TWB (Novel) Chapter 63


"Oh, the hero of Sevran. Welcome, Count Arno."

Despite the once handsome king's hospitality, Zachary remained silent. Seeing that he was neither friendly nor flattering, the king was pleased, saying that a warrior should have that kind of atmosphere.

Bianca, who was behind Zachary, also bowed to the king. As soon as she did, the king's eyes shifted from Zachary and focused on Bianca. The blue eyes surrounded by wrinkled skin gleamed with coldness.

"That's new. You brought your wife."

Bianca smiled slightly and nodded awkwardly. A graceful profile and a relaxed, elegant demeanor. But lurking within her was the anxiety that she might make a mistake. Bianca said softly, her lashes slightly lowered.

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

"When I heard that the Count was engaged to the Blanchefort family, this old man asked to see the Countess, but he refused. Show her now. Is it your last consideration before my death?"

The king's gaze upon Bianca was filled with favor. As much as he thought of Prince Gautier as his successor, the king was delighted with the Blanchefort family, who supported Prince Gautier. When Zachary, who was emerging as a hero, married Bianca, the king felt as happy as if a member of the royal family had married.

Contrary to the king's excited attitude, Zachary, who had always maintained his indifferent demeanor, responded bluntly.

"My wife's body is weak, so she has been recovering at the estate. And Your Majesty is perfectly fine. Please do not joke like that."

"She does indeed look weak... health is the most important thing..."

The king murmured to himself and sank deeply into the throne. It was unclear whether he was speaking to Bianca or to himself.

Bianca, burdened by the king's favor, closed her mouth even tighter.

What could the king like about a young woman he had just met? Favor for Zachary, or favor for the ancestral Blanchefort family. One of the two.

Bianca knew she wasn't particularly attractive or pleasant. If she opens her mouth, she will only undermine the affection she has built for others. She preferred to be considered shy. She chose silence and smiled awkwardly. It was a forced smile because she had to keep her mouth shut, as it was a king, and she shouldn't give the impression that she didn't like him.

Meanwhile, Bianca felt a persistent gaze on her. That gaze was so deep that it prickled her skin. Sweat ran down Bianca's back, instinctively feeling where that gaze was coming from. She doesn't know why "he" is looking at her so intently, but if she pretends not to know, it will pass smoothly...

But Bianca's thoughts were shattered in vain. Because the king spoke to her.

"By the way, this is the Countess's first time seeing my sons. This is my eldest son, Prince Gautier, and on the left is my second son, Prince Jacob."

"...Nice to meet you."

Obliged to introduce herself, Bianca had no choice but to greet the princes. The reasoning that Bianca distinguished the princes by the atmosphere emanating from their outward appearance was correct. Prince Gautier, who had a gentle impression and seemed to enjoy poetry and playing the lute, smiled at his vassal's wife, Bianca. Since Bianca was nothing more than a stepping stone between Arno and the Blanchefort family, there would be no reason for Prince Gautier not to treat her kindly.

"Prince Jacob, on the other hand..."

As soon as her eyes met Jacob's, she got goosebumps. Jacob, who inherited the blood of the Sevran family, was handsome with shiny blonde hair, but the threatening atmosphere surrounding him made her forget his appearance. Bianca's face hardened at the warning that sounded like a scream running down her spine.

They must have been the same blue eyes as Prince Gautier, but Prince Jacob's eyes gleamed like a beast about to hunt its prey. Even without asking, she could tell that he was the owner of the persistent gaze fixed on her. Uncomfortable with his gaze, Bianca had no choice but to turn her head first, although it wasn't polite.

"He's only looking at me because he doesn't like me, it's nothing. To him, Blanchefort and Arno are a thorn in his side..."

Bianca managed to shake off her anxiety, but her thoughts didn't fade easily. As if mocking Bianca's thoughts, Jacob curved his eyes, smiled gently, and spoke to Bianca. Contrary to Gautier's soft smile, pretense oozed from him.

"As you have come to the capital to celebrate Albert's engagement, please do not hesitate to let me know if you feel uncomfortable while staying here."

The faces of everyone in the reception room, except for the king, hardened at Jacob's noticeably soft words. Jacob's words should have come from Albert's father, Prince Gautier. First of all, she doesn't know if Jacob cared about his nephew Albert or not. But Albert should be a monstrosity to Jacob as he waged a cold war with Gautier for the throne.

Bianca's head spun.

"Telling me something uncomfortable, which shouldn't be true, why the hell is he doing it?"

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't think of anything. Bianca wasn't the only one who couldn't understand Jacob's intentions; Gautier looked at Jacob with questioning eyes. But Jacob only looked at Bianca unabashedly.

Only the king didn't notice the subtlety of this situation. The king leaned towards Jacob, who stood to the left, and jokingly asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Our hero of Sevran came here early with the young countess, who had been hiding in secret, for my nephew's engagement, as an uncle, I must treat them as such."

"I'm proud of you for thinking that."

"Your Majesty, I am now over thirty years old. I am beyond my commendable age."

Seeing the king and Jacob conversing in a friendly manner, Prince Gautier laughed awkwardly. When the king laughed, he did too, but it wasn't a situation where he could truly laugh.

If he had been king in the past, he would have quickly read the dispute between his two sons, but now he is old and lacking energy. Is it because he doesn't want to escalate the situation by turning it upside down? Are you pretending not to know, or do you really not know? The king chuckled and told Zachary.

"The journey must have been difficult, so come in and rest. Prince Jacob said that, so if you have any discomfort, you can always tell it to the prince."

"...Understood, Your Majesty."

Zachary responded with an unwavering and decisive attitude. It was a brief response, but Bianca read the displeasure in it. Perhaps due to his usual indifferent expression, Bianca was the only one who recognized his innermost thoughts.

Bianca sighed inwardly. She knew that Zachary was quite involved in the political struggle, but she didn't know he was involved enough for Jacob to attack her directly.

She wouldn't have come to the capital if she had known she would be scrutinized so openly. Life in the capital didn't seem easy.


Bianca stepped out of the reception room and let out a sigh she had been holding in. The tips of her fingers were cold from still being nervous.

Zachary kept his mouth shut and walked ahead. Bianca also chose to remain silent as he seemed uncomfortable. It would serve no purpose to irritate him.

As if having escaped the reception room to some extent, while walking through the hallway, Zachary suddenly said.

"...If you need anything, just let me know."

Zachary's words were sudden, and Bianca was left lost and silent. It wasn't until a moment later that Bianca realized Zachary's words were due to Jacob's remarks.

Zachary turned towards Bianca. His black eyes even seemed anxious. Perhaps he thought Bianca was silent due to her concerns, Zachary continued to warn.

"You must never call him."

"I am also a daughter of Blanchefort. I know very well that you and I should not be close to the second Prince since our marriage was to support the first Prince."


Did Zachary really think she would call Prince Jacob? Then he must have thought of her as a fool. Bianca knew how the political situation worked and what was appropriate in such a situation.

Bianca tried to reassure Zachary by reminding him of the political situation she had grasped, instead of getting angry with him. But Zachary's face still looked uneasy.

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