TWB (Novel) Chapter 105


Fernand was even crying.

His long, slender fingers, which plucked the lute, trembled in the air, unable to grasp onto Jacob's hem.

It was abominable and pathetic trash that had been trying to intimidate Bianca.

If women who didn't know the situation had seen it, or maybe even if they knew the situation, their hearts would have softened. But Jacob pressed his foot against Fernand's shoulder without flinching.

Fernand continued pleading, even with his face on the ground, but his voice seemed unheard by Jacob.

Then, he noticed something gleaming in the darkness. That was when Bianca realized that Jacob was holding a sword. And why Fernand was begging so desperately to Jacob.

It was a desperate situation that could cost him his life.

Jacob's voice to Fernand was calm. As if bidding goodnight before going to sleep.

"To despise a noble for a mere jester."

"Please, please, Your Highness!"

"It is a sin that cannot be paid even with death."

As soon as Jacob's words fell, his sword swung, leaving a lingering image like a crescent moon in the darkness. A sharp blade sliced through Fernand's neck as it was.


Crack. The sharp sound of bones being severed echoed in Bianca's ears. Blood gushed from Fernand's neck and splattered Jacob's chest. Jacob's hem was stained with blood, and Fernand's head rolled on the ground. Yvonne screamed.



Bianca blinked, not fully realizing what was happening. What? Is he really dead?

She was stunned because she didn't expect Fernand to die so easily. As he was the one who made her life a mess, she had promised herself that she would take revenge with her own hands. After arriving in the capital, she had been busy with other things like the lace business and dispelling the rumors entangled with her, so she had postponed it for a while, but she didn't forget about Fernand's revenge.

Moreover, for some reason, Fernand kept getting close to her. Like a buzzing fly in her eyes, her anger didn't diminish, and the fire continued to burn.

Meanwhile, something like this happened. He still remained trash. She felt so much resentment that she never thought he would even force himself on a woman. Bianca's words, that she would serve him as dog food, were not a slip of the tongue.

But this outcome was too shallow.

Bianca's eyes rolled for a long time and then turned towards Fernand's severed head.

The once beautiful face was contorted with pain, astonishment, and lament. Fernand's blue eyes were lifeless. Amidst the smell of blood that vibrated to the point of blocking her nose, Bianca stared directly at his face.

Jacob smiled and walked towards Bianca. The splattered blood on Jacob's pristine white face was exceptionally clear, making him even more peculiar.

"In the banquet hall, and now. You were good with your words."

The sudden words sounded threatening. She felt dizzy from the many things that had happened today, but she couldn't let her thoughts consume her like this.

Bianca tried to regain her senses, her eyes widened as she looked at Jacob.

But to Jacob, she simply looked cute. Jacob's eyebrows arched upward.

"It was good to leave the banquet hall. Something like this happened..."

Gautier's followers filled the banquet hall. She didn't want to see everyone praising Gautier all the time. Normally, she would have been able to endure it more calmly, but today there was a reason why she couldn't. It was because of Zachary.

Since it was the victory banquet of the tournament, the story of Zachary's performance kept surfacing, and naturally, the story of the match between Zachary and Jacob in the semifinals had its ups and downs.

Jacob's teeth clenched at the embarrassing memory of being thrown off the horse without even being able to properly aim the tip of his lance.

There were those who praised Jacob's skills, but the wounds to Jacob's high self-esteem couldn't be healed to that extent.

Furthermore, Zachary's hand kept touching Bianca without hesitation!

Normally, he acted like a dull wooden stone, but at that moment, he seemed like a different person.

Everyone noticed that the hand was a warning to all the men in the banquet hall.

But what could they do?

Zachary was the strongest man there and the legitimate husband of Bianca. Though it seemed unusual, it was a natural act, so everyone dismissed Zachary as a jealous man.

Only Jacob, who didn't hide his sympathy for Bianca, couldn't easily overcome it. Every time he saw Zachary, his heart simmered with resentment. It felt similar to seeing Gautier.

It was a similar feeling to seeing something mediocre being lucky enough. If it were him, he was sure he could do much better... whether it was the position of the crown prince or the position of Bianca's husband.

Finally, unable to bear it, Jacob left the banquet hall. In the midst of that, he encountered Viscount Volne, but that was nothing more than trivial. Jacob, who disliked the noise, headed to the peaceful palace garden. There might be people having secret encounters there, but they are generally absorbed in their own circumstances.

It was there that Jacob encountered Yvonne, who had lost Bianca and looked bewildered.

Being with Bianca all the time, Jacob knew that she was Bianca's servant.

And Bianca's piercing voice seemed to come from the other side of the garden... Jacob's lips curled up as he understood the situation upon hearing Bianca's voice saying, "I will serve you as dog food."

