TWB (Novel) Chapter 100


When Bianca showed no reaction, those who were leading the conversation towards Bianca felt embarrassed. Celine's eyebrows shot up sharply. She asked persistently, like a hyena searching for an opening in Bianca.

"What are your hobbies, Countess?"

"It's embarrassing, but there's nothing in particular that I enjoy."

"Please. A noblewoman should have at least one or two hobbies, shouldn't she?"

Bianca let out a small sigh at the excessively shrill voice.

She was going to take a closer look at who leaked the rumors, but she was surprised that her existence was so blatantly revealed. Was she fortunate that the work wasn't bothersome and time-consuming...?

Apparently, when Celine, the youngest daughter of Viscount Volne, threw a comment, Baroness Guildard and the others probed into her words. And Catherine, the Countess of Davoville, who accompanied them, found herself caught in the middle unable to do this or that.

They were hostile towards Bianca, perhaps because they were dissatisfied with her solitary manner, not attending their gatherings or having any other social relationships.

Bianca couldn't afford to be concerned with such socialization, but from her viewpoint, Bianca intended to be noble and pure for herself.

Of course, that didn't mean Bianca would decide to start stressing herself and spend time with them, so this relationship wouldn't calm down. So she had no choice but to step forward.

Bianca replied, still pondering in her head how to make it work for her.

"I spend my time weaving or embroidering."

"That's thrifty. Did you embroider the dress you're wearing today?"

Baroness Guildard said disdainfully.

Embroidery and weaving were often just part of aristocratic culture, and they were not considered worthy of a hobby. It was shameful for a noblewoman to embroider her own dress, as it was something that maids did to earn a living.

Bianca responded calmly to the provocation.

"Fortunately, the maids in our household are quite skilled at embroidery."

"That's right. The embroidery on the dress is really delicate."

Feeling that the atmosphere was flowing strangely, the wife of the first prince awkwardly smiled and intervened, but as soon as she did, the hostile comments clung to it.

"Did you use gold thread? It's green satin... Must have cost a penny or two."

"I would believe it if you put all my money invested in falconry into a dress."

"A dress like that could be exchanged for five well-bred falcons."

One by one, they began to comment. Ordinary people would be so intimidated that they couldn't say anything, but Bianca snorted.

Raising a falcon that can go hunting doesn't cost much money, but raising a falcon is culture, and investing money in a dress is a waste of money. It wasn't even enjoyable. Both are a waste of money for those who don't have money, so what's the point? If they had the money anyway, they would want to wear a dress like this.

When she said that embroidery was her hobby, they treated her as if she were poor, but when she said that the maids did it, she became a woman of luxury. If they're going to criticize her, she would like public opinion to be created in one direction and not this and that, but their comments clashed contradictorily due to the desire to downplay Bianca on both sides.

But they weren't the only ones harboring resentment. Since the beginning of the banquet, they had been eyeing Bianca's attire, and their lips were sweet, but because they weren't close, those who had never asked before opened their mouths one by one, seizing this opportunity.

"Madam Arno. What is that white shawl? It's the first time I've seen it... Is it made of the same material as the handkerchief Count Arno gave you at the tournament?"

What interested them was the lace. The moment Zachary, who won the tournament, handed Bianca a white lace handkerchief along with the golden rose, all the eyes of the nearby noblewomen were fixed on it.

The handkerchief a knight carries is originally given by the lady. Everyone wanted to ask Bianca, the owner of the handkerchief, what it was and where she had obtained it.

It was well-known that the wife of Count Arno did not socialize, so this banquet would be the only opportunity they had to ask. Naturally, as they searched for the right moment to speak, Celine and her gang continued to make absurd noises, causing the hearts of the women to burn.

The lace was also a highly anticipated topic for Bianca. Presenting the lace handkerchief to Zachary was also a necessity to make lace a popular subject. That's why she wore a large lace shawl for everyone to see today.

How could she explain the lace in a more mysterious and plausible way?

Bianca chose an answer that could help elevate the value of the lace, even if just a little.

It was unfamiliar for Bianca, who paid no attention to others, to respond while thinking about how others would accept her words.

When Bianca clarified her thoughts and opened her mouth to respond in the most discreet way possible, someone intervened. It was Celine.

"Isn't that necklace a black opal? It seems like all of Arno's earnings were spent on the Countess's dress. Didn't the Count say anything?"

"It's fine because the earnings from our territory are not just this."

Despite the unwanted voice and topic, Bianca responded slowly. But Bianca's heart wasn't at ease. Until now, she had let it slide, but when she was about to boast about the lace, she was severely interrupted right in front of her face. The corners of Bianca's lips, which had been unaffected until this incident, twisted.

