TWB (Novel) Chapter 103


"Oh, Viscount Volne. Are you returning to your territory?" Jacob's natural words, which revealed his internal turmoil, made him choke, but he couldn't reveal his uncomfortable feelings. Viscount Volne tried not to offend Jacob, desperately clinging to him.

"Your Highness, please save me."

"Haha. If someone hears that, they'll think His Majesty has kicked you out. It's not a big deal."

Jacob said it wasn't a big deal, but both Jacob and Viscount Volne knew the truth.

Jacob waved his hand slightly as if brushing off something annoying.

In his demeanor lighter than paper, it was evident that Jacob was mocking Viscount Volne, but there was no time for Viscount Volne to feel humiliated by it. Because he really only had Jacob left.

"But if Your Highness forgets about me, I won't be able to move around the kingdom for the rest of my life. If you let go of your indifference, I will do my best to dedicate myself to the second prince so that I can ascend to the noblest position in all of the Sevran Kingdom."

Viscount Volne looked at Jacob with a subservient gaze. If he flatters him, Jacob won't be able to treat him with coldness either. But Jacob added with a laugh.

"Fine. What can someone who was pushed by a woman do for me without being able to offer a single word of excuse?"

Viscount Volne's cheeks trembled with shame at Jacob's openly mocking attitude. Even Viscount Volne knew that his family's powers did little to help Jacob become king. But would he have come to Jacob without any belief? Viscount Volne, who had some beliefs, struggled to persuade Jacob with a smile.

"My daughter will now be the maid of Princess Odelli. Princess Odelli is a blood relative of the first prince, so she will be able to gather a lot of useful information. My daughter will also be happy to search for information for Your Highness."

"Fine, fine. Viscount Volne. I understand your sincerity, but I don't think it will be of much help to my future."

Jacob was sarcastic. His eyes seemed so determined that Viscount Volne became a mute person eating honey.

"And if I spend time with you, I don't think Bianca will like it."

After saying that, Jacob turned around and left. The cold air flowed from beneath Jacob's cloak as he departed. Viscount Volne was stunned by the coldness that seemed to never look back at him.

Bianca? After pondering for a while, he realized that Bianca was the name of the Countess of Arno. But why the hell did her name come up here? Are Jacob and the Countess Arno really involved in something? If so, he has come to the wrong place. It's not Jacob he needs to go after...

"Viscount Volne."


Startled by the sudden sound calling him from behind, Viscount Volne quickly turned around.

There was a man dressed in black, observing him. It was Zachary.

He was still a tall man with broad shoulders, but he was even more threatening as he wore a black fur cape.

Seeing the cold black eyes shining beneath his silver hair, Viscount Volne swallowed. It was Zachary whom Viscount Volne was supposed to seek. Jacob and Zachary, strangely enough, he encountered the people he wanted to see today. Is this auspicious or unfortunate...?

While Viscount Volne organized his complicated thoughts, Zachary opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry about what happened today."

Zachary's voice was hoarse. At first glance, he had a kind attitude that seemed to console the viscount, but Viscount Volne couldn't let his guard down due to the instinctive threat.

"How humiliated must a man feel when he gets involved in women's affairs and is expelled from the capital without even being able to utter a word in defense?"

As expected, in the face of Zachary's subsequent cynical remarks, Viscount Volne bit his lip. His voice was soft, but the inner content was sharp as if it were stabbing his lungs with a razor.

But all of this is because you are unaware of the reality of your wife.

Despite Zachary's sharp reaction, Viscount Volne smiled and spoke kindly to him. He felt like his lips were going to tear apart from being forced to smile all day, but he had no choice but to contain himself.

"Count Arno, let go of your anger. I am well aware that the Countess's affairs have troubled the Count. But it's not because I'm hostile towards you. I have always admired you, that's why I couldn't bear to see you deceived!"

Viscount Volne shouted excitedly. His attitude was so passionate that anyone who didn't know the circumstances would mistake him for being loyal to Zachary. It is said that all humans have different attitudes depending on their opponent, but the viscount's change in attitude as if he completely flipped his hands was incredible.

To express such intimacy towards the person who insulted him just a moment ago! Viscount Volne, who felt that his performance was quite plausible even when he thought about it himself, fell even more in love with the act.

He looked at Zachary with serious eyes and whispered, as repulsive as a toad. His breath still smelled of alcohol. But, as Viscount Volne himself didn't know, he got even closer to Zachary.

"Count Arno. It may be uncomfortable for me to say this, but you have to listen. It's about Prince Jacob and the Countess of Arno..."

"Viscount Volne."

Zachary firmly cut off Viscount Volne's words. It was also what Viscount Volne expected. How could Zachary believe the nobleman who had just had a confrontation with his wife?

