TWB (Novel) Chapter 30

Partially corrected MTL Novel

Bianca, who didn't know it would matter so much to her, let out a small sigh of relief. She wasn't sure if Robert truly believed Bianca was more valuable than Vincent, but she was grateful that he elevated her position even nominally.

Upon reflection, the future Jacob finally came to seek a successor. After Zachary's death, everyone regarded Bianca as a thorn in their eyes, causing them to forget how valuable she was for a moment. Theoretically, even if they knew, they would unconsciously devalue their own worth.

To that extent, Zachary's actions were very helpful. Bianca felt much more at ease knowing for certain his willingness to build a positive relationship with her. Perhaps this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't endured her embarrassment and approached Zachary. Bianca patted her chest, telling herself that her efforts were not in vain.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen while you're away. I've been doing well so far."

"Well, actually..."

This was the second time Zachary hesitated and murmured. It was then that Bianca realized the speculation that Zachary was trying to take care of her was wrong, and he hadn't yet mentioned the subject in question. What the hell are you going to say? Bianca's complexion darkened with fear.

"I'm thinking of taking you to the capital next year as well..."


Bianca asked, surprised. She couldn't understand what she had just heard. Bianca simply blinked and stared at him, then Zachary hastily added, as if apologizing.

"Unless you don't want to, of course."

"It's not that I don't want to..."

Bianca shook her head. Her face was filled with confusion. Still, going to the capital was something she had never thought about before. Much less with Zachary.

Bianca had never been to the capital. When she was the Countess of Arno, she always lived alone in Arno Castle, and after Zachary's death and expulsion from Arno Castle, she wandered the kingdom but never had the chance to go to the capital. Because she had no acquaintances living in the capital.

Bianca's maternal family, the Blanchefort family, were close collaborators of Prince Gautier's faction, the current crown prince, just like Zachary, as they sought political alliance through marriage. Although Prince Gautier died in the war, an orthodox heir, Prince Gautier's son, Albert, remained.

Although Prince Albert was young, he showed the qualities of a king, so they pushed Prince Albert just as they had pushed Prince Gautier.

However, the war continued, and Bianca lost her brother, father, and husband, Zachary. They were Bianca's family, but at the same time, they were crucial to Prince Albert. As their limbs died one by one, Prince Albert was left isolated. Prince Albert was too young and weak to stand alone.

In the end, Prince Jacob, Prince Gautier's younger brother and Prince Albert's uncle, overthrew Albert and ascended the throne, and Prince Albert was exiled, and all remaining members of Prince Albert's family were expelled from the capital. Since her family was close to Prince Albert, Bianca couldn't go to the capital under Prince Jacob's control.

Until then, Bianca had no interest in such political matters. After being expelled, it was only when she wandered, seeking people she could trust at least a little, that she realized how the world was and where she stood. Realizing there was no one to help her except Blanchefort and Arno, Bianca had to donate all her belongings to a monastery before she could escape from the winds of the world.

Anyway, for Bianca, the capital is just an unfamiliar place. After returning home, she only thought about how she could stay connected to Arno Castle for the rest of her life and had no intention of going anywhere else. Even if it's a trip. Bianca continued to stammer, showing her embarrassment.

"I'm a bit perplexed. I never thought I would receive such an offer... To leave the castle..."

"I didn't lock you up in this castle."

"I know. It's just..."

Bianca bit her lower lip. She was so surprised that the end of her words trembled. It's not like I'm exaggerating like this. Bianca grabbed her skirt, worried about what would happen if Zachary questioned her exaggerated reaction.

Fortunately, it seemed to be a reaction he would expect from a 16-year-old girl who had been locked in a castle her whole life. It didn't seem so strange, Zachary said, trying to appease Bianca.

"There will be many amazing things. Because you like to decorate your room. There will be many people and artisans, so you can choose tapestries from whoever you want and you can mix and match clothing with new patterns... It's okay to buy new furniture too."

While listening silently, the things Zachary had arranged for her were generous. It was a condition too good to placate Bianca to go to the capital. Bewildered, Bianca asked out of pure curiosity.

"... Why do you want to take me with you?"

"Don't you want to go?"

"It's not that."

Bianca shook her head. Even if Zachary didn't offer any other conditions, if he just asked her if she wanted to go to the capital without questioning his intentions, her answer would be clear.

Zachary's vassals said, "The Madam will not accept going to the capital." And they were not wrong.

Obviously, Bianca hated going out, and if it had been her in the past, she would have shaken her head at Zachary's suggestion of going to the capital. Although she avoided many responsibilities and duties as the lord's wife, she tried to uphold the virtue of being the lord's wife, "to stay in the territory, never leave the territory, and die in the territory," that was her minimum duty.

What attracted her to Fernand was perhaps the feeling of frustration that had accumulated while she was in a cage. An unconscious longing for freedom. As a bard, he sang to Bianca about his experiences while freely wandering the world, and Bianca fell in love with him. As if in a dream where she would be free to be with him.

But it was a false illusion. Expectations shattered like shards of broken glass. With Zachary's betrayal, Bianca learned the coldness and cruelty of the harsh reality instead of fantasy, and her frail body was dragged by the storm of time, unable to do anything.

If this hadn't been her second life, her world would have ended in a corner of the room in Arno Castle.

But she came back and decided not to live like that anymore. As such, she couldn't miss the opportunity to see a world she had never seen before her return.

Furthermore, even if she were to give birth to an heir of the Arno family in the future, since Zachary and his family supported Prince Gautier, it would be nearly impossible to catch a glimpse of the capital after Prince Jacob ascended to power. If she didn't go to the capital this time, she believed she wouldn't be able to go to the capital for the rest of her life.

Bianca's slightly trembling parted lips. She swallowed her saliva and, with a little more courage, firmly expressed her desire.

"I want to go."

Bianca's bright green eyes, filled with anticipation, shone like a grassy field under the summer sun. Bianca's face trembled as the candles illuminating the room flickered, but her eyes stared at Zachary unwaveringly. For the first time, her eyes filled with hope were straight and dazzling like the stars shining in the night sky.

Zachary tilted his head to avoid Bianca's unwavering gaze. And he murmured in a soft, subdued voice, "Then I'll take care of preparing everything." He seemed obviously perplexed.

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