TWB (Novel) Chapter 23

Partially corrected MTL Novel

Nine years. Now this year will be ten years. They say that rivers and mountains change in ten years, and between the two, many things have happened.

When Bianca first arrived at Arno Castle, even during the past three years, Zachary used to visit Bianca attentively. However, he also grew tired of Bianca's refusal and coldness, and in the end, it became a cold relationship where he didn't even enter Bianca's room.

The three commanders and Vincent observed the whole process. How the couple's relationship crumbled and how Zachary was treated by Bianca.

Even when Zachary returned from war, he never came to visit, and when she and Zachary ate together, she made a disgusted face. Regardless of whether the person sitting next to her lost their appetite or not, she cut the meat without opening her mouth. She believed in the power of her parents' family and seemed to insult her husband, making her a woman that no one would ever want to receive as a wife.

They don't know if it's because he was a Baron at the time of the marriage, but Zachary is now called a Count, a war hero, and the sharp spear, shield, and iron-blooded knight of the Emperor. Divorcing her was not reasonable given the political advantage of the Blanchefort family, but it was very possible to set limits on her life.

It can be argued that the Blanchefort family is neglecting their family, but they will not react more than enough considering the political advantage. Furthermore, the cause lies in their daughter's behavior.

But Zachary left her alone. Instead of depriving her of financial discretion, he gave her orders to generally grant her whatever she wanted.

All the things between Zachary and Bianca, from left to right, were full of mysteries. Bianca's original personality is already something to think about, but they don't know what is happening to their lord, Zachary.
Thinking of taking Bianca to the capital, it made it almost impossible for them to retain their breakfast.

Robert barely smiled and implicitly asked Zachary's intentions.

"Count, if I may ask, why all of a sudden..."

"Because I can't leave her alone in the castle forever. If we go to the capital this time, won't she have to be alone for another half a year?"


He didn't say it. But he believes that the lady would prefer not to meet him. Robert murmured in his mind. Of course, he couldn't say it out loud.

After Robert closed his mouth, it was Sauveur's turn. Sauveur asked stutteringly.

"U-um... Did the lady say she doesn't want to be alone?"

"I didn't say that."

I suppose so. Of course...
The words he couldn't pronounce resonated in his mouth. Zachary continued speaking without considering the feelings of his subordinates.

"The day I returned, she came."

"Yes, yes. That's right."

"I wondered what was going on, but she made a ridiculous proposal."

"What proposal...?"


This time, it was Zachary who closed his mouth. Seeing Zachary looking at the corner of the desk with his mouth shut, it was obvious that it was a proposal he didn't want to talk about. What was the proposal? While Robert and Sauveur turned their heads and let their imagination run wild, Vincent, who had been silently listening to the story, coughed and intervened.

"The lady definitely said, 'the most important thing for the Arno family.'"

The most important thing for the Arno family. That's what Bianca mentioned... Obviously, it was something so important that she had to propose it directly to Zachary. As soon as an idea struck him, Sauveur asked immediately.

"Did she ask for a divorce?"


As soon as Sauveur's question fell, Zachary's brow furrowed. What nonsense are you talking about? Zachary's sharp reaction made Sauveur's skin tingle. Cold sweat ran down Sauveur's chin. Unless it's divorce...

"...Or does she not want to give birth to the successor?"

"No. It wasn't that."

Zachary smiled savagely and shook his head. She doesn't want to give birth to the successor. Rather, it was the opposite.

He only says no, but he keeps his mouth shut about what happened. Sauveur and Robert, frustrated, wanted to beat their chests.

"Then what the hell is it...?"


Zachary was about to say something, but then he closed his mouth again. His face turned red. It seemed like such a ridiculous proposal that even Zachary, who never alters his expression, blushed with anger. Here, an instinctive warning rang out not to inquire further. Not wanting to touch their superior's anger, they looked at each other without delving deeper.

Zachary muttered to himself, tapping the desk with his fingertips.

"Anyway, there's something she's thinking about. It's a problem because she only thinks for herself and doesn't explain why she thinks that way."

Upon hearing Zachary's words, Robert and Sauveur felt a wave of nausea. Though they usually disagreed, the couple was very similar in nature, as Zachary mentioned just now. They think for themselves and keep their mouths shut about why they think that way. How painful their current state is because of that!

Zachary, who didn't think he was doing the same, let out a deep sigh.

"...It seems she thinks I might abandon her."

"What? Why out of nowhere? Did you receive any correspondence from Blanchefort?"

"That never happened."

It was Vincent who responded to Robert's question. Vincent listed every detail of Bianca's life while Zachary was away from the castle due to the war.

"The lady was the same as always. She changed furniture, commissioned tapestries, asked to get the white fox fur she wanted, complained that the food didn't sit well with her, didn't socialize with anyone."

That's truly unbelievable. Even though her husband is on the battlefield, she doesn't care at all and can afford to live luxuriously. Either she's foolish or she doesn't give a damn about her husband. And of course, the Countess's case is the latter.

Vincent, who had been organizing Bianca's daily life without interruption, suddenly closed his mouth and fell into deep thought. After silently reviewing his memories, he recalled the fragments that had been stuck in his mind like thorns all along.

"...But something strange happened in the middle."


Zachary looked at Vincent, surprised by what he had heard for the first time. It's not something trivial, but he completely forgot about it. How can he remember something so important now? Vincent was sweating profusely out of guilt.

"She asked where the lord was."

"I guess she didn't even know he went to war. That's great."

In the face of such absurdity, Sauveur, who forgot that Zachary was there, exclaimed sarcastically. Normally, Vincent and Zachary would have asked them to refrain from rude words and actions, but now they couldn't afford to worry about Sauveur's behavior. Vincent searched his memories under Zachary's urgent gaze.

"Before asking, she closed the door and kept it closed for a long time. I thought she was being capricious as always, so I didn't think much of it... Now that I think about it, I think she's been acting a bit strange since then."

"When was that?"

"Early autumn."

"I entrusted you and entrusted you with all the authority in this castle..."

"I'm sorry. I was negligent. It's my fault."

Vincent bowed his back modestly. Zachary asked several times if something had happened to Bianca, but it was definitely Vincent's fault for not remembering. As he grew older, his memory seemed to fade. Vincent reproached himself.

But Zachary didn't seem to care too much about what Vincent didn't report. He sighed and added with concern.

"If she closes the door again while I'm away, you must force it open. In my name. Understood? We can't know what's going on in that room... She's someone who doesn't show pain very well, so it will be difficult if she's alone."

"Yes. I will keep that in mind."

Is Zachary worried about Bianca's health, or is he worried that something might go wrong with her, who symbolizes his ties to the Blanchefort family? The minds of the three people present were complicated.

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