However, if Viscount Volne continued to arouse suspicions about Bianca's infidelity, then Zachary would personally come to him afterward.

Viscount Volne opened his mouth to utter the words Jacob had spoken about Bianca before, but Zachary left him speechless.

"I know guys like you. I see them often on the battlefield. Those petty people who can't admit their defeat as such. For their own safety, they fight to the bitter end, dragging everything with them in excuses, disregarding the mud that splashes the honor of others. Those who cover lies with lies to achieve results beyond their capabilities..."

When Zachary first entered the battlefield at the age of 16, there were many who couldn't accept his defeat simply because he was young. Enemies belittled Zachary's skills, and those on his own side tried to steal his distinguished war services.

Zachary was not a greedy man, but he was not a fool who would be deprived of what he had in his hands.

"Aren't you curious about how I silenced them?"


Startled by Zachary's momentum, Viscount Volne, unknowingly, stammered and stepped back. Zachary smiled softly. As the banquet continued, the sun began to set, and a deep shadow fell over Zachary's profile. Zachary's smile strangely gleamed in the darkness.

"Remember, Viscount Volne. As you know, I'm not that patient. Instead of persuading something to stop being a nuisance, I feel more comfortable getting rid of it."

Zachary had no intention of arguing with Viscount Volne in the first place. He approached Viscount Volne because he had a warning to give, not because he had something to say to him.

The words Viscount Volne put in his mouth were obvious. For the sake of his own safety, he would play with Bianca's honor. A noble is a knight of the king, but to think that such a knight would display such ignorant behavior. Zachary's black eyes burned like hot charcoal.

"Viscount Volne's territory happens to be not far from the border with the Kingdom of Aragon. There isn't even a border guard nearby to protect the viscount's land... At this moment, they usually invade from the north of Aragon, but by chance, they could invade from the south, where Viscount Volne is located. Therefore, it would be best to focus on developing your power within the territory."


Zachary's threats were bold and terrifying. Doesn't that imply that he could destroy Viscount Volne by pretending it was an attack from the Kingdom of Aragon?

Count Arno was also famous for not speaking empty words. If he said he would start a war, he would actually do it.

The viscount Volne's complexion, tormented by Zachary's threatening attitude towards his territory, felt relieved at the thought that he hadn't fully heard everything he intended to say.

No matter what he said, Zachary wouldn't listen. As such, Zachary's hostility was blatant.

"I-I didn't mean to offend the Count. Well then, have a good day."

Viscount Volne, unable to bear Zachary's menacing gaze that was so intense it made his hair stand on end, stammered and muttered words that were nothing more than excuses, and finally tucked his tail between his legs and escaped.

The viscount Volne's head was spinning. He could feel Zachary's gaze following his back. Even without looking back, he could imagine how it looked. Hidden in the darkness, with shining eyes, he watched as if he were a beast chasing its prey.

Everyone in the capital is insane. It was not something that could be understood by following human common sense.

The countess openly speaking to the king about her dignity as a noble, the second prince easily wasting the opportunity to sow seeds in the hostile faction because he fears his lover's hatred, the Count proclaiming a declaration of war against his own territory after talking about his wife's infidelity...

Viscount Bolne shuddered. Zachary and Jacob refused to listen to him, so there was no way out. This trip to the capital was a complete waste.

Was it a mistake to get involved in politics? Alcohol! Alcohol was definitely a problem too. If he hadn't been drinking, he could have prevented Celine from doing weird things... When he returns to the territory, he won't drink alcohol again. He rushed out of the palace while snorting.

As expected, Zachary stood his ground and watched Viscount Volne leave through the gates. He won't think of foolishness now that he has been threatened. For a while, he will remain silently in his territory.

Those who harbor hostility are like sparks that you never know when they will reignite. Their hostility tends to emerge at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.

The extent of the impact would depend on the size of the sparks, but the annoyance was the same. If it were for him, he would let it go, but if it concerns Bianca...

In the first place, there shouldn't be a reason for sparks to fly. The method to remove the sparks was simple. He just had to stomp on them so much that they would lose the desire to climb.

Zachary clicked his tongue and turned around. Now that he has resolved his concerns, it was time to return to Bianca.


Not long after Zachary left, Bianca looked around.

At the same time, the conversation shifted towards Zachary's three commanders, especially Gaspard.

At that moment, Bianca took a breath from the attention she had been receiving all this time and nudged Yvonne.


"Yes, Madam?"

Bianca didn't respond, she just moved the tip of her chin. It was a signal for them to leave.

While Yvonne was confused about what to do, Bianca slipped away from her seat.

Yvonne silently followed Bianca but glanced at Gaspard in perplexity. A look of embarrassment flashed across Gaspard's stern face when their eyes met.

Gaspard moved to follow Bianca. But as soon as he did, the king spoke to him.

