TWB (Novel) Chapter 104


The sound of crickets could be heard in the royal garden where darkness had fallen.

Unlike the queen's or the princesses' gardens, the public gardens of the royal family were open to all visitors of the castle. However, it was precisely because of the privileged consciousness of the nobles that they didn't see any merit in visiting a place where everyone could go. Hence, it was an unusual phenomenon to have no guests there.

For Bianca, it was good that it was quiet. As she walked, humming to herself, a woman suddenly appeared. She seemed to be around thirty-five years old. Perhaps because she had rushed, her clothes were slightly disheveled, and her face looked somewhat familiar. She briefly bowed to Bianca and disappeared. Bianca sensed a strange smell, but she couldn't quite place it.

Distracted by the woman, Bianca continued on her way. There was a dimly lit section in the middle of the garden. Yvonne stepped forward and bravely stood in front of Bianca.

"It's not very visible and dangerous, so I'll take the lead."


The scent of grass from the tall trees in the garden tickled Bianca's nose. The noise from the banquet hall seemed distant. Yvonne's back trembled slightly as she took a step forward. It was exciting, but the darkness was intimidating. Bianca laughed.

Then, something pulled Bianca forcefully from behind. Startled by the sudden jerk, Bianca tried to scream, but her mouth was blocked. It was the hand of a prominent man! It was then that Bianca realized it was a man who had dragged her.

Who the hell is this...?

Bianca's struggling heel scraped the dirt path, desperately trying not to be dragged. But it was in vain.


Hidden among the grass, the secret passage among the nobles was famous for those who had a courtly romance, to avoid the gaze of others and have an affair.

It has become so famous that it is no longer visited by people, but on a day like today, when everyone is focused on the banquet, there was no other place like it.

The couple who escaped from the banquet hall passionately desired each other. The brighter and bigger the flame, the faster the candle will burn. No matter how gloomy it may be, the time for their passionate love story quickly came to an end as it was impossible to ignore the eyes of others.

Entering the restroom and leaving the restroom are different things, so the woman turned her head and adjusted her clothes as if nothing had happened. Despite the woman's cold attitude, the man straightened the woman's clothes, paying no attention. He then smiled sweetly and whispered softly in her ear.

"Viscountess Volne. Even if I visit the estate later, please don't neglect me."

"Oh, how could I? Aren't you the one who won't come after saying that?"

"Is it possible?"

"Then you must come."

The woman was Viscountess Volne, who had remained virtually invisible all day in the banquet hall, and her secret partner was Fernand.

Viscountess Volne, softened by the earlier commotion with Fernand, responded softly. Although she responded straightforwardly because they had an affair, she couldn't help but like this young and handsome troubadour who, unlike her authoritarian husband, flattered her as if she were a pet.

Unaware of what had happened to her family, she kissed Fernand on the cheek and returned to the banquet hall.

As soon as Viscount Volne's wife left, Fernand cursed under his breath.

"She still plays hard to get when she's so lewd. Just a moment ago, she was sucking my cock. She sucked so hard it felt like my cock was about to explode."

Fernand adjusted his pants and muttered a stream of vulgar insults. The Volne family was not a highly prominent family in the outskirts of Sevran. Still, it wasn't a family too bad to ignore, so from Fernand's point of view, it was good to maintain such a connection.

However, getting involved with Viscountess Volne wasn't worth the effort. She was too persistent and ill-tempered. It was as if she was trying to resolve her unsatisfying sexual life with her husband.

If Fernand had stayed in the banquet hall a little longer, he wouldn't have devoted himself to Viscountess Volne, but unfortunately, he had no knowledge of the commotion in the banquet hall. Because at that moment, he and Viscountess Volne had escaped from there.

At that moment, the surroundings became a bit noisy. Fernand held his breath and listened.

"After hearing the conversation, there are two women... Perhaps it's not the woman I was with a moment ago? Then it could become a big problem..."

If rumors spread that he had a secret meeting with Viscountess Volne, he would not only be scolded by Viscount Volne but also rejected by the other women he had whispered words of love to just moments ago.

Fernand stopped in his tracks and headed towards the voice. The space where secret meetings took place was hidden so that the entrance couldn't be easily noticed from the outside. Fernand's eyes, hidden in the shadows, gleamed in the darkness.

A green dress and well-braided reddish-brown hair. And the only white shawl in Lahoz with such delicate work... Fernand's lips twisted strangely as he noticed who the unexpected intruder was.

A garden in the middle of the night. A hidden space... famous only among those who know it, but not easily found by the eyes of strangers. And Fernand was convinced that she was unaware of the existence of this space.

This was because it was Bianca's first time coming to Lahoz, and she had been staying in her chambers since arriving in Lahoz.

After seeing her for the first time on the first day of the tournament, Fernand followed her for four days to make her his next target. Therefore, he dedicated himself to knowing even the tiniest details about Bianca.

Fernand worked so hard because he found Countess Arno to be a very enticing prey.

He could receive support from the Blanchefort family and the Arno family! How charming that sounded!

