TWB (Novel) Chapter 66


"This is where we will be staying."

Zachary accompanied Bianca to her room.

The king assigned the tower to the nobles who came to the castle. The number of floors in the tower and the grandeur of the residences were determined by the status and power of the nobility. As Zachary was making a name for himself as a war hero, Arno was able to secure a fairly good room.

Round-arched windows lined both sides of the fireplace, and not far from the fireplace was a bed. There was a cushion on the chest, and a chair was placed in front of the fireplace. A tapestry hung on the wall, and there were even sculptures adorning the fireplace.

Bianca's mood improved as the room she had to stay in for the next few months was beautiful.

While Bianca and Zachary visited the king, the servants had moved the chests and family belongings.

"I see familiar objects, so it seems like we are in our castle."

Bianca smiled slightly at the comfort of familiarity. She approached the window and looked out at the view. Unlike the view of Arno's estate, the landscape was unfamiliar to her.

Although she briefly regretted coming to the capital because of the matter with Jacob, Bianca's face lit up because she was pleased with the room.

"Our castle... I'm glad you feel the same way."

Zachary murmured as if in internal dialogue. Unaware of Zachary's subtle tone mixed with hesitation, Bianca looked around the room. She was like a butterfly fluttering among flowers.

"It was good to follow you to the capital."

"I'm glad for that too."

Just looking at Bianca's happy expression made Zachary's heart beat faster. It was frustrating that he could only respond in that way.

At that moment, Bianca turned her head and looked at Zachary. Her deep gaze traveled up and down Zachary's figure.

Zachary's face hardened as he saw Bianca suddenly observing him. Beneath his expressionless face, there was a shy man who feared he might have said something that could offend Bianca.

It felt like an eternity to Zachary, but in reality, it was short enough for Bianca to take a glance at Zachary.

Bianca, who had made Zachary anxious, casually spoke as if nothing had happened.

"I guess I'm glad I left your clothes behind."


"Because we're in the capital city, I dressed you in the most splendid attire you had. If you had worn the same clothes you used to wear, you might have been looked down upon."

Seeing Zachary's face that seemed clueless, Bianca smiled.

The clothes Zachary is wearing now are the best clothes he has. It looks a bit rough because it's all black, but if you look closely, the delicate pattern of the fabric is luxurious.

But it was nothing compared to the clothes worn by Prince Gautier or Prince Jacob.

They used an abundance of expensive and precious fabrics in red or purple, and the buttons to fasten their clothes were all made of gold and gemstones. Unlike Zachary, who wore sturdier cowhide boots, their shoes were made of soft lambskin.

Zachary furrowed his brow, and his silver-gray hair fluttered over his eyebrows. He still didn't seem to know what was wrong with his attire.

"I've been dressing like this all this time, and I've never been looked down upon."

"Yes, I suppose."

Bianca shrugged as if she understood Zachary.

Who would go against the heart of a war hero?

However, as the saying goes, when he is not there, I curse even my lord.

"It's because I care."

Bianca approached Zachary. The distance between the two had shortened. Bianca looked at Zachary again. Black clothes definitely suit him. I think it would be better to avoid flashy and clumsy colors because of the sun-kissed tan skin. Instead, since his hair is silver-gray, white clothing seemed to suit him well.

She was sure he could wear anything because he had a good physique. Just like the clothes he is wearing now, it would be best to exclude decorations as much as possible and wear clothing with subtle patterns in a solid color rather than a flashy color scheme.

Bianca thought in her head what clothes would suit Zachary well. Zachary's shoulders and chest are broad, so the fabric should be large.

Unconsciously, Bianca's hand touched Zachary's shoulder and chest. Zachary shuddered but remained still, not moving, not avoiding Bianca's hand. His neck trembled violently. However, Bianca didn't notice because she was struggling to find the best outfit for Zachary.

There wouldn't be time to make a new fabric as they would have to adjust the clothes in a hurry. Since they had to make clothes with the fabric they had, in the end, they had no choice but to call a tailor to fix it.

Unaware of what she had unconsciously done, Bianca smiled and said to appease Zachary.

"You are my husband. I just want to get good reviews about my husband. I'll have to call the tailor in the near future. Because your clothes are the most urgent matter."

Zachary was speechless. His black eyes fluttered as if saying something. Now, Bianca believes she can read Zachary's expressions well, but unfortunately, she didn't have the talent to guess what he was thinking just by looking into his eyes.

Does he mean it's bothersome to call a tailor to adjust the clothes? Does he think I'm making a scene?

As Bianca struggled to read Zachary's expression, Zachary returned to his usual indifference, as if not even a needle could penetrate him.

" as you wish. But today, I would recommend you rest in your room."

"Anyway, I'm tired today."

Bianca sighed. She continued pacing in the carriage, but traveling was a way to consume energy. Plus, she felt very nervous about the audience with the king, and now she had a headache from Jacob's affairs.

Zachary anxiously looked at the weariness hanging under Bianca's eyes. It would be nice if he could express his emotions.

Zachary said in a calm voice that didn't reveal his true intentions at all.

"Rest. I'll be back after work."


"Make sure to get some good rest."

"I'll just see you off."

Despite Zachary's insistence for her to stop, Bianca inevitably pushed his back and went out to accompany Zachary to the main door. It was impossible to forcefully reject his aggressive attitude, so Zachary stopped resisting and was gently pushed by her hand.

"...See you tomorrow."


Bianca leaned against the door and watched Zachary walk away. Zachary looked back again and again, as if saying goodbye to Bianca was uncomfortable.

Bianca smiled, as he seemed like a child who had been kicked out of the house.

"A child... I guess I've developed some guts too."

Zachary is well-known in the war, to the point where he is called the Iron Blood Count.

When she first met him, she cried as soon as their eyes met because the atmosphere surrounding him wasn't very serene. It made the people he encountered feel intimidated, to the point of doubting if their lives had become rooted on the battlefield.

But now, when she sees Zachary like this, she thinks he looks like a child!

Bianca herself was surprised by her evolution. Objectively, taking care of his clothes wasn't a big deal, but touching Zachary was very significant.

It was mainly about the feeling of getting used to and blending into his life.

At first, she focused on seducing him in some way to have children, but over time, she felt very happy about this situation with Zachary. It was good. They would still be together in the future, so naturally, it's better to feel comfortable and happy with each other than uncomfortable.

But it was just a feeling of pleasure. It was just nice, a vague feeling that couldn't even give a definitive answer. It was still far from the love between a couple.

Still, it was progress compared to when she would stand in front of him crying while eating mustard. (Note: Korean phrase)

Much has changed compared to last winter, and it's all the result of Bianca not giving up and flirting with Zachary. Bianca encouraged herself by praising herself.

However, there was nothing she could do against the wall of reality that broke her heart.

"It's a bit shocking that we don't use the same room."

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