"After all, there's a warrior beneath a warrior. I was well aware of Count Arno's abilities, but I didn't know that even Lord Gaspard would show such great performance."

"...I'm flattered."

"He's one of the most talented individuals I've ever met. It was amazing, Sir Gaspard."

"Still, I didn't win."

"I got lucky. And that luck vanished in the match against Sir Arno."

The Castilian knight who faced Gaspard in the semifinal also chimed in, putting Gaspard in a bind.


Gaspard, unable to easily interrupt the conversation between the king and knights from another country, blinked towards Sauveur and Robert who were beside him. However, they were also engaged in conversation with the person beside them, so they barely thought to look at Gaspard.

"Certainly, the Battle of Delphine was quite challenging. Therefore... Ouch!"

"Is something the matter, Sir Robert?"

"Haha, nothing..."

Robert awkwardly smiled and rolled his eyes at Gaspard after unconsciously shouting. It was because Gaspard, not knowing what to do, pinched Robert's thigh under the table. Upon Robert's yelp, Sauveur also turned his gaze towards them. Robert gritted his teeth and whispered softly.

"What the hell was that for?"

"The Madam..."

"Then, Sir Gaspard, if time allows, I would like to face you..."

Just as Gaspard was about to give a brief response, the Castilian knight made a timely request. If Gaspard had been a little more talkative, he would have skillfully diverted the conversation elsewhere in this situation, but unfortunately, he was far from being a skilled conversationalist. With a pained groan, he responded to the Castilian knight and nudged Robert towards where Bianca was sitting.

That was when Robert and Sauveur realized that Bianca had disappeared. Their faces turned pale. It was entirely their fault for letting Madam wander alone.

If Zachary finds out about this, how angry he will be! Even in a tournament with so many eyes, they took turns escorting her...

Instead of Gaspard, who was caught up in a conversation with the king and the Castilian knight, they hurriedly asked for understanding and followed Bianca.

But when they stepped out into the hallway, it was already too late. Bianca had disappeared a long time ago, and they looked around, lost.

As they did so, Bianca, who had taken Yvonne, exited the building. Yvonne, who had followed Bianca unknowingly, trailed behind her and asked.

"What are we doing?"

"We're going to get some fresh air."

"But without an escort... Why don't we go back now and ask Sir Gaspard to accompany us?"

"It's fine. He's talking with His Majesty, we shouldn't interfere."

Despite Yvonne's concerns, Bianca was calm. However, as they continued walking, it seemed as if they were desperately fleeing to avoid being caught by someone. Yvonne kept looking back, trying to cling to Bianca.

"Still, ...why don't we wait a little before continuing? If not Sir Gaspard, then Sir Robert or even Sir Sauveur..."

"But Sauveur is loud, and Robert is bothersome. I think I've heard enough stories today to last a week. I don't want to stay in the banquet hall anymore."

Bianca waved her hand as if she didn't want to think about it. It was a gesture filled with annoyance. Yvonne had the same assessment of Sauveur and Robert, but she was in the position of serving Bianca. Unable to accept her argument, Yvonne cautiously addressed her remaining concerns.

"The Count wouldn't like it very much..."

"But the Count isn't here right now."

"If something happens..."

"I'll just step out in front. The inside of the banquet hall is so poorly ventilated that I came just to catch my breath. Oh, there's a garden over there."

Bianca, ignoring Yvonne's concerns, pointed to the garden not far from the hall. Yvonne sighed and followed closely. Bianca was a good teacher, but her stubbornness was significant.

Even the butler, Vincent, no, even the Count, Zachary, had no history of defeating Bianca in an argument. However, it would be too much to expect Yvonne to convince Bianca. Unable to break through Bianca's argument, Yvonne had no choice but to help Bianca walk.

Meanwhile, the sun had disappeared, and darkness loomed. A previously lit chandelier faintly illuminated their path. It was bright enough to see the way. The garden's towering trees, like a labyrinth, obscured their view.

Bianca took a deep breath as she entered the royal garden. It wasn't just the banquet that had exhausted her. Many things had happened between yesterday and today. She was physically drained, but also mentally.

Her relationship with Zachary gave Bianca stability, instability, and conflicting feelings all at once. It was also true that her relationship with Zachary was better than expected.

Would she have been able to enjoy this moment more comfortably if she hadn't known the future?

She shouldn't bother with that, but she couldn't easily stop her thoughts from unconsciously leaning towards it. The further the banquet progressed, the more she thought about it.

The king and the first prince, the little prince, her father, her brother... Bianca became breathless as soon as she realized that most of the people present there would die within a few years.

Finally, Bianca escaped from the banquet hall. She made up the excuse that it was bothersome, but in reality, she was breathless to the point where she couldn't even afford to wait for Gaspard or the others.

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