If he could have her by his side, there would be no need to please the Viscountess Volne.

Instead of being treated like a pet by a woman ten years older than him, it was much more tempting to indulge with a woman ten years younger to satisfy his urges.

"The only problem is that she rarely falls into temptation... But it's only a matter of time. It's obvious, right now she's just shy because she's not good at courtship. All women start like this. At first, they pretend not to be interested, but then they eagerly crave to feel pain in their throat and lower back. In the future, she will jump on him with her legs wide open. Of course, she will still be lovely with her youthful charm, but..."

The corners of Fernand's lips, arbitrarily judging Bianca's rejection as shyness, curved. If he forces her to do it, everything will be fine. Whether Bianca falls in love with him or is humiliated by being forced to do it and has her weakness... Either way, it will be beneficial for Fernand.

There was no formidable knight escort protecting Bianca at this moment. Realizing that now was the perfect opportunity, Fernand moved quickly. The time to turn thoughts into action was short.

Fernand covered Bianca's mouth from behind with his hand and dragged her into the secret hideout. Startled by the sudden situation, Bianca resisted with all her might, but it was incomparable to the strength and endurance of a troubadour who wandered throughout the kingdom.

Yvonne, who was walking ahead unaware that Bianca had disappeared, spoke to Bianca as if she was afraid of the darkness.

"Since it's the royal palace, it's definitely well-maintained. Isn't that right, Madam? ...Madam?"

When there was no response from behind, Yvonne, perplexed, looked back. Bianca, whom she expected to be there, was nowhere to be found. Yvonne's complexion paled. Various thoughts crossed her mind. Yvonne raised her voice and searched for Bianca.

"Madam? Where are you, Madam?"

Bianca opened her mouth to respond to Yvonne's desperate call but couldn't say anything due to the hand covering her mouth tightly. In the darkness, it was difficult to see the opponent's face. Who was it? Bianca's eyes, unable to discern who was restraining her, trembled with anxiety.

"...calm down."

The man whispered in her ear...

Bianca, who noticed her opponent in an instant, fought back. But when Fernand held her even tighter, she couldn't move. Fernand gasped and whispered in Bianca's ear.

"Ah... I didn't want it to come to this, Madam."


Bianca smelled good.

Fernand moistened his lips and looked at her with a sinister gaze. Bianca clenched her teeth, disgusted by it. Then she lifted her foot and struck Fernand's instep with her heel.


Perhaps it worked correctly, as Fernand's grip loosened. As soon as that happened, Bianca pushed his arm away from her and escaped.

Bianca, who had escaped from Fernand, looked for an escape route, but it was nowhere to be seen. As Bianca panicked, not knowing where to run, Fernand grabbed her forearm.

It hurt as if her delicate forearm was about to break. She desperately struggled to remove his arm, but couldn't shake his grip. Bianca's pale green eyes gleamed. Bianca raised her free hand and slapped Fernand on the cheek.

There was a loud sound. Fernand, unaware that Bianca had struck him, seemed confused as Bianca pulled her arm away and shouted loudly.

"You disgusting bastard!"

She used to think he was trash for playing with a woman's heart, but she didn't expect it to reach this level. Fernand's eyes trembled under Bianca's disdainful gaze, as if she was looking at an insect. Fernand gasped and took a step closer to Bianca.

"Let's see how long you can be so bold."

"Hah, and you? I'll cut you up and serve you as dog food!"

Bianca pressed her trembling lips together and arrogantly lifted the tip of her chin. She strengthened her voice to hide her fear, but couldn't conceal it.

Bianca anxiously scanned her surroundings. She hoped that Yvonne could hear her voice.


Gaspard was able to leave the banquet hall late. His face contorted when he saw Sauveur and Robert running down the hallway. Still, Bianca wasn't with them.

Gaspard hurriedly approached them and asked, "And the Madam?"

"I spoke with the royal servants, and the soldiers have been released. But we haven't been able to find her at all..."

"The sun is setting, so it won't be easy to find her. Since there's a banquet going on inside, there's a limit to the number of soldiers that can be used in the royal palace..."

"Where could she have gone in such a short period of time?"

"She didn't return to her room?"

"I sent someone to her quarters."


Gaspard let out a pained groan. At that moment, at one end of the hallway, he saw a familiar face. It was his master, Zachary.

Zachary frowned as he looked around the bustling hallway. Spotting the three commanders gathered in the middle of the hallway, Zachary went straight towards them and asked, "What's the commotion? Why is everyone outside the banquet hall? And where is Bianca?"

"...I'm sorry. The Madam went out alone... We're searching for her now."


Zachary's voice hardened. The three commanders looked at Zachary's expression and bowed their heads. But Zachary's boiling fury couldn't be extinguished. His voice sharpened.

"Didn't I tell you not to leave Bianca alone?"

"There's no excuse, Count. Please punish me for my mistake."

Since it was the moment the king was speaking, it was only natural that they couldn't immediately follow Bianca. But Gaspard was Bianca's escort. He should have taken care of Bianca even in that situation. Gaspard silently declared himself guilty, admitting his error without excuse.