"And my husband never said a word about it. On the contrary, he said it suited me well, so I only wonder if I would like to buy another one."

Bianca laughed as if it were a folly. Meanwhile, Count Arno remained calm. The fact that there were no signs of embarrassment from Bianca's words, no signs of secret exasperation, was evidence of her words.

As if Celine's stupid words were very amusing, Bianca's smiling face slightly lifted, and Celine's face turned red. If Bianca's words were true, Count Arno was a wonderful husband. She was terrified of not being able to secure a glamorous boyfriend, but the fact that the husband of such a nasty and ugly woman was Count Arno made her stomach churn.

The other women looked at their husbands. Perhaps because there were many stabs in their sharp eyes, the husbands secretly avoided their gazes by coughing.

Convinced that she had taken the initiative, Bianca instinctively knew she had to seize this opportunity. She said, looking around with her cold, light green eyes.

"I know there are many rumors about me. But I wonder how many of them are true. Although I'm not very sociable, there are only a handful of people I've met in the capital, yet I'm greatly puzzled because everyone here seems to know things about me that I don't even know myself."

As soon as Bianca's words fell, the atmosphere grew cold. Everyone closed their mouths and looked Bianca in the eyes.

Bianca exaggeratedly sighed and tilted her head. Her hair fluttered down, revealing the white nape of her neck, looking pitiful like a white deer.

"Well... I have no intention of discussing rumors. Because I really don't care what other people say about me anyway. But I don't think it's polite to intentionally say something excessively sarcastic in a place where everyone is gathered like this."

Saying that, Bianca's eyes focused on Celine. It was clear whom Bianca was pointing at. Everyone paid attention to Celine and her gang. Celine, bewildered by the sudden gaze, shouted.

"Don't pretend to be a poor victim, Countess Arno! We know the truth!"

"What truth?"

She finally got her. Bianca blinked as if she genuinely didn't understand, trying to suppress the urge to scream with ecstasy.

Celine was left speechless by Bianca's natural reaction. Although she shouted loudly without realizing it, there was no one who could openly criticize her in the banquet hall. Her bad personality or lack of manners were nothing more than gossip, and they were trivial things to publicize.

Isn't there something she can point out?

Celine caught Catherine's gaze as she bit her lip.

A thought appeared in her mind at that moment!

As questionable as it was why she had missed it, the information that was too clear to humiliate Bianca snapped Celine out of her confusion.

She didn't know if it was really a good idea for her to comment on it, but Celine was confident.

Celine lifted her chin as if ignoring Bianca.

"Countess, don't you suffer from delusional jealousy?"



The question was so absurd that Bianca asked irritably.

Zachary, who was listening to the story by her side, also furrowed his brow because he felt uncomfortable. Bianca with delusional jealousy. There was no word that fit her worse than that.

It was as amusing as when suspicions arose about Bianca and Gaspard's relationship. The lips of those who knew Bianca twisted.

Count Blanchefort was equally perplexed.

The smile vanished from the Count's face.

Not because he believed Bianca suffered from that disorder.

However, he didn't expect there to be someone so hostile towards Bianca. He knew Bianca's personality was a bit chaotic, making it difficult to easily please people, but he thought it would be fine since she wouldn't be dating anyone in the first place... First, it was suspicion of an affair, now it's delusional jealousy. He was bewildered by the sudden situation where his daughter became a target for the women.

But for once, he kept his mouth shut and observed the situation.

He believed Bianca could handle it well, and also because it was her husband, Zachary, not her father, who had to step forward at this moment.

Of course, he was ready to step in without hesitation in a situation where it was needed. And Bianca's older brother, Johaseng, thought the same.

Celine, unaware of the internal feelings of those surrounding Bianca, continued questioning her as if she wouldn't miss this opportunity.

"They say that if the maids give a glance to Count Arno, they will be beaten and expelled. I have heard stories of how cruel he is from one of the maids who was beaten and stripped in the middle of winter."

It was obvious which event Celine was referring to. It was the story when Ante was expelled. Knowing that Ante was with them, it was not surprising that Celine would say such a thing.

However, unlike Bianca's nonchalant attitude, Zachary's face contorted.

As much as he knew the truth of the incident, Zachary was furious because Bianca was reprimanded for Celine's distorted lies. It's just a dress and a jewel. He couldn't understand why Bianca had to listen to this. He didn't bring her to the banquet to be treated like that.

Zachary, unable to contain his anger, opened his mouth to explain the distorted rumors, but Bianca stopped him and shook her head.

An unhappy look passed through Zachary's expressionless face. The look that asked why she wouldn't let him say anything touched Bianca's heart even more.

Celine, who acknowledged that there was something to manipulate Bianca's attitude, was elated. That's right. Isn't she uneasy because there's something she feels guilty about? Celine didn't lose her momentum and called for witnesses to press Bianca perfectly.

