TWB (Novel) Chapter 42


Sauveur used to be called a rabid dog on the battlefield, but he was a more rational man than people thought.

On the battlefield, he committed cruel acts so casually that he was called a rabid dog because he didn't have to restrain reason, but his judgment at that time was excellent. So, he was rational only when he wanted to be, which is to say that if he didn't want to be rational, who knew what would happen.

Why doesn't Gaspard stop Sauveur?
Isn't it an incredibly dangerous situation?

While Robert was nervous, Sauveur crouched in front of Bianca. Bianca gestured to the side, and Yvonne, the maid who was next to her, took Bianca's plate of snacks and passed it to Sauveur. She seemed very displeased.

Ecstatic, Sauveur swept the plate of snacks into his mouth. After emptying Bianca's plate of snacks, he smiled and nodded at Bianca before disappearing. He didn't forget to wave his hand.

He casually interrupted Bianca's walk and even got a snack. Robert's feelings at seeing Sauveur like this were absurd.

Robert stood there expressionless, as if a knife had been plunged into him. Bianca was calm, as if Sauveur had never come and gone.

Robert couldn't believe what he had seen. He thought, Oh, what I saw was a hallucination!

It was so absurd that he couldn't believe it. Robert laughed at the events of that day. Hahaha... I work so hard that now I see nonsense.

But it seems it wasn't nonsense. Robert distorted his face as he looked at Sauveur, who had a stupid expression on his face.

Did he really leave his reason on the battlefield? What? Isn't he a bad person? So, does that mean he's a good person?

Robert's dark green eyes gleamed intensely.

"Do you think the madam treats you like a human being? She treats you like a dog. Do you like that? You don't even have any pride."

"It doesn't matter if she treats me like a dog. Honestly, I am a dog. The dog of Count Arno. Since I am her husband's dog, I am also the madam's dog. What's wrong with that? They gave me snacks."

"Are you going there and shamelessly flirt to get some of that? Do you remember what she was like?"

"Actually, we haven't talked enough for me to remember."

Robert's reproachful tone was terrifying, but Sauveur simply scratched his head.

Robert struck his chest in frustration. How much he despised and ignored them! Even if they tried to say something nice, it just passed like a cold wind blowing. As if there was no need to talk to them.

Only with her husband, Zachary, and with Vincent, Bianca had the slightest "conversation." To others, they were orders, not a conversation. Otherwise, she didn't speak or listen to other people. It was the same for Gaspard and Robert too.

In particular, Sauveur was the only commoner among Zachary's three commanders. Sauveur, a free man, was recruited for military service but showed outstanding prominence and was chosen by Zachary. Robert came from a baron's family, and Gaspard came from a knight's family. For this reason, Bianca was particularly reluctant to mingle with Sauveur.

Still, does he take it so well and wag his tail? I thought Sauveur was crazy, but he's an idiot.

Robert sighed deeply with concern for his comrade. Whether he understood Robert's heart or not, Sauveur spoke about the good things regarding Bianca.

"She stands proudly in front of a horse the size of a house that even men fear, and she is straightforward with what she has to say in front of me. Obviously, nobles are noble."

It was pathetic to see him shaking his head as he spoke. Besides whether it could truly be considered an advantage, Robert couldn't understand what the hell possessed Sauveur in such a short time. The corners of Robert's lips twisted.

The Sauveur he knew was an impulsive and hot-blooded man, but strangely cold and rational. So, was he enchanted by Bianca for no reason? It was absurd. However, when he saw Sauveur's face filled with affection, he couldn't draw a hasty conclusion.

Sauveur was cold and rational, but he wasn't a two-faced man who would hide or deceive himself. That's the truth.

Robert kept his mouth tightly shut and turned it over in his head several times, trying to figure out what to say.

"She's a bit rude, isn't she? No, it doesn't matter if she has a strong personality. I like that kind of woman. If we go to the capital this time, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to get Madam's handkerchief at the tournament. Oh. If I win, will I be able to give flowers to Madam? That's a bit encouraging."


Robert, who had been listening attentively to Sauveur until now, stood up trembling. Distrust filled his face. Carrying her handkerchief at the tournament?! Moreover, is he thinking of giving flowers to his lady? Does this idiot know what that means?

"Didn't you eat something bad? The snacks Madam gave you last time. Are you sure they were fine?"

"No, did you see that? How embarrassing."

He said it was embarrassing, but the corners of his lips, which were lifted in a smile, didn't look that way at all. Robert's face hardened even more at Sauveur's optimistic gaze.

Before the tournament, knights who received jewels or possessions from ladies implied that they had a secret relationship with them, and so was the glorification of victory. Of course, there were knights who participated to save face for the master's wife, but they were very rare.

Until now, Bianca hadn't attended the tournament, so Zachary's three knights, who had no taste for giving flowers to other women, always gave flowers to the wife of Prince Gautier de Sevran, the prince whom Zachary served.

To be honest, he didn't want to give flowers to someone he hadn't even exchanged a few words with. But instead of his mistress, Bianca, the wife of Prince Gautier seemed to be a more appropriate lady to receive the flower of victory. At least, she accepted the flowers and delivered congratulations.

Perhaps because Robert's face showed a hint of reluctance towards Bianca, Sauveur added with a smile.

"We are the knights of the Count, so it is not unusual to honor Madam."

"Of course, that's how it is. Even if I don't like it, in the end, I will have to grant her the victory, even for the sake of my master and the Arno family."

Sauveur's words were theories, and although Robert fully agreed with them, his eyes darkened. Until now, she hadn't appeared, so he had never thought of such a situation, but next year, the story will be different.

What kind of response will he receive when he gives flowers to "his lady" at the tournament? If it were up to him, she wouldn't hesitate to even insult him. Just thinking about it gave him chills. Robert murmured seriously.

"If she throws away the flowers, what should I do with that embarrassment?"

"Maybe just accept it without thinking."

Sauveur thought Robert was exaggerating.

Sauveur also sympathized with Robert's reluctance towards Bianca. He didn't have good memories of Bianca either. But, as he had told Robert before, it was rare for them to exchange words properly in the first place.

They followed Zachary to the battlefield all the time, and before that, Bianca was too young. It wasn't a matter for adults or men to take into account even the flaws of a young girl.

"Honestly, the reason you hate Madam so much is that she was too stubborn when she was young, and you wanted to use her to some extent."

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