Gaspard's circumstances were also guessed by Zachary. Gaspard was far from careless. There must be a reason why he didn't follow Bianca.

However, this was not something that could be easily overlooked. Jacob was wandering outside the banquet hall. If Bianca ever encountered Jacob... Zachary clenched his teeth.

"Gaspard, there must be a reason why you couldn't follow Bianca. You're a man who carries out orders wisely. But then, Robert and Sauveur, shouldn't you have been paying attention? I am truly disappointed in you."

The three commanders couldn't lift their heads to face Zachary, who rarely raised his voice even during war, venting his anger. Especially Robert and Sauveur, who didn't even realize that Bianca had left.

Meanwhile, a woman's scream echoed in the air not too far away.


"...That voice!"

At the sound of the woman's scream, the four of them shivered and tensed up, their heads turning in the direction of the sound, like a dog finding its prey. Gaspard's eyes briefly shone with intensity as he recognized the voice.

"It's Yvonne's voice."

"It seems to have come from the Royal Garden!"

Sauveur pointed towards the source of the voice. Zachary's face turned cold. What could have made Yvonne scream? Maybe something happened to Bianca... Fearful of that thought, Zachary's heart pounded as if it had fallen into the depths of hell.

Zachary clenched his teeth and quickly moved his feet, giving orders. "Immediately to the Royal Garden!"


"Hah, and you? I'll cut you up and serve you as dog food!"

"Dog food. You're going too far."

Fernand smiled and walked towards Bianca.

Bianca trembled at the filthy lust filling his eyes. It was so creepy and disgusting.

Her past self was pathetic for thinking she liked a man like him so much and would even give herself to the Blanchefort family.

It would be good if Yvonne realized where she was, but apparently, it was a hidden place designed for a secret meeting.

If that's the case, it's likely difficult for Yvonne to find it. She would prefer to call for help... But then, if there are some strange rumors... Bianca chuckled quietly. She had already been itching once because of rumors. Even after that, it was amusing that she was worried about rumors.

"It seems you have enough time to laugh. Or was this what you expected in your heart?"

"A situation like this? Are you talking about serving me as dog food or something?"

Bianca mocked him.

Bianca was a woman who held her head high in front of her husband, Zachary, even when she was very scared. Bianca never bowed her head. She knew well that if she showed weakness to someone so insidious, she would only be dragged down. Knowing that she was afraid in this situation, he would take advantage of her instead of having compassion.

Fernand's face distorted at Bianca's provocation. His voice still sounded calm, but his expression revealed his intention to threaten Bianca.

"I don't think it's wise for you to provoke me."

"What the hell?"

The response to Fernand's threats came from behind Fernand, not from Bianca.

It was the voice of an unknown man.

Fernand turned around in surprise, and Bianca furrowed her brow to catch a glimpse of the man who slowly appeared in the darkness.

Even in the darkness, a handsome man with light blond hair and a shining beauty stood out with his blue eyes.

"What kind of amusing thing is this in the royal palace?"

"Second Prince...!"

Fernand immediately fell face down in front of the opponent who couldn't be seen. His body trembled. He was fortunate that it wasn't Zachary, but that didn't mean he was in a situation where he would welcome Jacob's interruption.

The scandal of a jester harassing an aristocratic woman in the royal garden is also related to the loss of the royal family's honor, so it was clear that as a prince, he would react sensitively, and moreover, Jacob was very interested in Bianca.

Fernand's face contorted miserably.

Bianca furrowed her brow angrily at the addition of another unpleasant person. From Bianca's perspective, Jacob or Fernand were the same. Two dogs. Maybe Jacob had intentionally made Fernand threaten Bianca.

In a previous life, Fernand had been used as Viscount Huegh's pawn, completely ruining Bianca's life. And since Viscount Huegh belonged to the second prince's faction, it felt like a plausible hypothesis to Bianca.

Jacob's appearance was a coincidence, and it was the first time Jacob and Fernand had met, but Bianca's ignorant eyes were filled with suspicion. Bianca struggled to figure out how to get out of this situation.

At that moment, Yvonne appeared behind the second prince.

As soon as Yvonne found Bianca, her face turned pale, and she ran towards her, blocking the gap between her and Fernand.

"Are you alright, madam?"

"Yes, don't worry."

Bianca replied, rubbing her burning wrist, which had been grabbed by Fernand, with her other hand.

Yvonne repeatedly rubbed her back as if trying to calm Bianca, but Yvonne's hand trembled even more. Bianca's heart calmed down at the concerned and distressed gaze of Yvonne.

Meanwhile, Fernand was making excuses to Jacob.

Bianca found that amusing.

"Why are you begging Jacob? You've done something wrong to me. Shouldn't you be begging me?"

Bianca stared at Fernand as if she were about to tear him apart, but he was busy begging on his knees, anxiously looking at Jacob with desperate eyes.

"P-Please listen, Second Prince. Of course, in this moment, this situation may seem a bit suspicious, b-but..."

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