he might seem handsome to anyone, but in Bianca's eyes, he looked like a snake with a flickering tongue.

Pretending not to know, Jacob shrugged and cleverly asked Viscount Huegh.

"Ahh. Was Count Arno your brother, Viscount Huegh?"

"He's my wonderful little brother. How brilliant he must have been when he was a baron and married a seven-year-old bride. If I hadn't been married, I would have imitated that attitude."

It seemed like they had met more than once or twice. Bianca's eyes narrowed as they seemed too close.

In the past, Viscount Huegh belonged to the faction of the second prince and, as a result, after Zachary's death, he was "allowed" to devour Arno and Blanchefort. Perhaps the "permission" was given in such a manner. As a joke. In an instant, heat rose to Bianca's head.

Bianca was not the only one disturbed by their conversation. The strong words of Viscount Huegh also grated on Zachary's nerves.

"My brother must have had too much to drink, seeing him spout nonsense."

Every word from Viscount Huegh offended Zachary. The presence of a brother was no less than that of an enemy.

Sparks flew from Zachary's eyes.
If he felt slightly more uncomfortable, Zachary might draw the sword from his waist.

Did he instinctively sense the unusual atmosphere?

Unbeknownst to him, Viscount Huegh's hand also moved toward the sword at his waist.

The situation escalated in an instant.

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