He didn't know why Bianca, who was in the banquet hall, was here, but this seemed to be an opportunity given to him by the heavens.

Jacob decapitated the man who was attempting to intimidate Bianca. The life of a jester, or the dirt on the clothes the artisan had worked on for two months, held little value to him. There was only Bianca in his eyes.

Bloody Jacob walked toward Bianca, who huddled like a cat with her fur bristling towards him.

"I fell in love with you once again."

"Don't come near me!"


In the face of Bianca's sharp scream, Jacob tilted his head as if he didn't understand.

Bianca gritted her teeth.

It was only when Fernand brought her that she momentarily forgot the direction she had come from due to nerves, but this time she knew the direction Yvonne and Jacob had come from. However, the supposed exit was on the side where Jacob was.

Meanwhile, Jacob approached closer and closer.

Goosebumps appeared on Bianca's skin. An instinctive danger signal.

Though she didn't feel it through her skin, it was clear that Jacob was twice as dangerous as Fernand. If he catches her, she won't be able to escape as easily as before...

At that moment, Yvonne intervened between Bianca and Jacob, blocking Jacob with her entire body.

"Don't come near my lady!"

"You vulgar servant."

But Yvonne's resistance was only cumbersome for Jacob. Jacob slapped Yvonne on the cheek.

A loud sound rang out, incomparable to when Bianca slapped Fernand's cheek, and soon Yvonne's slender body fell to the ground.



Bianca immediately tried to run toward Yvonne, who had just fallen, but Jacob grabbed Bianca's arm.

Bianca screamed, waving her arms in annoyance.

"Let me go!"

"You tremble like a wet robin under the rain."

Despite Bianca's resistance, Jacob remained relaxed. His hand trailed along Bianca's neck. Hidden under the collar of her dress, the marks Zachary had left were revealed, which Yvonne had covered with cosmetics.

Zachary and Bianca were a married couple, so it was natural for them to sleep together, but the clear marks left on her fair skin twisted Jacob's insides. Jacob's lips twisted with disgust.

"It must have been quite enjoyable to be fucked by your husband."


Before Bianca could get angry at the rude comment, Jacob turned Bianca towards him. Jacob's eyes, burning like a blazing fire, were no different from those of a madman.

"But it seems that wasn't enough. A jester is far beneath your level. Lineage, appearance... If you want a new experience, I'm the most suitable for you. Don't you think so?"

Jacob's eyes curved, and a brilliant smile spread across his face. The poisonous flowers seemed more glamorous, and his smile appeared as a threat one shouldn't approach.

Bianca's face paled.


Until now, she had thought that Jacob's flirtation with her was only to provoke Zachary, or because he was plotting to use her for political purposes.

It was because Jacob had no reason to like her.

There were only handsome men and beautiful women around Jacob, and he himself was a beautiful man. On the other hand, Bianca didn't look bad, but she wasn't as beautiful as Princess Odelli, had a bad personality, and was unfriendly. Furthermore, since she was the wife of Jacob's thorn in the side, Zachary, it was more natural to say that Jacob's strange approach was due to his dissatisfaction.

But now... Bianca swallowed her fear, avoiding the burning gaze that seemed to pierce through her.

Still, Bianca couldn't believe that Jacob was doing this because he genuinely liked her. This wasn't love, it was only obsession and madness.

"Please, give me the opportunity to feel your soft skin."

Jacob's lips drew closer.

The dark drops of blood that splattered on her white cheeks and pale lips, under the moonlight, made her skin crawl.

Terrified, Bianca squirmed to escape, but she was firmly caught in his hands, unable to move.

Then, in the distance, a cry calling for Bianca was heard. It was Zachary's voice. The approaching voice informed her that he wasn't too far away.

"Bianca! Bianca!"

"I'm here!"

Before Jacob could close Bianca's mouth, she shouted as loudly as she could. Never in her life had she screamed so desperately. Bianca's stomach ached as if it had a knot in it, but Bianca screamed again, wondering if maybe Zachary hadn't been able to figure out her location.

"I'm here!"

At that moment, Jacob's face contorted in despair. His eyes were bloodshot. Bianca's heart began to race at the 180-degree shift.

As if he were about to strike her as he did with Yvonne, Bianca tightly shut her eyes. But Jacob's hand still held her tightly, and she felt no sharp pain. Jacob bitterly screamed as if he had been betrayed by his lover.

"Why the hell?!"

That's what Bianca wanted to ask.

Why the hell are you doing this to me?

She couldn't understand Jacob's behavior. For a moment, she wondered if she should feel guilty for the pitiful and desperate gaze directed at her, wondering if she had done something wrong.

It was amusing.

She was the victim, and he should be the one feeling guilty for his petty behavior. Anyone who saw them could think they were a pair of desperate lovers.

