TWB (Novel) Chapter 53


No matter how cold the winter is, seasons change. Even if you're shivering in the winter, when spring comes, the cold is forgotten from your memory, and only the warm sunlight envelops your body.

Bianca quickly grew accustomed to the feather-filled bedding and the taste of ripe, juicy olives, taking for granted the soft silks that caressed her skin and the ever-burning warmth of the fireplace.

She was a long way from her regression. She couldn't even recall the texture of the cheap fabric with protruding holes because it was rough.

The bed, which felt like a stone floor, and the tasteless soup without any ingredients had long been forgotten.

Physical pain is easily forgotten, and the body is perfectly accustomed to the calm present, but there is one thing that will never be forgotten. It was the humiliation right before her regression.

The humiliation and pain that remained in her memory only etched a deeper wound. Reflecting on the horror she didn't want to experience again, Bianca decided that she couldn't live this life like that, and by having an heir with Zachary, she tried to solidify her position in the Arno family.

At first, Zachary seemed to have difficulties rejecting her, and the first night still seemed daunting.

But Bianca didn't give up.

She even considered seducing Zachary more explicitly. However, as her direct attempts continued to fail, it was necessary to find another way. To be honest, she had been impatient until now. What the hell was the problem?

While Bianca struggled, the answer came from an unexpected place.

Recently, Bianca gathered the maidservants and taught them how to weave lace. It was because Bianca had a limit to weaving alone. At first, the maidservants looked at Bianca and kept their mouths shut, but as the monotonous manual work continued, they began to open their mouths one by one. It didn't take long for them to realize that Bianca was kind enough to have a conversation. They chatted and joked while weaving with the needle.

"Men are really strange. They say they want women to take an active role, but if you approach them openly, their passion will cool down."

"I know, right? Last time, the butcher stared at me all day, and when I approached, he backed off pretending not to know me."

"Oh, it's because the guy isn't very ambitious."

"Sometimes, men are very afraid. They only approach a woman who stays still and cuddle up when a woman approaches them first."

Only then did Bianca understand.

Of course, Bianca had considered the couple's relationship until now as an aristocratic political marriage, distant from desire or love. She thought that if she just told Zachary that she was ready to have an heir, Zachary would be happy to accept it, recognizing the advantages of a successor, but that was a mistake.

They were men and women before they were political partners. It was clear that Bianca's behavior, openly mentioning the topic of a successor and sleeping together, in a word, "calmed Zachary."

So, what do men like about women? A woman who acts as if you can't reach her? A woman who lifts her chin proudly and secretly shoots a furious gaze if you don't pay attention to her?

Bianca, who had only vaguely been aware of that, sighed. It seemed more likely to start building good feelings after continuously meeting. However, Zachary was busy, and even in the same castle, it wasn't easy to see his face. Bianca held her head.

Time passed like that. One day, when the snow in the field melted, revealing the dark brown soil, and sprouts emerged from it, Zachary suddenly ordered Vincent to call Bianca to the garden.

"The Count...? Did something happen suddenly?" Bianca asked, surprised. Worry gleamed in her eyes. Vincent urged Bianca with his usual stern face.

"If you go, you'll know."

The corners of Vincent's mouth twisted as if he was trying not to laugh. But Bianca couldn't see it because she was preoccupied with the reason why Zachary had called her. Although she was determined, she still couldn't comfortably accept the meeting with Zachary. Bianca frantically followed Vincent to the garden.

As soon as Bianca arrived in the garden, Zachary approached her. It was astonishing that Zachary was waiting for Bianca, but above all, she couldn't take her eyes off the "big thing" beside him. Zachary said as he approached her.

"This is what I promised you."

A horse stood next to Zachary. A Palomino with a cream-colored mane and tail!

It was beautiful with white markings on its forehead and legs. Zachary's hand firmly held the reins of the horse, and even if he hadn't, it seemed like it would stay still. The horse silently gazed at Bianca, blinking.

When she first mentioned wanting to learn horseback riding, she thought it was just about acquiring a necessary skill for the future, but when she met the horse, her passion for riding grew rapidly.

That's right. Bianca fell in love with this horse at first sight.

Bianca cautiously approached the horse and reached out her hand to its back. The horse's short fur tickled Bianca's palm.

"You're so gentle. So beautiful...," Bianca's voice, who loved horses, softened like a spring breeze.

Zachary's gaze, looking at Bianca like that, shone like a hazelnut under the spring sunlight. If it were the previous Zachary, he would have given the gift to Vincent to present it since he was too busy with work, but he really wanted to give it to her personally. Zachary handed the reins to Bianca and looked at her.

"What do you think? I chose it carefully, but..."

Zachary had given Bianca countless gifts, but this pony was the first gift he had given to Bianca personally. As much as she had always imagined what kind of expression she would make when she received his gift, Zachary's heart raced when he looked at her.

Bianca accepted the reins that Zachary handed her. In an instant, the warmth of his body temperature surged through Bianca's fingertips. It was as if she had touched fire. Bianca thought it was because she was very nervous. After all, wasn't this the first time she received a living being?

Bianca's pale cheeks turned as red as a ripe peach. Bianca looked at Zachary, smiling as brightly as a blooming plum blossom.

"The pony is so beautiful. Thank you, Count."

Those around them were surprised by Bianca's pure joyous smile. Yvonne and Gaspard knew that Bianca had a deep heart, but they never expected her to smile like this. It was only natural that Vincent's mouth dropped wide open.

Zachary widened his eyes as if he were surprised and looked at Bianca without saying a word. The corners of his mouth drooped heavily, and his black eyes stared unwaveringly at Bianca. Those who didn't know Zachary well might mistakenly believe that Zachary was uncomfortable.

And, of course, Bianca also misinterpreted it.

"Yes, he really doesn't like it when you smile like that."

Bianca clumsily raised the corners of her lips, but she was so happy with the gift that she found it difficult to manage her expression. She also thought, "What does it matter if Zachary feels uncomfortable? I am happy."

Furthermore, by seeing Zachary's expressionless face too often, it seems that she has developed a relative resistance.

Only tolerance has developed, but there is still a long way to go before she realizes the true intentions hidden beneath that expression. Confusing that she knew Zachary better than she thought, Bianca hummed and caressed the horse's neck.

"How should I call it...?"

"Now that I think about it, you've been calling me that these days."

"Yes? How?"

Bianca tilted her head at Zachary's sudden comment and asked. As soon as Bianca asked, another wrinkle grew between Zachary's brows. Bianca realized that she was mistaken.

Bianca reflected on her conversation with Zachary, but she was so absorbed in joy that she couldn't remember what she had said.



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