TWB (Novel) Chapter 48


In response to Bianca's call, Vincent headed to her room.

He had forgotten, as she seemed quiet while constantly looking around the estate for a while, but as expected, it was time to call it quits and buy new things.

She pretended to be interested for a while, and then regretted it. It would have been much more useful if Madam limited herself to luxury rather than showing her face here and there for nothing.

When Vincent arrived, Bianca was embroidering in the sunlight. Beside her, Yvonne curiously watched Bianca's embroidery, while Gaspard greeted Vincent at the door and nodded slightly.

While Vincent was taken aback by the idyllic scene that didn't match Bianca at all, the owner of the room, Bianca, immediately spoke with her head pressed against the frame.

"That's enough."


"I said it's enough."

Bianca's words came out of nowhere.

When Vincent asked, she even gave an explanation, but Vincent still couldn't understand. While Vincent, who didn't know what to say, remained silent, Bianca continued to speak calmly, not stopping the needle from embroidering the fabric.

"I think it's okay to stop looking around the estate. I know for sure that the servants don't like it much."

Vincent wasn't surprised to hear that she would be resigning, as if he knew it would happen soon. In fact, it had been a month since Vincent predicted that Bianca would quit. It was surprising that Bianca had been able to carry out the dull and hard work until now. The only thing that worried Vincent was the "disdain for her" she casually mentioned.

The fact that the servants didn't welcome Bianca was clearly reflected in her eyes. Knowing Bianca's notoriety, they wouldn't have acted disrespectfully, but they couldn't help but whisper behind her back.

Vincent feared that Bianca might say he should be hard on the youths who insulted her. If they were punished, there would be no one left on the estate.

Fortunately, Bianca didn't speak any further about it.

"It would be better for you, Vincent, to continue as before. It must be physically difficult."

Bianca was too weak now. Though not sickly, she was very aware that she was physically useless. While taking a walk and looking around the castle little by little gave her a lot of energy, at the same time, her mental strength was quickly consumed. Even if she didn't pay attention to her surroundings, it wouldn't have been fun to be exposed to her reluctant gaze, and the stress she received devoured Bianca's scarce energy.

"When you think about it, you managed to build this estate by yourself. Of course, I can't leave it to you forever, so I will learn how to do it, but I don't want to rush."

First and foremost, there's Vincent, so there's no need to hurry. He will support the Arno family for at least the next six years.

Bianca had already seen Vincent's future. Vincent's future may change now that Bianca has returned, but his character, who he is and the decisions he makes, won't change easily. She had been with Vincent longer than expected, even during the time when he felt devastated when his master, Zachary, died. She can leave everything as it is to Vincent. Bianca knew he wasn't the kind of person who would sell Arno to others.

She didn't even consider trying to please the servants. It's better to keep her distance rather than emotionally getting involved in the servants' affairs for nothing in return. So, whether they avoid her or curse at her, it won't hurt. If she wants to earn their favor, it's much more effective to provide even a small amount of material assistance than to pry and show her face. Money was an easy and convenient means of managing for Bianca. Comfortable for her body and mind.

However, Bianca had a reason to go out and inspect the estate.

A small smile slipped across Bianca's lips. It would be difficult, but it was worth it to earn money. Because she had an income. Bianca spoke in a slightly pleasant tone.

"Of course, I'll bother you by meddling in trivial matters. Like the matter of Nicholas."

Vincent was surprised to hear that Bianca remembered Nicholas' name. Of course, Bianca was fond of the candles that Nicholas had sculpted and even called him directly. But isn't that "that" Bianca?

"That" Bianca who couldn't even remember the names of Zachary's three commanders until this winter.

He never dreamed that she would only remember the name of a candle factory employee.

Whether Vincent was startled or not, the needle pierced through the fabric from one side to the other. Vincent couldn't see what was in the frame. Yvonne couldn't take her eyes off Bianca's needle, as if she was about to stick her nose into the handmade frame.

Bianca bluntly said something even more surprising to Vincent.

"On the other hand, I'm thinking of starting a business with some maids."


"Can you bring some skillful maids? Apparently, there's a maid with dark hair who is very good at embroidery."

The weight of her words was light, but the actual meaning wasn't.

Bianca starting a business? The Bianca who hasn't left the castle since she was born? Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was a buyer, not a seller. To be honest, he didn't even know if she properly understood the value of money.

Vincent would bet the bottle of wine hidden in his room that for her, a business means having what she wants and not having what she doesn't want.

Seeing that she was looking for a maid to do embroidery, it seemed she had a good idea about embroidery.

But seeing that embroidery would be the foundation of her business, it didn't seem like she had thought it through very well. Embroidery was one of the few things she was interested in and knew well. Of course, starting a business would be very inconsiderate for her, but...

However, if asked if embroidery is a plausible business source, Vincent would firmly shake his head. Embroidery was nothing more than a basic skill for women. As it is a skill that everyone knows how to do, to sell it for money, it required very good workmanship or a unique design.

There was no point in differentiating oneself by using colored threads or embroidering fine fabrics. People who buy things for embroidery are people who have money, and there are one or two women who are good at embroidery in the territory of those who have money, so there would be no reason to spend as much as possible to provide them with materials generously.

What the hell is Bianca thinking as a business source? Half desperate, half curious, Vincent asked hesitantly.

"What kind of business is--"

"I will sell lace."

Bianca turned the fabric she was embroidering and cut the thread with scissors, then pulled something out of the fabric. What Bianca pulled out looked like a web made of thread.

Bianca patted the fabric with her hand and spread it out nicely. The threads of pure white color intertwined to create a colorful floral pattern, and the background was visible through the spaces between the threads.

It was the first time Vincent had seen something like that.

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