If he was acting to portray that image to Zachary, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was a born actor. There were even slight tears at the corners of his eyes as he whispered softly.

"Do you hate me so much that you fight to escape?"

He understood it perfectly.

Who likes someone who does this?

Then, the words to let her go immediately reached the end of his throat. When Bianca, who had no intention of stopping her words, opened her mouth to respond, Zachary appeared among the lush trees in the garden behind Jacob.

For a moment, clear joy and anxiety covered Zachary's face as he found Bianca.


There was impatience in Zachary's voice calling for Bianca. As if he had come rushing through the path, his clothes were torn in several places, and leaves were stuck in his tangled silver hair.


Bianca called Zachary anxiously, squirming to escape from Jacob once again. Even when her husband appeared, Jacob didn't release the hand that held her. Insane. Startled, Bianca stared at Jacob with her mouth agape.

At first glance, it seemed that her relationship with Jacob could be misunderstood, but she thought there was no reason to lower her head since she hadn't done anything wrong. If she shrinks, she might appear suspicious, so she tried to show herself proud.

But Bianca took a deep breath and unconsciously observed Zachary. She has known Zachary for quite some time, but Bianca had never seen him wear that expression before.

It's funny that Bianca had misunderstood Zachary's blunt expression as anger until now because it was his current expression that seemed filled with murderous intent.

Zachary's black eyes, looking at Jacob with closed lips, were fierce. He didn't even attempt to hide his anger.

To the current Zachary, Jacob was not a prince but a ruthless man who coveted his wife.

Immediately after Zachary, Gaspard and Robert entered the hidden garden. Seeing that the situation inside was terrible, Sauveur controlled the soldiers and servants from the outside. A dead body in the garden, the second prince, and the hero's wife... They were not the best combination to avoid rumors.

As he observed the situation, Gaspard found Yvonne, who had collapsed in a corner of the garden. Gaspard's unchanging face, like a stone-carved mask, was covered in despair.

Gaspard ran towards Yvonne, forgetting to wait for Zachary's orders.

"Ugh... Madam..."

Yvonne let out a confused groan, unable to even open her eyes properly. Gaspard, worried that Yvonne might have died, sighed in relief. But the fact that she's alive doesn't mean he can relax. One of the men who supposedly made her like this is dead, but the other is alive. Gaspard glanced at Jacob as he held Yvonne in his arms.

Jacob, who was confronting Zachary with Bianca in his arms, clicked his tongue when not only Zachary but also his commanders joined him.

With a shrug, he loosened his grip on Bianca. Bianca ran toward Zachary as soon as he did.

Zachary immediately pulled Bianca towards him and held her in his arms as if hiding her.

Bianca could breathe properly after embracing Zachary's waist and burying her face in his chest. Bianca quickly raised her head and looked at Jacob.

When Bianca's eyes met his, Jacob's eyes curved.

As if the tears that had appeared in his eyes were fake, his smooth face was no different from the natural look at the moment he killed Fernand and taunted her.

Due to his continuously changing expression, she couldn't tell which part was sincere and which was not.

Zachary, who embraced Bianca, whispered softly.

"The prince will have to make excuses for what he did."

"Excuses? No. He should be grateful, Count Arno."

Although caught trying to intimidate Bianca, Jacob seemed calm. Perhaps it was because of the belief that they were in the capital and that the hero, Zachary, couldn't murder him as a member of royalty?

Jacob looked at Zachary and laughed.

"I saved your wife from being harassed by a mere minstrel."

Then Jacob pointed his finger at Fernand's body. Bianca turned to Fernand's body unconsciously, but Zachary blocked her sight first. At the end of his gaze, she could feel his strong will to prevent her from seeing such a horrible sight.

Bianca looked at Jacob. The dead remained silent, but the mouths of the living couldn't be shut, especially if they were directly involved.

Bianca clenched her fists. Her hands were trembling, but fortunately, her voice was not.

"That doesn't justify the prince's harassment. He even slapped my handmaiden."

"I apologize if you felt harassed, Bianca."

The insinuating tone, calling Bianca, was unpleasant.

Zachary's forearm touching Bianca's shoulder swelled with strength. She could hear his teeth grinding. Even if Bianca didn't raise her head to look at Zachary, she could feel how angry he was.

Bianca was equally angered by Jacob's attitude. Bianca, who regretted not being able to openly swear because her opponent was a prince, expressed her disgust sarcastically.

"Furthermore, he never asked for permission to address me by my name. I never thought a prince could be so lacking in manners."

"Then, if I ask for permission, would you allow it?"


Bianca refused categorically.

In the face of the cold response, Jacob's face, which had been smiling, hardened. His absurd expression was refreshing, but Bianca's heart didn't feel relieved. In fact, she felt terrified.

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