"Countess of Davoville, call the maid."

The attitude of a young viscountess ordering the countess made the people around them frown slightly.

But now, nothing could be seen in Celine's eyes, who thought Bianca had been cornered.

When asked to call Ante, Catherine hesitated. Countess Arno did nothing wrong. It was only Celine's selfishness to discredit her.

She knew that Celine was internally jealous of Countess Arno. But she didn't expect it to come to this point. Catherine blinked in embarrassment, but she didn't have the confidence to refute Celine's force as fierce as a wild horse. Celine widened her eyes in a triangle and urged Catherine.


Catherine, who was weak-spirited, couldn't bear to say no. In the end, she had no choice but to call Ante.

"... Ante. The young Viscountess Volne is looking for you. Come here."

Ante, who had taken a step back while serving Catherine, clenched her teeth. She's a pitiful lady who can't protect her maid. Until now, she had used Catherine's indecisiveness to gain advantages, but now there was only resentment left.

When she spoke ill of Bianca, she didn't think it would come to this. Her life had been ruined because of Bianca, so she thought she would give it a try. Wouldn't it be better to pretend to know too much?

The problem was when she encountered Bianca in the heir princess's garden, she got angry because Bianca didn't recognize her and spoke impulsively.

Ante looked at Bianca with trembling eyes. Her pale white face, like a wax doll, stared at her unblinkingly. That expression she had when she struck her with her hand several times. A snake-like woman. A diabolical woman...

Ante's mind was complicated. The truth was that Bianca would never leave Ante alone. Goosebumps appeared on Ante's body. Like a pig led to the slaughter with a leash, she hesitated and took a step forward.

Celine didn't understand Ante's feelings.

Isn't she just a maid? The maid, as intended, only had to expose Bianca's weaknesses in front of others. Celine triumphantly urged Ante.

"Come on, tell me. How was Countess Arno in the castle?"


Ante couldn't easily open her mouth. She hesitated and looked at Bianca. As much as she slandered Bianca around her, Ante knew that the delusional jealousy was a lie. But saying that she doesn't know anything would damage Celine's reputation, who sought to establish herself here, so Celine wouldn't stay quiet.

Her mistress was Catherine, but she didn't expect much from Catherine. Indecisive and timid, wouldn't she be swayed by the words of a young viscountess?

If the people around her wanted Ante to be punished, Catherine wouldn't be able to protect her. Before this happened, she should have seduced Count Davoville and brought him to her side.

While she was in the capital, she searched for opportunities, but it was in vain. She thought this banquet would be a good chance, but she ended up entangled in pointless things.

If she utters a single misplaced word, it will be a real disaster. Between Celine and Bianca, Ante swallowed her saliva. The tip of her tongue trembled, and she was speechless.


Everyone at the banquet turned their attention to Ante. The eyes of those inferring why the maid was summoned shifted between Ante, Bianca, and Celine.

Is this the maid Celine spoke of earlier, who was beaten and stripped in the middle of winter?

Even in the capital city with many beauties, Ante was objectively pretty.

Many men felt sorry for Ante's pitiful appearance as they looked at the two noblewomen.

Bianca didn't care about the atmosphere that seemed sympathetic towards Ante. She looked at Ante, who couldn't even utter a word, and spoke calmly.

"It's been a long time. Can we safely say that this outcome is because you couldn't control your own mouth?"

Bianca tried to lower the corner of her mouth that was about to rise. She couldn't be happier. Because it was the situation she aimed for.

That's why Bianca moderately resisted Celine's provocations and encouraged them.

She made sure to bring out Ante, the source of the rumors, in front of everyone!

Many people didn't care about the stigma Bianca carried. To them, it must have been just a small topic of conversation to accompany their tea. It was probably just an echo that no one cared enough about for Bianca to explain it with her own mouth.

So she cleared the board. So that people would be interested. And so that the culprit would apologize for all the commotion caused so far.

She didn't have a particular resentment towards Celine or Ante. However, Bianca needed someone else to absorb the rumors that had been circulating around her. The most effective way to get rid of rumors was to pass them on to others.

To be honest, Bianca wasn't too bothered by the absurd rumors that circulated. It was already familiar to her. She knew better than anyone that she wasn't liked by everyone, and she didn't particularly care about the negative voices of others. But the rumors about her shouldn't tarnish the names of Arno and Blanchefort.

Bianca sighed heavily. She averted her gaze from Ante, who bowed her head without saying a word, and directed her arrow towards Celine.

"She was expelled for coveting my husband and belittling me through abusive language. Young Viscountess, did you know about that?"


Celine stuttered. Things had taken a strange turn.

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