TWB (Novel) Chapter 35

Partially corrected MTL Novel

There was no way someone like Vincent could have missed this subtle draft, but he pretended not to notice. Since Sir Gaspar was attached as an escort, nothing would happen. Besides, no matter what, Bianca wouldn't be able to take over the castle if he interfered. It was also his karma that all the servants were like this.

He looked around the butcher shop and said sternly, pointing to a large salt shaker in the corner.

"In winter, there is less game, so it's difficult to find meat. It needs to be salted and preserved a bit longer. Since the meat needs to marinate in advance, it's important to pickle from autumn. We are already prepared for winter. If Madam is assigned the task later, she should stock up on salt early."

"I see."

Bianca nodded. The castle hostess was in charge of everything in the castle, including kitchen work. Not serving raw meat in winter was natural, but everything was unknown to Bianca, who had never been interested in such matters.

Vincent explained step by step how to procure meat for the winter months, not just salt, but also which seasonings and spices to use, and where to get pepper and sugar.

There was too much information coming at once. Bianca nodded, saying she understood, but she knew she wouldn't remember anything by the evening.

However, it wasn't good to show that image in a place where there were servants, so Bianca naturally kept her mouth shut. She only remembered the general idea and planned to ask Vincent about the details later. Vincent would look at her with an absurd look, but still answer her questions sincerely. Because that's his job.

They looked around the butcher shop and left. When Vincent added that he would now go to the candle shop and the sewing room, Bianca grimaced inwardly.

The candle factory was right in front of the meat depot. In the candle factory, candles were made from the leftover fat from the slaughter, and a man was stirring a large chunk of fat in a pot to prevent it from solidifying. Resin was one of the ingredients for making candles. This was the identity of the rancid smell that Bianca sensed.

"What we are making now are candles made from fat. It's a common candle supplied to the castle."

"It looks different from the ones I use."

"Yes. That's because the candles used by Madam, the count, and the ones in the dining hall are made of wax. Unlike those made with beef fat resin, they are a high-quality product that doesn't contain soot, they are clean, and they have a strong scent. They can only be made during the time when bees make honey, and they are a very valuable item because the quantity is not large. They are usually used to seal letters with the family crest and only used in church ceremonies or in the royal palace."

He said it in a tone that implicitly reproached that the candle she used to light even when it was a little dark was very precious.

It was such a biting tone that even if the people around couldn't notice it, Bianca, the person involved, could.

Bianca felt disheartened. It was true that it was extravagant, but it wasn't very pleasant to be reprimanded for something she didn't ask for. Still, she didn't want to raise her voice in front of her subordinates over trivial matters.

Instead of being arrogant and irritable, Bianca asked quietly, as if she had nothing to do with it.

"Was it that precious? I didn't know. Who asked for that candle to be used?"

"The Count."

"I don't know why the Count gave such an order. Why didn't he tell me? Could we have saved it?"

The corners of Bianca's lips twisted sarcastically. Candles are too valuable. When she trembled with cold in the monastery before her return, even when she was desperate for a little warmth more than anything else, she never stooped so low as to beg for a candle or anything like that.

It couldn't have been better for her to hear a comment like this now.

Vincent clicked his tongue at Bianca's visibly disgusted expression. Zachary's words were still alive in his memory.

"He doesn't like ordinary candles because they smell bad and produce a lot of soot. He replaces the candles where my wife usually walks with beeswax candles."

Though aristocratic, Zachary had no interest in luxury and wasn't well-versed in it. He pointed out that she should use beeswax candles.

Though Zachary was a noble, he wasn't interested in luxuries and didn't know much about them. When he pointed out that she should use beeswax candles, it wasn't far-fetched to think it was because of Bianca's request. Though it was incomprehensible, it was clearly Vincent's fault. Vincent immediately bowed his head.

"It must be because the Count didn't want his wife to worry about all that. Please forgive me."

Neither Vincent nor Bianca, of course, thought that Zachary actually believed that. It was just a pleasant excuse. There was a time when Bianca was sensitive enough to argue with everyone about it, but now it was just annoying. Bianca waved her hand, ending the matter.

"It's in the past. So, what should I care about here?"

"To manage the castle, it's necessary to keep a record of how many candles are made. Especially in winter when the days are short, candles are precious. The candles made here are different from the ones used by Madam or the Lord, but since the candle itself is a valuable item, it must be handled strictly."

As soon as Vincent's words fell, the supervisor smiled at them with a twisted and sullen face. Since he didn't dare to speak to high-ranking people, his intention was to instill confidence through his facial expressions. However, his slanted eyes, sharp chin, and pointed lips didn't make him a very trustworthy face.

There wasn't much to remember in the candle factory. Mostly because it was winter now. In winter, there was less resin due to less meat, and even the firewood used to ignite the fire for melting the resin was precious. So, when Bianca followed Vincent to leave the shop, her gaze landed on a small strand of hair sticking out from behind a large wooden barrel in the corner of the shop.

Was it an animal? Or human hair?

Curious, Bianca headed towards it.

Squatting there was a thin child. He was working hard on something, gripping his forearm, which was thinner than the candle that the supervisor had taken out.

If you look closely, you can see that he was carving a candle. The white candle was deeply carved, revealing a delicate and uniform pattern. Bianca, who was amazed by it, unintentionally asked.

"What are you doing?"


The child jumped in surprise. He was so startled that he dropped the candle he was carving from his hand. And the candle flew through the air. Bianca, unaware, caught the flying candle. As soon as it happened, a loud roar resonated behind Bianca.

"Nicholas! Again today!"

The supervisor, who had been observing Bianca and Vincent before, raised his voice loudly. Fire blazed in his eyes. In the supervisor's eyes, Nicholas' actions could only be seen as ruining a healthy candle.

Even he admitted that Nicholas' carving skills were not bad, but so what? Due to their materials, the candle would quickly melt. And for them, candles were a luxury in themselves.

Nicholas had been scolded several times for doing such a thing. He had also been advised to carve on a piece of wood. It made no sense to carve something that would melt after burning. But Nicholas insisted on carving the candles over and over again.

I thought it was a relief that he wasn't present today, but I didn't know he was doing that in a corner. Moreover, he was even caught by Madam. The supervisor looked at Madam with an anxious expression.

Vincent looked at Bianca.

"Madam, what's happening?"

The servant's complexion turned pale. It was a big problem to steal items and damage them. He didn't know if Nicholas would be punished alone, but the person in charge of the candle shop could also be scolded for negligence. The steward's surveillance was already difficult, but it was terrifying to think that Nicholas' affair would add even more surveillance.

The servant's anxiety quickly became a reality. It was because Vincent's eyes turned into triangles when he found the candle in Bianca's hand.

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